NASA designs new space allowances for the next lunar mission in 2024

  • Time:Jul 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)- Humans have discovered the infinite abyss outside the Earth's atmosphere for more than half a century.

And when astronauts explore the vast extension of the outer space, they need to wear high -tech space allowances to protect them from the harsh conditions of the universe.

Hollywood films dazzled people with space allowances, which led them to believe that they could be worn within a few minutes.

Kathleen Lewis, Secretary of International Space Programs and Space Surprises at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, said the space suit is a spacecraft that operates at full capacity and takes hours to wear it, and requires assistance from colleagues.

"The purpose of the space suit is its existence mainly as a spacecraft in a human form that allows a person to explore self -exploration and do a purposeful work outside the spacecraft or the space station."

The astronaut may require about 4 hours to wear his suit, from start to end, according to Lewis.

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Before traveling to space, astronauts should examine each piece of equipment and make sure they have enough vital supplies, such as oxygen and water.

Throughout the traffic process, a team on Earth supports astronauts.

Sarah Kruna, which is controlling the EVA flight at the Johnson Space Center, affiliated with NASA in Houston, explained that the airline monitors follow a plan of about 30 pages.However, there are other plans that are applied if any problems appear.

It is reported that "EVA" means any activity that is done outside the vehicle.

Space suit analysis

The space suit consists of six different ingredients, and it can contain up to 16 layers, according to NASA.Before space allowances reach the moon, parts of which are tested at the International Space Station.

Richard Rhodes, Vice President of the Xemu pressure clothing development at NASA, said one of the main elements is cooling clothes.

The outfit consists of tubes that manage water around the astronaut, regulate the body temperature and remove excess heat when completing their work.

Each space suit contains a portable life support system, which includes a waterproofing tank, carbon dioxide removal system and more, according to NASA.

The outfit also includes a two -way wireless system so that astronauts can communicate.

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The original space allowances used during Apollo's tasks were less flexible than the suits today.

"When Apollo's astronauts walked on the moon, they were unable to bend and capture a rock ... they had to have a small special tool to catch it," said NASA, Mike Fink, said.

Fortunately, space allowances have come a long time since then, and they have a more flexible structure with gloves.

Lewis said gloves is one of the most sophisticated parts in the space suit, and often the cause of astronauts complaints about their allowances.

She pointed out that "it is very difficult to design gloves so that they are protective and also allow the handicrafts that astronauts need to do purposeful work."

She said that compressed gloves can make you feel upset, especially after hours of work in space.It is important to add elements to heat the gloves, because the fingers of astronauts become cold.

Among the exercises of astronauts before their start in their tasks is to pick up ten cents underwater, and they are wearing their allowances.Lewis explained that many astronauts are trained in their allowances in a swimming pool at the neutral floor laboratory, which is affiliated with NASA in Houston.

Water mimics the feeling of weight, and it is similar to what you feel in space.

Scientists have tried different materials, and have achieved varying degrees of success over the years.At some point, Lewis said that the researchers tried the tips of Kevler's gloves.

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"Kevler is very good in stopping the bullets, but it is not good to stop knives, it is easy to cut," she said.

Lewis adds that astronauts are currently using artificial plastic gloves, but scientists are always looking for better options.

Colored lines are located on the outer part of the space suit.

Lewis said this method allows astronauts to identify their colleagues when they are in space.

Rhodes confirmed that this tried and truly system will be used for Artemis space allowances.

Artemis spacecraft made

NASA needs its space pioneers to safely explore the surface of the moon within the Artemis program.

Over the past four years, Rhodes explained that NASA has invested more than $ 300 million in developing the XEMU space.It is reported that the team has tested dozens of ingredients and values the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

He said the biggest challenge facing artemis suits is to ensure that they are suitable for exploring the moon.

Rhodes explained that the allowances should be "light enough to support the lunar task and strong enough to protect the astronaut while working in a very dangerous moon environment."

Rhodes said that there are thousands of parts that are included in the industry of artemis spaces, and they are obtained from all over the United States.

He added that building some parts may take up to a year, but NASA is working to shorten this time.

On the ARTEMIS mission, astronauts need to move freely so that they can explore the rugged terrain of the moon, according to Rhodes, so his team works on a suit that allows more movement flexibility, while it remains strong enough to protect its wearer.