About bored the sixth Irotic details in the morning Maktt for nature before Adam, like a painful water like a knife

  • Time:Jul 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Eternal, a long road to Ethaka

Many things befitting the sixth in the morning

Like talking to God, or listening to the feet of the children and those who follow the school

Or monitoring the dough and the identity of the barren's hand, or plans to breach it.

Lord, I am alone

I live in a building full of people

But I do not know anyone and does not knock on my door

Perhaps for a physical reason:

They wake up in the sixth morning, and I sleep at six in the morning.

I am strange

Others abandoned me in mathematical consequences

Every four years, a wall falls from me, I was seeking it

Every four years a mole grows for me above the uterus

Every four years I re -interpret tales.

In my house things go in a mechanical sequence

We know the beginning and we know the road

We are good at imitating the previous stored scenes

Although we are aware of that

We pretend every time that we have accomplished our own journey.

I hear the world flowing around me

I see things change

Each changes its location on the patch

I do nothing, except to monitor the days while falling under the wheels of nothingness.

Nothing the world

Its only entertainment while separating his dice pieces, then he cares for eternity

The eternity in which fear will be dispersed and its edges dissolve.

What does it mean to be dispersed?

To stop taking antidepressants

That the suffering fall into Pinjadin, one of which is narcissistic and the other is right

To pronounce friends with a wide mouth, and not be surprised by their return again

To recognize love as a project that does not fall in front of the electricity bill

To say to the world: Burn, but do not get involved in your ashes.

Many things befitting the sixth in the morning

And nothing happens

However, God hears me as a morning.

In the shot

That extends four ribs

Each of them can accommodate the other husband

Low the galaxy diameter

To become the length of one side.

In the area in which one includes one

"Maktit" for nature before Adam




Bambo stems

Black pet





And verses of poetry.

The post -annex and pre -hug

Words spoil them

And in other accounts


Include your ribs with sanctity worthy of the cry of "God"

And cry

Crying increases the validity of incubation.

On breath bells, set your steps




exhalation .

In this shot

You will hear that the metaphysics found itself dancing

Period, to discover new universes.

Then the physicists will announce

A renewable source of energy, from a warm recurrent reaction.

And when you are sent in the embrace, and you witness, "God"

Each of you is bounced on its tes

None of you responds

The other side.

Light and regular exercise with sweaty arms and a hungry heart

How many holes have come to your teeth;

Deep holes with more capable cavities to hide your sorrows.

Holes suitable as secret passages for forgetfulness

Or as a kiss for a veal of words that you did not say.

You are light and poor

You follow all diets

And you get to know your body as if it had just created.

You lose twenty kilograms

عن ملل التفاصيل الإيروتيكية السادسة صباحاً ماكيت للطبيعة قبل آدم ثقيلة كالماء موجعة كالسكين

In the same way you lose your loved ones

This is how a faint exercise without a jalle

You would like the light of light

So as not to reveal your shadow.

The beginnings have exhausted you a lot

But you have become more wisdom in choosing your wars

And no longer scares words like time or age.

I did not remember what this year number!

Many days fall from your body

Do not pay attention to it

Except when the contraceptive bar ends.

You may also not know the world

But you are more interested in what the horoscope says

What the meteorologist says

And what the chefs suggests on food tables

And what the poets write about Orth.

Vocabulary such as admiration, love and dating, you may forget

You may also forget that you are beautiful

The circle of stories may be completed around you

Without noting how a man passes to the heart of a woman.

Unusually you will love listening to Umm Kulthum

Without making jealousy from a woman who sings for love you did not experience

Or you feel guilty because you are lighter than that of this

Or you meet a rust of the long wait

You will not do all this

You will only listen to Umm Kulthum.

The kneading is no longer entertaining as before

You will be infected with gluten sensitivity, and you will leave the bread on your embodiment

It resembles the first night after farewell or after birth.

And every time you try to control table salt as he wants to marry you

In your hand, the ingredients are disturbed, and your mind does not save you in the matter

Your mind that does not stop thinking, even when you are in your most intimate moments

It jumps between you and spoil what you are trying to cook.

It rarely knocks on your phone or knocks on your door

You are used to invent

And Insk you when she was filled with washing cords in family clothes

Or when the utensils are empty of food

And women accompany you while you are buying the supplies of the house

And you stack the fruit in the refrigerator

And you change the bed sheets

And you are paying dirt from the tables

Even while you teach the garbage

There is a fence that passes inside you.

Maybe you like your mother when you become a mother

And you have to pay attention: mothers are not worthy of repeating

This time is plastic that is not suitable for hardness

It will not intercede for you

Mothers are not satisfied with copies of each other.

Even if you become like the structure of your mother

And your body became multiple coordinates

Abandoning his privacy

On boredom of Irotic details, we will belong to the classic poets

And just members governed by machine mechanics and seizure of time.

Have you become more cruel?

There is no tears in your eyes as if there is no time to cry

Check the pain when leisurely

You say we cannot collapse

The wheel of life must pass over our bodies

Heavy like water..Pain like a knife

Fear fire firewood on summer nights

We must quickly pass on everything without falling into anything

We pass on death as a seasonal ritual

On love as an ice cream cup after a fatty meal

Farewell as if it was the Restart button

On cruelty as if it was the morning exercise.

Suddenly, you wake up at three in the morning with two disappointed eyes

You feel strange breaths next to you

For a while, you ask: Who are these two daughters?

A thin thread running down your stomach

Holding your phone and trying to write to the distant strangers

You start a message and then close it without a word

Maybe you are crying

Maybe you embrace your daughters

You may open the radio on the Holy Quran Radio

Many things may happen

But you will definitely wake up at seven in the morning

As if nothing was _

With two disappointed eyes and a shameful hand, you open the life tape

And for a while, you ask: Whoever tosses from above and then left us, we will embrace it?

The celebrated maternal action...Poets in the trap of motherhood

Every sleep is a long dream or a death from death

Abbas Baydoun in "Magazine"...No one barks outside


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