New Year .. 4 girls Balmol in (out of control)!

  • Time:Nov 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

I wrote: Ola Al -Sanjari

Bullying is the behavior that aims to harm a person, either emotionally or physically, it may be using spoken words or physical violence, but in an episode (a new year) of a single -loop series (outside of control) it turns into crimes that have been given a special type.

The bully may have a force that he uses without wisdom or without moral.

The episode (New Year) shows this, where four childhood girlfriends meet in the house of one of them to celebrate the New Year, but from their meeting the memories of the past begin to chase them, where (Aseel) plans to make (Dima) acknowledge what she did in their friend treasures in the past and caused her suicideShe plans to take revenge on her, by restricting her and photographing a video of her as a recognition of all the bad things that she did to destroy her career, to convert the celebration to settle accounts.

Perhaps bullying is not the only issue discussed by the (New Year) episode of the series (Outside of Control), it also deals with society's focus on social media and the extent of its impact on the psychological balance of its followers, loss of identity and privacy.

We find the character (Dima) as an example, as it is (Inflore or Blogger), that profession created by social media, as she is an impressive person who provides videos of products, healthy eating and cosmetics and the dark side of her personality does not appear to anyone, on the other side (Haton) their friend is fullThe body dreams that it has a channel on the Internet and follows all that it offers, (Dima) is the product of what happens when the wrong female is the one that inspires others.(Aseel) lives an ungrateful life full of loss, perseverance and searching for work instead of choosing the comfortable road that Dima chose.

(Areej), the friend who agreed with (Aseel) to revenge for the Dima she did from their friendship with treasures in the past, which led to her death, but she shows a little sympathy and retreat, (Aseel) insists on revenge.

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Each of the four girlfriends have secrets that appear with the escalation of events to find the scenes itself in a series of conspiracy and crimes, to come an unexpected end.

In the end (Aseel) appears in a program in which she talks about her talent for acting and her first film, affected by Dima's death.

(New Year) Women's Championship for (Yara Qassem, Hadeer Abdel Nasser, Darren Al -Bayed, in Fouad), and the guest of Sharaf media, Mahira Abdel Aziz, and directed by Mohamed Wafa.

Short moments of gossip at the beginning of the New Year from the conversation of girls who were childhood friends, each of whom hide a lot inside, so fear begins and things get worse, which leads to chaos and killing, a very slow starting beginning. Photography depends on some elements at home as a way to draw the viewer's attention that it will be important later.

The rapid shots of the scene of torture (treasures), the use of women's cosmetics as a means of torture to prove bullying from form, it took a long time to build the story of girlfriends at the beginning of the episode, the directing came successful in the battles that took place among girls.

Each of the girls' actresses performed their role in mastery, Hadeer Abdel Nasser has a lot for his progress, talented, Yara Qasim presented the calm face and the full spirit of emotions and hidden many, Darren Al -Bayed mastered the role of the two bulk and blogger that does not lose but earns even if it is false and deceived in front of its followers, as well as in Fouad.

The episode (New Year) is taken from the series of the foreign series (in the dark), but foreign work is very similar to the idea of the foreign movie titled (I know what it did last summer), the idea of bullying that leads to killing and covering up and subscribing to the rest of the friends in the matter,To come to those who take revenge on them, and in the end, the four actresses presented a dramatic work full of passion and excitement with a performance that all of them are counted with a mastery of the director Mohamed Wafa, who managed behind the camera to control their performance with high professionalism.