Nuclear horror night .. The world holds its breath after targeting Zaburigia

  • Time:Jan 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Hours of nuclear horror experienced by all countries of the world after announcing a fire at the Ukrainian nuclear station, which is the largest energy station in all of Europe.

After circulating photos and videos of the accident, talking about the level of nuclear radiation in the region, while the United States and the International Energy Agency announced the readiness of nuclear accident teams and put them in preparation, what happened?

The announcement of the Ukrainian authorities

The Ukrainian authorities revealed the fall of a Russian missile, which caused fire to the largest nuclear station in Europe..

She added that the Russian forces took control of the station and that operations workers guarantee their safety, and that the levels of radiation in the region were not dangerous.

The beginning of the attack

The bombing of the station came at a time when the Russian army pressed its attack on a vital energy -producing Ukrainian city and gaining land in its attempt to isolate the country from the sea..

Nuclear horror night.. العالم يحبس أنفاسه بعد استهداف زابوريجيا

A security camera that was broadcast live and linked from the main page of the Zaburigia station showed what it seemed armored vehicles entering the waiting square and the lights that reveal the building on the building where a camera was installed..

Earlier, the nuclear station spokesman Andre Touz told Ukrainian television that the shells were falling directly on the facility and set fire to one of its six reactors, and said that the reactor is under renewal and does not work, but inside it is nuclear fuel inside it.

Measuring the percentage of nuclear radiation

The regional military administration in Zaburigia said that the measurements that were conducted at 7 am on Friday morning showed that the levels of radiation in the region "remain unchanged and do not endanger the life and health of the population."

Basic equipment is safe

The International Atomic Energy Agency said that the fire did not affect the basic equipment and that the Ukrainian nuclear organizer had not reported any change in the levels of radiation.The American Nuclear Assembly agreed to this, saying that the levels of recent radiation remained among the levels of normal background.

According to the Reuters news agency, the power plant operates with a simple part of its ability, while unit 1 "in the event of interruption" and the units 2 and 3 were separated from the network, and the nuclear facility is cooled. As for unit 4 "it operates with a capacity of 690 megawatts".And the two units 5 and 6 are "cooling".

Nuclear horror night

The attack renewed the concerns that the invasion might destroy one of the 15 Ukrainian nuclear reactors and launches another emergency such as the Chernobyl accident in 1986, which is the worst nuclear disaster in the world, which occurred 110 km north of the capital.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council in the "coming hours" to raise the issue of Russia's attack on the nuclear power plant, according to a statement issued by his office.

Russian novel

In turn, the Russian Ministry of Defense looked responsible for an attack on the Zaporegia nuclear power station site in Ukraine on Ukrainian saboteurs, describing it as a brutal provocation, and Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, said that the nuclear plant is working normally and that the region has been under Russian control since February 28..

Information about the Zaburigia station

The Zaburijia station, southeast of Ukraine, is located on the Dnieber River, 200 kilometers from the disputed region of Donbas, east of the country, and 550 km southwest of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv Kiev..

It provides more than five electricity generated in Ukraine and was established in 1984 and contains 6 reactors capable of generating about 6 GB of electricity, that is, enough 4 million homes needed.