One of them is free and 7 for two pounds.. Alexandria's beaches are for the poor during Eid

  • Time:Apr 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Alexandria - Mohamed Abdel Ghani:

For Alexandrians, holidays have always been associated with the sea, as it is a part of the city’s identity that melted in the hearts of its residents and lovers. Despite this, for years, a large number of low-income citizens were unable to enter with their families to any of the beaches due to the high ticket prices before this situation changed completely. The year with the opening of the first beach completely free and 7 other beaches for only two pounds for a ticket.

"Al-Ahram Evening" presents a list of 7 public beaches managed by the Central Administration for Tourism and Resorts, so that those wishing to spend the Eid al-Adha vacation will know their destination among them.

Alexandria includes 7 public beaches where vacationers are allowed to enter their umbrellas and chairs, and the ticket costs only two pounds, and in the case of tools, he pays “3 pounds for the umbrella, one pound for the chair, and two pounds for the table.”

As for the map and places of public beaches, the neighborhood of Awal Al-Montazah includes two beaches: Miami and Al Saraya in the Sidi Bishr area, and within the Sharq neighborhood, Glim Beach is located, and in the Jumrouk neighborhood, Sayed Darwish Beach is located in front of the Children’s Library. It includes the West El Max Beach neighborhood.

The city also includes a free beach, which is Al-Mandara, which is located on an area of ​​230 meters, and citizens can enter it without collecting any fees, and obtain beach equipment and use the bathrooms throughout the day for free.

Citizens: Have mercy on us from exploiting tenants

Muhammad Islam, a resident of the Mandara area, said that the free beach allocated by the governorate in the area was a real gift for citizens with low incomes who are unable to afford the costs of private beaches, whose ticket is between 15 and 25 pounds per person, meaning that the family needs about 200 pounds to enter, other than tips. .

أحدها مجاني و7 مقابل جنيهين.. شواطئ الإسكندرية للفقراء خلال العيد

Magdy Mahmoud, one of the people in the Sidi Beshr area, says that this year Alexandria has returned again to the poor and low-income, after many years of absence and the beaches being restricted to certain groups, adding: "Have mercy on us from exploiting the tenants."

Guidelines for low-income people

For his part, Major General Mohamed Al-Sharif, Governor of Alexandria, said that the governorate lacked over the past 20 years a free beach for citizens, pointing out that the family needed about 300 pounds to enter the beach between tickets and gratuities.

The governor stressed that the orientations of the political leadership are largely concerned with the low-income and the poor, providing them with a human life and the means of entertainment and care, and for this, a free beach was established in the Mandara area for the people of the governorate and citizens.

He added, it became the right of every family head to enter the new beach according to the national number card and completely free of charge, as he and his family would find umbrellas and chairs without having to pay any money.

He pointed out that street vendors are prohibited from entering Mandara Beach, explaining that any citizen in Egypt can reserve his place on the beach through an application on the phone or what is known as electronic reservation.

"Tourism and Resorts" raise preparations for Eid

In turn, Major General Gamal Rashad, head of the Central Administration for Tourism and Resorts in Alexandria, announced that the level of maximum preparedness in the Central Administration of Tourism and Resorts had been raised, noting that a plan had been drawn up to intensify the presence of inspectors and observers on the beaches in the eastern and western sectors.

He appealed to the beach-goers to cooperate and report any violations as soon as they occur, as well as adhere to the dates of going into the sea and use garbage bags in order to maintain the cleanliness of the beaches.

He also appealed to citizens not to throw any plastic materials on the beach, as well as to follow up on the beach occupancy rates on the website before going to the beaches to avoid crowding, especially with the high turnout expected during the days of Eid al-Adha.