Reviewing Dying Light 2

  • Time:May 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The story of Dying Light in the world of video game can not be considered less than a distinctive story. Although it was not an ideal game and was not without impurities, it has enjoyed the players with an innovative mix of ideas worth praise in a tired and tiring template of the severity of consumption.

The idea of this game is still alive after the arrival of the second part that ignited the enthusiasm again, we have a new excuse for immersion with another zombie game, at least this was my belief in the beginning, before I realized what the second part contains problems and disadvantages that do not make it the excellent continuation of the first part butNevertheless, it is possible to provide a pleasant and perhaps very enjoyable experience if the positive points that I will talk about are the loaf of bread and a piece of cheese that you are looking for in the game.

I am looking for the family and fought to remain a human being

The story started differently from the first part, trying to broadcast different feelings in the heart of the player, as if it was trying to direct your minds more towards the catastrophe that occurred and the victims who have nothing left of their memories and their aspirations except their worn bones.

The story then continues to reveal the goal of your new hero Aiden, which is from a group of people called "newlyweds" to Villedor in search of his lost sister, and because he is a constantly mobile immigrant from one city to another, he has gained special Parkor skills, but it will not remain his skillsThe only one will, but the players will discover other possibilities for this champion, you will know its cause later.

I do not mean "later" very far, after spending a few hours, you will start to absorb the secret behind the tremendous energy in your hero and the reason for his pursuit of what he seeks and which seems to be a good convincing justification. With the primary goal of your hero and introduces you to a conflict between parties who survived people and who will support him and give him power, and these anecdotal interventions continue to happen for another few hours until the truth of everything is ultimate Instead of surrounding the story with only two or three characters and providing it with an important and interesting new equipment to use it outside the story.

Before follow -up, let me answer the question that I expected me to answer at the beginning, yes you are never forced to play the first part in order to be able to enjoy the second part and understand the events of his story.

Making decisions and choosing dialogue is a large part of the interaction structure with the story for the player, you will have to determine the course of the dialogue and sometimes make decisive decisions that will gradually lead you to a conclusion of the four ends available in the game, and while doing this you will implement a lot of tasks, such as the first part, thisThe story is long and it needs you approximately 13 hours to end it without side tasks.

The design of the tasks is characterized by trying to enter you into new ideas and confrontations the more you advance. The game put me in confrontations with different varieties of zombies continuously until the end of the story. In order not to feel the chest tight while playing, and then in the face of the last leader, fortunately, the confrontation this time is much better than confronting the last leader in the first part, even if it continues annoying with repeating only two sentences during the fighting, and fortunately again, the scenario of the hero is better this time In particular, when comparing with the strange reactions of the previous part hero, but now it seems more human and emotional.

In fact, I have two examples of tasks that you will do and I think it is one of the best tasks in Dying Light and is an example of an innovative way of thinking from the developer and suitable for the play environment that he developed, the first example is the task of communicating cables, the idea is simply carrying an electric cable and thinking in a smart way to pull it towardsThe place to enter it before its length is depleted, the beautiful in this task is that it makes you think and look at the surrounding environment and take advantage of your parkour skills to treat the short cable problem in the smartest possible way.

As for the second task, it is the task of escaping from the villain, I will not touch on the details of this task so that the story events are not burned, but I found in this task a real pleasure because it is also suitable for the idea of the game and really makes you show your skills to move quickly and not to look at the deadly back.Of course, I ask you not to stop reading here and buy the game immediately!Because these beautiful ideas in the game to design the missions were not without impurities ..

لستَ مجبراً أبداً على لعب الجزء الأول كي تتمكن من الاستمتاع بالجزء الثاني وفهم أحداث قصته، لديك في الافتتاحية فيديو قصير يُلخص لك الأحداث باختصار شديد.

In the beginning, I believed that I was following the one part of the first part with the surprise of the back of the hero itself, especially when he jumped a big leap that fell into his weapon as if in this explanation of the lack of use of the first part of the part, but of course this was a wrong belief from me.This is in advance, but I did not follow the details and ads of the game accurately, in order not to burn anything because of the severity of my enthusiasm after I enjoy a lot of the first part and what can be obtained from the pleasure in the second part ..

However, just as the hero jumped a far leap, the developer jumped away from the first story of the first, and just as the hero fell into his equipment during the jump, the developer also fell a lot of quality when making this story ..

The story is not bad, but it can be said briefly that we have a good story in this game, but it was incorrectly listed and built incorrectly, unlike the first part, which was narrated in a good way but did not come with that good story.

The problem of the story begins as it is disjointed and tries to introduce more than one issue in one template, this idea is usually attractive and increases interest in the virtual world concerned, but it was not applied well here, I spent a very long time and I think the story is related to the search for my sisterThe lost and then you want the game after that to take care of other issues and give it equal attention?This shows an unsuccessful narration in the sequence of events from the beginning, which was considered the strongest in terms of directing and writing and even defining all the characters and then the conclusion.

Personally, I cannot advise you to buy the game for the idea of ​​multiple ends and choose important decisions. It is really wonderful for the developer to put his new address in a place where he takes important decisions and feels the importance of himself while play Only by an order or two and who appears or does not appear in the conclusion, if you encounter a difficulty in caring for the characters surrounding you, the feature of multiple ends will decrease the importance more and more. And this criticism: I do not think that the player will be interested in re -playing again to reach a different end, and this means death blow to such an idea.

This is also related to the problem of writing the texts of the dialogue when the player selects the path he wants, you will find strange and funny cases when you refuse to cooperate with you categorically and then when you choose a second option of dialogue (which is a general option like introducing me to yourself) you will agree to the character at the same moment and the second cooperation With you with pleasure, and also sometimes the game behaves as if some of the choices of dialogue are important and must be determined accurate Hakan about his newborn, who died immediately in a very cold way, as if this is an ordinary matter on the pretext that he does not want him to live in a world like this, but all who possess children (may God protect them) knows the right to know the stupidity of this reaction! And later, you will notice the disintegration of the story's design when you make you think that "this character" is important and then disappears and interrupts as if her story is over and you have to follow and submit to this reality.

Perhaps the biggest problem in the way the story was told is that when I was defined on the area of ​​The Bazaar, after I entered this area the first time and I was asked in the main tasks to get to know the place and the people surrounding, I followed the events shortly after that and I accomplished some missions and took a look at side missions, yet I followed the main path, and for the reason, the game asked me to go to the Bazaar area and get to know it as if the hero was watching it for the first time as he looked high and around! I said to myself that it was impossible to make a mistake like this, right? Unfortunately, the developer directed the "Dilly Arbi" model in this game that he did not have to go like this required a great degree of care for small details like this so that the player does not fall into accidents that make him disappointed like this, especially that it is unfortunately not the only one in the game but when reading my criticism The full story will notice the repetition of these problems and add this example: Lawan is talking about the Jack Matt character in a positive way in the beginning, encouraged trust and getting his help, but shortly after that a period of events consider him crazy and cannot be trusted in a later cinematic scene ?? If this is not enough, follow this other example: In one of the side tasks, you have to help a sad widow to find the military identities of the heroes of the heroes who died while carrying out difficult missions. The cinematic will lean on the wall in a way that the comfortable person leans without any sadness at all! I do not hesitate to admit that I laughed at those moments.

Also, it was unfortunate to repeat the developer to his old ideas again. We saw the idea of choosing the dialogue in the expansion of The Following and we saw the idea of having the hero of a brutal zombie capacity, but unfortunately the playing mechanism related to this idea was completely copied from the aforementioned expansion.

The story problems continue in the structure of the tasks, when I asked you to follow up on the reading, it was necessary to realize that the two examples were exposed to unfortunate circumstances of the development, what I mean by that is that the cable task is greatly repeated, whether in the main tasks or in activities related to the liberation of regions, either The task of escaping from the villain has appeared very little and has not been taken care of much because it is very easy and rarely feels that the villain is able to hold you and also the supportive personality for you continues to close the doors in your face in a disturbing way again and again and you have to enter a short cinematic scene every time you open It has the door for follow -up.

What I wish for the developer is to produce more of these creative ideas in the structure of the tasks rather than follow a methodology or two in the way they are carried out, in mind that the main tasks are always centered on finding something and killing enemies.

In addition, writing some tasks is very bad and not convincing, for example in one of the tasks you have to save someone but you can only save him if you go at night, why? Don't just ask! The same writing is a mistake that appears significantly in the way that the game world treats you, the game often wants you to perceive that you are not a natural person and closer to the monster and you have to maintain your humanity, but in return, it is often seen as an ordinary person who cannot fight against a group of people and there is no A reaction when you do this, even if you are able to destroy a large group of enemies and zombies on your own! That is, what he meant is a loss in the way of designing the tasks in this respect, it was not designed in a way that exploits your brutal reality or at least respect the story of the character.

And by moving to another problem in the story, it is a problem with cinematic scenes, I do not know why the hero automatically turns off the lamp when he enters a cinematic scene ?? It is very very disturbing that every cinematic scene must happen by opening you to a door! It is funny to think about this if you do not play the game, but ask any player who tried it, in 90% of the times the following cinematic scene does not appear except at a door! More ridicule, this led to a technical problem when you want to play with your friends! To follow the strangeness in this matter, when the characters speak to you, you approach you in a somewhat strange way, and even the funny and the bad is how your hero receives a slap on his face or a punch from an enemy before the cinematic scene ends and asks you to fight him! I mean, why he cannot defend himself! Do you know what? If this villain is able to slap the hero, why did he not take advantage of the opportunity to eliminate it completely! In fact, there are a lot of fragile cinematic scenes in the way they are written in this regard. Many times will have an opportunity to eliminate you, but he leaves you alive for a reason ... Yes, to transfer them together: "I will let you see what I can do!"

For some reason, this is one of the games that act as if the time is not enough to build your relationships convincingly with others, although video games are the best artwork to create ways that make the follower interested in events and the surrounding characters without following a movie exceeding fifty hours, but unfortunately in this game it will appear The character of Lawan suddenly in the events and after a very short period of time your dear girlfriend will become afraid to lose (which caused a big loophole in the nature of choosing the conclusion and decisions because you have not yet felt the importance of those around you), and also the story tries to force you to be convinced that there is a logical reason for a specific matter that will It occurs in the city (a somewhat dominant idea from the first part) and does not give you a convincing explanation for it enough ..

As for the side tasks, there are many and many of them undoubtedly, some of which appear well, but their problem in short is that they belong to the "Many content, few quality" box.

A new playing environment for zombie wrestling and exploration

It is good that the developer put the player in a different environment completely from the city of the first part, there are some slightly familiar aspects, but the new environment is undoubtedly a positive point, even if it is personally not what I prefer, and that is not criticism due to the different tastes.

It is also good to respect the developer for the artistic feature of the first part of the artistic design of the environment and the world of the large and exploration game with the entire exploration with an easy -to -understand map and simple design, in a satisfactory way.

Some features and improvements have been introduced to encourage the player to explore, such as improving the possibility of seeing time to know the approach of the night or day through an improved user interface for the first part, and you now have a telescope to explore the places around you and determine new places on the map to explore later.

Without a doubt, you have a lot of exploration to do in this game!And when you cut almost the first half of it, you will be able to activate the quick travel of some specific areas only from the places of the map and in a way that does not spoil the experiment or the player always seduces the rapid travel, and there are many things to collect it that do not benefit during the play but rather know you more about the story of this world and its characters, notVery attractive, but it is definitely a good addition.

It also praises the game in the small details from time to time. These small details help more indulge in this world, such as seeing children who play together in line with their reality such as behavior as a zombie, and sometimes groups of people meet around a small camp to talk about their unfortunate and tragedies thatThey were exposed to it, and you see a person playing guitar with a realistic movement.

Only sadness in the topic of exploration is that you will discover after a short period of play that most areas have a copy and repeated design, rooms and homes are always the same, the bus from which the spoils always take themselves literally and even the places of the spoilAlways themselves, and dangerous places are often mostly followed by one design.

Although this may seem a small problem, but it turns into a big issue when you don't find enough motivation to accomplish a full 100% seal.

Dying Light is still the best mix between zombies and parkour!

We return again to the idea of survival from zombies and the use of parkour skills from the first part, which if you do not know, it is the idea of "Assassins Creed with the perspective of the first person" very enjoyable and requires you to explore in the day in search of equipment and hiding at night or risk and depth between the deadly zombie darkness in search ofBetter spoils, and during this journey you will use different equipment of white weapons and face zombies and parties of human enemies.

مراجعة Dying Light 2

These ideas are no longer only, but they were provided with new ideas, and it can be said with full confidence that the wonderful parkour in this game is worthy of you if this is the only thing that you want from it, and it has been amended a little in the second part by adding a health meter, which as you might expectYou can upgrade it to climb to a higher place, keep jumping and implement acrobatic movements for a longer period by searching for reinforcements that you enter on your body to provide it with energy.

I enjoyed a lot of new additions to the parkour mechanism, which you get most of them via the skills tree and some by following the events of the story and carrying out the activities of liberating the regions and allocating them to the benefit of the group of people who are human beings because they add to the game world things that help you move smoothly (if you choose to help the other party you will get to you Aid also, but they are different and focus on increasing the chance of your survival during the fighting), and when you exceed a certain limit of events and open enough skills you will reach the possibility of Parkor very enjoyable and give your hero the ability to access anywhere he wants, and it is even funny that the hero can do things I feel they feel Inadvertently in the game but it is very fun! For example, when you can activate the skill of kicking the enemies while flying in the air, you will be able to use this feature while jumping to find yourself pushing forward a lot, which helps you reach a distant area, and also when using the swing rope you can use it as a mechanism to climb by activating the walking skill on The walls and their use are continuing and continuing with the rope until they become highly height that takes you to the place you want, no matter how high.

The best thing about parkour design is that you have a great freedom in how you go to challenge the subject in front of you.

Direct fighting has been improved with enemies and zombies in order to become more enjoyable, especially when facing human enemies, as the struggle with them has become possible and not complicated like the first part, and the waving of white weapons has become more accurate if you want, for example, the enemy head was injured, and it is clear that the fighting mechanism against them is polished with satisfactory care. You can use the bunction movement appropriately to remove the enemy from its balance, which was a very enjoyable and properly designed movement, and you have a tree for fighting for fighting to learn better attack skills for attacks and more accurate use of the bow and others, and you can use "quick weapons" around you in the direction like a very powerful spear Or a bottle or a piece of stone that you use to disperse the balance of enemies and it is a great addition to increasing the action during the fighting.

These combat improvements have culminated in excellent artificial intelligence for enemies in direct confrontations who make movements that he considered small touches but deserved to be mentioned. If you try, for example, approaching an enemy without beating it, he will feel panic and wave his weapon to protect himself as he takes a step back, and it is also nice how the enemies move usersThe bow is towards an area far from you and high enough to make a strong arrow blow.And if you want to ask about the artificial intelligence of the zombie, it is better even and puts you in great confrontations with various types of zombies.

There are many white weapons in the game that are characterized by the quality of their design, they are strange and compatible with the artistic theme of the game's story so that humans in this crisis tried to devise useful weapons as possible to survive, and whoever played the first part will remember that because it is somewhat repeated from that original game exceptHere it is wider and more, and the user interface has been improved to become more clear and simpler and now showcase the remaining duration of the weapon, for example.

Activities that you can do away from the main and side tasks many undoubtedly, you have a lot of spoils to collect and search for them and a lot of zombies to confront them and energy enhancement and health to find them, and from new activities in the second part the mechanism of decoding the locks by entering the correct number that encourages you to search for the number inThe surrounding area is not only this, but the developer does not give you the number easily, but it is required you to find a solution for a simple mathematical equation or know the solution of a puzzle until you discover the secret, which I believed is a very enjoyable activity despite its small scope in the game and its lack of influence a lot on the main tasks.

The developer has distributed the activities of exploration and collection well between the day and the night so that if you enter a area in the morning you may find it as a lot of zombies, but entering it at night is better and sees it almost empty, because if you agree to the departure challenge at night, which was provided with a wonderful addition, which is A countdown to the end of your immunity and your conversion to zombies, where in these story events you have to stay alongside a special illuminating rays or carry some of them with your sleeve in order to maintain your immunity, and this feature was great to revive the experience of the game and increase the action of adventure at night, and of course the player still gets points Double experience at adventure at night.

شهدت اللعبة تحسينات على القتال سواء عند مواجهة الزومبي أو الأعداء البشر، لكن ما يستحق 10/10 فيها هو آلية الباركور التي تبقى ممتعة طيلة الوقت

Always enjoy when the game is given a window of freedom to do things in my own way. Renewed like the first part I managed to devise ways to deal with the deadly brutal zombie by escaping towards the distance of honesty and eliminating it with the bow and arrows or planning to lure it by using bombs and mines.

Among the other important amendments in the second part is the importance of the equipment you wear, there is now a different set of equipment for the head, hands and full body and not just cosmetic aspects anymore, and this applies to weapons that you can again amend to add fire or electricity or something like that.

In the game there are a large number of tools for use and wonderful that many of them are subject to upgrade and development, which includes many types of explosive bombs, treatment tools, stocks, attention -dispersing bombs, hurting x -ray lamp, and medical preparations to increase health or energy or your immunity or the ability to withstand various types of risks and swimming moreDuring diving and others.

Do not worry about the diversity of the zombie that you will face, by going into the tasks of the story and side tasks, you will get to know all different types of zombies and each of them has its own behaviors, some of which are launching a strong attack through jumping and some of them explode and some of them flee from you completely carrying attractive spoils,Just like the first part, the player who returns from the first part will remember many of these items that have returned as they are with some of the entire new additions.

As for easy access options, they are in a simple way and include a package of traditional options in games in addition to the option to stop the mechanism of clicking on a specific button multiple and consecutive clicks when the player wants to open a closed door tightThe best and most prominent options for easy access in the game.

The nails traps returned from the first part, and it is again an excellent way to outperform any enemy of zombies or humans, and again is an exaggerated weapon in a funny way, because any enemy of humans collides with these traps will die immediately no matter how powerful it is, even though it endures from your sharp weaponSeveral strikes, which is a great weapon to confront zombies, no matter how strong they are.

It is clear that the game is a lot of content and puts in front of the player a lot of things to collect and do it, and this will be great in the first hours, but if you are planning to buy the game for the statements of "500 hours of content", I do not advise you to do this because you will get tired after finishing the story onMost, I hope below I will help you know the reason.

Although there are many activities to do, it suffers from the problem of severe repetition in its nature, and you will not notice this until after spending enough time, perhaps when you reach the middle of the events of the story, for example, and this is not the only problem but also the spoils that collect it very similarMost often and the materials required to upgrade the equipment are greatly similar and therefore this reduces the motive for searching for spoils mainly, even when your goal of spoils is to collect better hardware you will get tired of this goal after you reach a satisfactory level of hardware strength.

The developer has taken some controversial decisions regarding night adventures, previously in the first part, the exit at night was a very difficult and terrifying task because the terrifying monsters chasing you very quickly and can kill you quickly, but now in the second part, this horror and tension has been diluted greatly and you can Exit at night without fear and all you have to do is stay on the surfaces high, and even if you pass between the zombies and the zombie that screams and calls a chase between you and the zombies, there are levels of chase such as the levels of the police in GTA, and the first level is easy and before the level loses, you can escape towards Safety and ending of the chase.

Although the confrontations of the enemies have become more smooth now and more enjoyablely available, they have moved away in an exaggerated manner and you can use the hammer to uproot the enemy head while hitting it!This shows an imbalance in the effect of weapons on the enemies. In fact, since I am nearing talking about this topic, let me talk about the biggest problem in the game system, which is the problem of the course of anything at levels.

Perhaps Ubisoft is the one who encouraged developers to follow a game like this, but it shows me a very lazy design (I actually noticed an exaggerated quote from the Assassin's Creed Games in the user interface industry and the way your personality stands in the equipment window and the distribution of equipment), for example you will face the stray zombies It itself over and over again, but it only becomes stronger because its classification is now from level 4 instead of 1, and the same is completely applied to human enemies, instead of calling new forms of enemies and different artificial intelligence, they appear in the same way as fighting, the same clothes and the same thing, but at a different level And perhaps the stupidest thing I found in this design is the way to classify irrational weapons at all. Is it possible, gentlemen, that the leg of a wooden chair is stronger than the sword of Katana only because it is from the level 4 and the sword of the level 2 ??? Who believes this? Perhaps it is better not to tire yourself by anticipating the best and strongest weapons because it is unfortunately what you used at the beginning of the game - with the exception of some different new designs - but only from the 5 and 6 levels instead of the developer introducing us to a variety of new weapons.

I do not know why the developer has not used the advantage of repairing weapons yet, any weapon is still working for a certain limit - which is great and excellent in this life experience - but if I like a weapon like a hammer I paid a lot of money to buy it why there is no merchant in the game able to repair itOr can I fix it with my hand?The developer has added the feature to modify a weapon to increase its durability and the ability to use it, but it is a feature available only for some weapons and is very restricted.

Although firearms were largely present in the first part when deducting the first half of it, the developer decided to remove these weapons completely and it is rare to find some of them in the second part and there is no merchant who sells these weapons or ammunition to use, and it is funny that there is a personality inA cinematic scene that uses the pistol to suicide, but the hero comes out and closes the door on it and you cannot open the door and get the pistol yourself!

The developer has used the mechanism of searching for important things around you similar to the "Ain of the Falcon" mechanism from Assassins Creed games, but it suffers from a big problem here, which is that it makes collecting equipment a lazy process that does not encourage you to look around and explore yourself, but you use this mechanism to see a flash One of the things that can be collected, you might ask if this feature bothered me, why do I use it mainly and instead of investigating the spoils and hardening myself? Well the answer lies in the nature of the game design, not everything is interactive but only specific things, and therefore at the beginning of the game before you get used to this design you will waste your time a lot while you are approaching things, thinking that you are able to interact with them and search for it for spoils.

I do not want to criticize the skills tree in a bad way, but it is clear to me that it was a step back compared to the first part that possessed a tree larger than these and distributed over more sections and better branched.Energy or health.

I have not talked about infiltration yet, so let me tell you that it is an enjoyable mechanism and you can swoop on your enemies from back even if they are from zombies, and beautiful moments of experiences such as hiding from zombies and turning off the lamp can be passed so that they do not pay attention to the location of the light emitted from it, but though it requires This experiment is improvements because the structure of the tasks does not help you much to infiltrate and throwing cash currencies to disperse enemies is an advantage that does not work at all and does not affect their attention, not even small and you cannot even capture currencies after throwing them, but they disappear completely, in addition to that the artificial intelligence of the enemies is stupid when hiding and does not help you To enjoy this, one time I laughed a lot when a soldier was standing in front of me while I was hiding among the regulations and stopped and promised to hide constantly as he repeated "Mmmm something here?" And not only that, but I collected the spoils that I found next to me without any reaction from it!

Within the tasks of infiltration at the beginning of the game, you will get to know the "sleeping zombie" and for some reason the sleeping zombies is never affected by the lamps that you occupy in front of it, but there is a waking meter that is retreating whenever it approaches it and is about to awaken it, and it is not logical that you cannot eliminate the zombie by holding it from behindJust as you did in the first part, it is zombie!He does not have a mind to think about him and understand that he is seeing you now and you can not surprise him silently as a result.

Speaking of the sleeping zombies, I do not know if I am alone in this opinion, but I feel that the game is gradually turning into a fictional, fictional environment with the idea that I started with the first part due to a severe exaggeration in some designs for the zombie, the idea of the entire zombie is not logical and the game does not care to justify their existenceOr their sleep, and sometimes you see a zombie radiating a light as if it was a fictional character who leaked from another game, and even the last leader is making magical strikes exaggerated in terms of logicing the game and its story.

One of the activities that you will do a lot in the game is to decipher the locks, which is a very enjoyable mechanism and is present enough quality.

You may think in a Najat game like this, you will benefit from collecting enemy equipment and their weapons, but this is unfortunately not true permanentAlthough this feature is present in the first part, and it is more strange that you cannot find the stock or small knife again after their use, which would have been a lot of logical in a story about a world of limited resources like this.

Within the skill tree, you can lock the skill of rapid running, but it is an useless skill. In fact, the method of running the personality does not make you feel the rush of the acarlanine in your body even when you use rapid running, and even when you finish locking all the skills of rapid running and you can run quickly as long as you haveEnergy to do this, this mechanism remains very important and not logical to a hero who has a large energy in his body that he cannot run better than this.In short, do not imagine that you will enjoy escaping from the enemies by running quickly while chasing, but that will make you disappointed.

This is although I praised the artificial intelligence in the game, but it is the duty to credibility. This will happen, sometimes they will throw themselves from the narrow edges towards the abyss and sometimes the enemy insists on ascending with difficulty and in the difficulty On their colleagues and sometimes they continue to insult you and provoke you despite their colleagues being killed because of you at the same moment.

It is true that the game does not care this time with firearms, but still in your hands the possibility of using the bow and arrows. When I escaped from the zombie high towards a high area, revealing their lower place and wanted to aim to hit an arrow on the zombie leg, I tried to do this dozens of times, but I could not hit the leg despite the zombies staying in its place, and I noticed that it was repeated when you want to aim accurately on the zombie fingers or His arm, as if this is very unfortunate because the arc fighting is very enjoyable and there are many skills that can be opened to increase pleasure and the benefit of using this weapon.

Some of the last things that you have to know about the game, which it is necessary to take into account before buying them are things that are not completely negative and not positive; Most of the spoils that you collect in the game will be able to collect them again after a day or two from the time of the game, and you can find them in the same stain, and also you should know that the activities that returned from the first part, such as saving and helping others, and the new circumstances from these situations that the developer created For this part, all of them spoke completely randomly, that is, it is possible for the same problem to appear twice in the same place or it may occur by chance during your passage, and the mechanism of using a flying sail. In an exaggerated manner.

Finally, with regard to team play, you can go through all what was mentioned above with three of your friends, and unfortunately there is currently no other group experience in the game and the well -known competitive phase of the first part has not been repeated, it is certain that the game will receive support for more content yetIts launch and so this may be treated later, but for the time being this is the only online experience available in your hands.

A shadow of the new generation

If you want a touch of the new generation drawings in DL2, you can only see the design of the shadows, especially the hero's shadow, which moves in a realistic way, which is raised to its design's design!

I also found a design worthy of the forms of characters and small details on its faces, even if you play on the devices of the past generation, and you will notice that there are good graphics improvements from the first part, which is still my belief in graphics.

The way the characters move are excellent, too, especially your personality, because they are most of what you will notice while playing, which is very important I think because it affects the pleasure of making acrobatic movements and jumping from one place to another, when you enjoy the implementation of these movements, you will listen more to see this interest in the way the character moves and interacts withThe things you stick to or when they do not have more energy to follow.The graphic effects are also excellent in terms of light, sunlight and fog that appears in a beautiful realistic body.

As you notice, the drawings were not a problem for me, but rather a clear positive points in the game, the only thing that you can consider as a "light -shadow" criticism is that I wish the drawings had been better than this than this for the first part and the expansion of The Following, not only from Where general environments and small details, but also monsters designs, you may ask yourself there is more realism than these? I understand this inquiry, but when you look at the designs of some zombies and monsters, you will see what I am talking about when you find them need more small details, in addition to the expressions of the personal faces are not always good because they sometimes appear dead and free of expressions or emotions.

List of current technical errors

Technical errors in the game are very many and are still continuing even after the new update, and therefore the game's evaluation has been reduced as a result, and in general I will inform you about this small paragraph on the list of errors currently, if I bothered you, it is necessary not to buy the game now, if you do not care about it and ask meThe game's evaluation assuming that there are no technical errors, the evaluation can rise to 7.5/10 as the maximum.

In general, here are the mistakes that are currently:

Suitable musical compositions with imminent darkness

The musical works in the game deserves estimate at the lowest expression, artistic expressions can successfully capture the atmosphere surrounding the player from a bleak and sad calm and hope for survival, and this is also associated with a few epic compositions commensurate with the action atmosphere that may pass from time to time.

The performance of vocal actors comes with an acceptable and satisfactory degree, everyone has done well and you can also notice an attempt by Aiden's voice to follow the same way to talkAs if you say, "What amazing performance of that character" and at the same time I do not have criticism, but on the contrary, I felt full satisfaction in this regard, especially since interest in sound performance includes all the characters even the same small presence.

General sound effects are important things in an open world game suchOr negligence from the developer, and at other times you find a repetition of some sound effects when your weapon collides with the enemy's weapon or the lack of enough sound interventions that make you feel the difference between the weapons that you use and the distinction of "legendary" weapons if you will.