The most reading you may also like, share with your opinion, reconnaissance aircraft to Tonga and volcanic ash, arrives in Australia

  • Time:Feb 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Defense Forces in New Zealand and Australia have moved to the Tonga Archipelago in the South Pacific, after a massive pillar underwater..

Communications are still severed with Tonga today, Monday, after the Berkan / Honga Tonga Honga Hong Abai / on Saturday.

The eruption caused a shock waves with atmosphere and a "tsunami" tidal tidal waves that spanned long distances to Alaska, Japan and South America.

The New Zealand army plane took off from Auckland today, Monday, to carry out a survey over Tonga, including above the islands located on the external parties of the archipelago, which has not heard of it yet..There are about 170 islands in every Tonga archipelago, 36 of which are uninhabited.

At the same time, Amal is related to the Australian Defense Forces plane to a survey of important infrastructure such as roads, ports and electricity lines in Tonga today, Monday, if the circumstances allow this.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jasinda Ardren said at a press conference that her country was hoping to send another plane to hand over immediate supplies to Tonga later on Monday.

Erdern added that a Hercolis plane can be able to land in Tonga if the aircraft landing in Nocco Alfa is not damaged, but also the supplies of the plane can be dropped with umbrellas..

"The flights that took place today will help us to determine the necessary needs there..We know that there is an urgent need for water, and we hope that the Heracolis plane is able to take off today to meet these needs..

الأكثر قراءة قد يعجبك أيضا شارك برأيك طائرات استطلاع في طريقها إلى تونجا والرماد البركاني يصل أستراليا

Ardren said that New Zealand was a ship to send more equipment to the islands.

For its part, the Fiji Children Save the Fi -Tonga Families can be exposed to air and unsafe water due to the ash and smoke resulting from the eruption..

The organization's executive director, "Saraa Ali", asked people to use masks and bottled water.

"The bombings resulting from the Tonga eruption can be clearly heard in Figi.Our prayers for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Tonga..

The Weather New Zealand website said that the ash resulting from the volcano eruption has now arrived in Queensland, Australia..

The weather forecast said that the withdrawal of ash covered a large part of the state from east to west and will cover most of the state on Monday.

The High Commissioner for New Zealand in Tonga Peter Lund wrote on Facebook that the internet is stalled in Tonga after the cable under the water was damaged.

Lund, who is in the capital of Tonga, Nuko Alova, said that satellite communications are the only way available from the High Commissioner and that mobile phone service operates at the local, not international level..

"It is a terrible time, but Noko Alova is still steadfast, the electrical current has been returned to many houses," Lund added..

"A large cleaning process will take place this week, volcanic ash covers Noko Alfa," he added..

On Sunday, Ardren said that there are no confirmed injuries or victims as a result of the volcanic eruption, but indicated that the communications are "very limited" with Tonga.