The most reading you may also like, share 5 goals and an orange logo .. Why do we celebrate the World Patient Safety Day?

  • Time:Aug 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The anniversary of the World Patient Safety Day is solved on September 17, so what does the International Day of Patient Safety mean, and what are its goals?

The World Health Organization, for the first time in September 2020, revived the World Patient Safety Day, with the aim of enhancing the global understanding of patient safety and the intensification of the public in the health care of health care and the advancement of global measures aimed at improving patient safety and reducing the harm that affects them.

On the occasion of this day, the World Health Organization issued a charter of health workers safety, calling on governments and health care leaders to take measures to protect health workers and patients better..

During his speech at a press conference in Geneva, during the revival of the World Patient Safety Day last year, the Director -General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Gebrisos said that one of the keys to preserving patients' safety is to maintain the safety of health workers, noting that the Kofid -19 pandemThe vital role that health workers play, to alleviate suffering and save lives.

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The health workers' safety charter, governments and those who manage health services at local levels, call for 5 measures to better protect health workers, and these measures include (protecting health workers from violence, improving their mental health, protecting them from physical and biological risks, improving the national programs necessary for workers safetyHealthy, linking health workers safety policies to the current patient safety policies), according to what was mentioned on the official website of the United Nations.

The World Health Organization stated that Kovid - 19 has exposed health workers and their families to unprecedented levels of risks, as data issued by many countries indicate that the Corona virus infection among health workers is much greater than those in the general population.

Dr. Tidros pointed out that at the global level, there are about 14% of cases of cavid -19 infection among health workers, and in some countries this percentage reaches 35%, despite the limited data and the difficulty of knowing whether health workers were infected in the infectionThe places of their work or their societies, explaining that the matter does not stop only when the risk of infection, every day, health workers are exposed to stress, exhaustion, stigma, discrimination and even violence.

The World Health Organization has set goals for the World Patient Safety Day, addressed these goals for health care leaders to invest in them and measure them and improve the safety of health workers.

These goals call for preventing acute injuries to health workers, reducing stress and exhaustion, improving the use of personal protection equipment, enhancing lack of tolerance at all with violence against health workers, and analyzing serious safety accidents.

The World Health Organization has decided that the distinguished mark to revive the World Patient Safety Day is to illuminate the monuments, famous sites and public places in orange in cooperation with the local authorities, and it is also a gesture of respect and gratitude to all health workers..