Nabil Amr and the third episode of his new book, the longest days of the leader

  • Time:Jan 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Ramallah - “Al -Quds” dot com - “Al -Quds” publishes its paper and electronic versions.Tunisian.To read the first episode (click here), and read the second episode (click here).

A small car arrived, I stopped off the oven that has been working since the beginning of the war day and night, and it surprised me..‏‎ ‎

What came with this man now and at this early time?He starts on his work day at ten in the morning.Then what made him enter a fraud to the place that only works for the production of bread.He used to come to the area to inspect the radio, and to complete some works in it.However, he was doing this after darkness.I noticed the spread of his companions and guards I know.They were wearing civilian clothes and hiding their pistols under their loose shirts, fearing it was discovered by high -efficiency spy cameras, which were spread on the ground, at the air, and at the sea..

I initially thought that the man who is still inside the oven came to conduct a secret interview of great importance, so that you need to camouflage like this.Finally, after spending for nearly ten minutes, he went out of the oven, so the audience that gathered to provide the free bread around.It had doubled its number after the people of the neighborhood knew his arrival.I merge with people until he disappeared from my eyes due to the density of the crowd.He loves a scene like this and one of his well -known talents is that he has the ability to transform spontaneous rally into a popular meeting in which the first and last speaker is.The crowd did not resist the temptation of the existence of the battlefield between them, and it is perhaps an opportunity to hear the truth from him, after the radio stations rained them with a barrage of conflicting news about departure and destination.-When to leave, Mr. Leader, and where?.The negotiation on this matter had not yet reached a result, but he answered a question to where.‎

The answer came out of his mouth like a divorce:

-To Palestine.‎

It was a stereotypical folk answer that did not heal the liquids, but they, and in the interest of fitness in dealing with their destiny leader, they gathered with a relaxed applause..‎

A journalist was a question for the question, perhaps he had preceded, and he said:

-We know, Mr. Leader, that Palestine is your destination and our destination as well. The question is where is the following station that precedes the final return.It is also said that a headquarters have been prepared for you in one of the suburbs of Tunis, so is this true?

I was watching the scene from the balcony, following the dialogue, so that I may deduce an idea from him to write in a radio comment, so what would he answer this question?

The scene stormed a young man as if the earth defected from him and rushed towards the commander in chief, and whispered in his ear in words, shook his head, expressing interest in what he heard, bid farewell to the audience with urgent signals and crammed himself in the small car, later knew that the young man who whispered inHis ear is one of his guards assigned to monitor the atmosphere, as he told him that there is a plane at a high altitude homing in the sky of Beirut.‎

The car's engine did not know, the moment of danger was disrupted, so the possibility of a snipers or a launcher to eliminate it and those around it seemed certain, especially since he settled in the place for more than half an hour.‎

Fathi, who is his chief accompanying and can be considered one of his most important assistants and his secrets, and the reader of the body language in which his boss expresses what is going on inside, he pointed out to me asking for the keys to my car that was in the corresponding garage, I threw it and left the balconyTo catch up with it.It was a car driven by one of Abu Iyad's escorts by chance, so the guards gathered inside it and started speeding while Fathi was getting my car out of its place.‎

Nobody knows where the commander in chief went.The men of the narrow security episode surrounding them are the young men trained in the most important and finest security institutes, after I sat next to Fathi, I asked him:-Where did he go?Do you have a means of communication with it:-There is no means even the wireless devices that we used in normal circumstances, it is not possible to open for transmission and reception when the commander is in the place..But the youth estimate that he went to one of the headquarters of Brother Abu Iyad, so let's go there.‎

The closest headquarters of the unified security apparatus led by Abu Iyad is hundreds of meters away from the oven square, in minutes we reached.I got out of the car and quickly entered the well -known basement with sand bags.‎

The appreciation of Fathi's comrades was true, as soon as I passed the door of the base.‎

نبيل عمرو والحلقة الثالثة من كتابه الجديد أطول أيام الزعيم

He was sitting behind a small office, and in front of him all members of the agency who were at the headquarters, he appeared to be a meeting to justify his sudden and unfamiliar visit.I joined the flying around him sitting and standing, and when he saw me shortening the saying..

-So, do not believe the rumors or what the broadcasts say, so now we have not decided the matter of exit.‎

I moved from him and whispered in his ear:

-Fathi and my car are waiting if you want to leave.‎

-Do you fix the car?

he asked me

-I don't know, but they transferred it from the place.‎

We became three of us inside my regular and unburled car, of course.‏‎

Fathi, whom his comrades and subordinates called "reversal" due to his method of movement and speech.He knows that his boss does not disclose his destination until after the car moves.‏

Thus, Yasser Arafat built for himself a special security theory as the basis for the pre -sense of danger, it smells it even from a distance..With his reliance on this feeling, which many of his colleagues and assistants lacked, which led to their killing, he also relied on his ingenuity in the good selection of the elements that he assigned responsibility for his protection, and who of them possesses the qualification of preserving his secrets in the movement of movement fromA place to another, especially in the field of day and night guarding, in addition to his keenness to collect the largest amount of information without tiredness or boredom and extract from it what serves its security system.‏

He was spending a long time reading the reports received from everywhere with ears and eyes.Due to his private security system, he survived a certain death in many of the squares that did not stop.He was interested in a continuous episode that surrounds and purifies from any impurities and fill the gaps that could be used to reach and eliminate his life.There is a factor that seems to be the most important of all, is the intimate relationship that was linking him with those who took his service and security.

It was a parental relationship based on love.By doing this, the human and emotional wall that the loved ones built was the most important sources of security and safety for a man who was always at the top of the lists of liquidation..‏

The car was "walking the passion".The Commander in Chief did not disclose his destination, and when we got to the intersection of Roads, Fathi was forced to ask.-Where? He answered:-Go left

If we have become on the road leading to the central operating room, which is the tenth room, at least that is established to manage the battles since the beginning of the war more than two months ago, when we reached the beginning of a sub -street that he led to stopped the car and asked.Do we enter the operations?.‎

After we cut nearly two hundred meters, the request for stopping, and the car and cut off the wide street, which is located on the edge of the official Lebanese radio and the Ministry of Information.He opens the door of his house, when we became inside the house, I saw nothing but a small office and behind it is a plastic seat, and it has a number of similar seats..‎

We followed Fathi, and they knew the place, carrying as much as he could carry files full of leaves, and with him, as well as the huge bag that we used to call a "wonder bag".‎

Fathi put the files of the files in front of him on the table and next to the bag and asked the Commander in Chief to leave, saying..-To follow the air movement in the atmosphere.‎

On our way that does not exceed one kilometer between the unified security headquarters and the small house in which we sit, a dialogue took place between us, we are the passengers of my three car.To finish it if you can locate its location.‎

Those who paid attention to the presence of the commander in general in an ordinary car without any degree of camouflage, where the four windows were legitimate, expressed different reactions: some of them raised the victory signal that a man loves, and some others were shouting in his face or looking at the sky to seeThe plane that monitors it.‎

Poetry has understood the significance of the face of the face about him just because he sees it that he became a fear of fear in the souls, I turned around and said.- God was the help of people, they endured and be patient.I asked-why not hide?

-Fear God, man, how do I hide, and I lead the longest and most important battle in the history of the region.Will you continue my respect if you see me wearing a woman's dress?Or the turban of a cleric?Then what will be the case of our fighters, who are accustomed to my presence among them as a fighter like them, and what will the people of Beirut and the residents of the camps say when they know that the battlefield is he himself in order to escape death.His attack was on a shock in a manner, but I found myself in need of an argument in which I justified my rejected suggestion.I said: - But the necessities allow prohibitions.It is to replace the field dress with any other dress.The Commander in Chief sat behind the small wooden table, began to stir the pile of leaves that we called "several workplace".He had proven the reading glasses on his nose and a pocket that was placed on his forearm at his request.He places lines under the sentences that seek attention, and writes notes and directions for those who will turn the papers to them, groight and say, “Of ... what is the most papers, it is your papers and it is coming from everywhere, and it must be read and action is taken about what was stated in it.He looked at me as if I represent all those who work with him and show him the papers and said:-In war and non-war in my office and in the car and plane papers and papers, never get rid of.I had heard this saying hundreds of times, and when one of his guests said to him once..-Why is the complaint, Abu Ammar, the large number of papers is the size of the work, but as long as it is so, why not cost your office to summarize and respond, laughed at that day and said:.!! - What brought you to the oven in an early hour?Since I worked with you, I do not know that you start working in this early way?.He threw the red pen on the table and took off the reading glasses and said:.He said, answering my question: - I received more than one complaint that the central oven has stopped working, even though I provided him with everything that he needed in order not to stop, I liked to see his conditions myself.My visit was surprising.I was pleased when I saw the workers in the oven continued their work in front of the fire house.They told me that they stop work an hour a day for fuel, and sometimes two hours for maintenance, thanked them and promised them medals.I said that they deserve more than that. Thanks to their effort and dedication, Beirut did not protest, even a loaf of bread, as well as my colleagues in the radio. The most beneficiaries of his permanent work. We provided us with electricity day and night and we became unlike most of Beirut residents. We watch TVAnd drink ice water.Mahmoud Darwish and Moeen Bseisu, who live in the Ghassan Matar apartment in the building adjacent to our building, were guided to us, and every day they send his son Guevara, who was killed by hostile forces after leaving Beirut, "to provide snow as one of the necessities of creativity for their poems and articles.When the Commander in Chief visited us on the radio at night, we were separating the electrical current and replacing the impressive lighting with candles, even when he was asking for a glass of water, we were keen not to be cold.I asked: - This office is what his story is,?.He said:-It belongs to the Federation of Palestine Students, the Branch of Beirut Arab University.The young people had invited me to lunch months before the outbreak of the war, I liked all the specifications of the "administrative" operating room and began to see his eyesight throughout the old house and spoil in explaining its advantages.-Under the street, a small and ancient house does not attract attention and no neighbors are close to him, because you know that Dubai is heavy.I knew from my direct work with him that it was sufficient for him a stone and another stone to make them a place from which he practiced his leadership work.As for the rest of the supplies, it is available in it personally and in his car, which is connected to the whole world through a "Rakal" wireless device, it was a super device that is able to contact the most distant point in the world.So according to its standards, the place we are in it seems typical.Attracting the wonder bag for him, opened it and searched for something.This wonder is a story, but rather tales.It is a "Samsunite Torrester", medium -sized, but it can accommodate everything that needs even if it is cut in the desert depth: the leafs of the vineyard of the commander and a Chinese -made multi -made pen, and medicines for headache, colic, nausea, red eyes and woundsSurface, pieces of candy, needles, threads, buttons, cigarette cans and backup reading glasses.What I did not remember is much more than its contents than I mentioned.Once and when we were accompanying him on a tour of the forces in southern Lebanon, you see us. Is there a jacket cigarette that was in a few circulation cigarettes..As soon as we asked him, he drew on his face that the familiar smile, and he took out of the bag the Blue Jettan box, and raised it as if it was a victory signal.We asked him: Why did the two guys?.And he added: - Not only that and took out a huge Cuban cigarette and said, and this is for the most leftist like Lotfi El -Khouly.One of the sitting, as well as to the most right, like Osama Al -Baz, said, laughed and laughed.He drew a sign of seriousness on his face as if he apologized to himself for the time he was lost as he answers my questions of a personal nature, so he returned to his papers, announcing the language of the body that the time of curious questions has ended.We made a paper and said: -Read this, it is very important. It was received from our mission in New York, in which an explicit warning that he would pay attention a lot during the few days remaining in Beirut, and that he does not reassure the ceasefire that he reachedAnd the American envoy Philip Habib announced it.I drew my attention to a repeated sentence..I asked:- Is the source reliable? He answered:- You know him is the owner of the martyr Abu Hassan.I said: - I heard his story.The visit in which his historical speech was delivered, and its magic sentence settled in the awareness of the world: “Do not drop the green branch from my hands.”.I asked: -In your estimation, is this warning from a man of Abu Hassan personally, that is, on his initiative, or is he instructed him? He said: -Of course he is one of his heads.I disclose that there are in Washington who want to make the mission of Philip Habib and see the ceasefire and calm is necessary, and if an assassination occurred in this sensitive period, everything will collapse everything.I said, trying to broadcast reassurance in the same man who is still in a very cautious state:-So we are safe!He laughed and said:- This is America, in return, whoever wants to kill me even if Philip Habib and his mission goes in "Sixty Dahia", and these depend on Israel.I look naive and I said- with you right, if it is necessary to double caution actually.He shook his head confirmed.‏