Only 6000 tickets were offered to attend the Tangier Union match and the fans are angry

  • Time:Nov 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The works to which the Ibn Battuta Stadium will affect the return of the Tanjawi fans to the stadiums, as it was decided to determine the number of fans that can attend the stadium in only 8,000 people.

طرح 6000 تذكرة فقط لحضور مباراة اتحاد طنجة والجمهور غاضب

The decision came after a visit by a committee from the state of Tangier at the beginning of this week, to discuss how to manage access to the stadium in light of the works, the committee came in implementation of the decision set by the Royal University for coordination between the authorities and sports teams for a quiet and smooth return to the fans.

And reflected the pictures that the Casablanca teams appeared, where the fans covered the stadiums, only 6000 tickets will be put in front of the fans to attend the next interview for the Union of Tangier.

This trend left anger among the fans of the Federation, who considered the decision not fair, while demands are spread to change the interview stadium in the event of insisting on determining the number of fans present between 8000 and 6000.