Most Read You may also like Share your opinion 20 years since September 11th.. What was said inside the bombing planes in the last moments?

  • Time:Sep 18
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Netflix launched a documentary series on September 1, in commemoration of the September 11 attacks, consisting of 5 episodes, each episode lasting an hour, entitled "Turning Point: September 11 and the War on Terror."

The film contains many recordings and images that are shown to the public for the first time, despite the passage of 20 years since the September 11 attacks, as these footage and recordings are a timeline of what happened on September 11 in detail.

In the following, we present the details of what was said inside the planes of the four September 11 attacks, and the last moments before they hit the targets, according to what was stated in the recordings of the "Netflix" movie.

The events of the film begin at 8 am, on September 11, 2001, in an archive photo of Boston's Logan International Airport at the time, as we hear the sounds of air traffic control trying to contact a plane named, American 11, but it does not answer.

The air traffic control officer repeated the call to the American plane, American 11, but no one answered, then the voices interspersed, "Why is the plane turning right? I didn't tell her that."

The film continues to show moments in which tension and anxiety prevailed, during which everything quickly escalated. At exactly 8:13 am, an American 11 flight attendant replied, confirming that a person had been stabbed in the first degree, and that she believed the plane was being hijacked. .

The flight attendant, who reported the hijacking of the plane, introduced herself during the recordings, saying that her name is "Betty Ong", and that her rank is No. 3 on the plane, where she stabbed the flight attendant No. 1 and the observer as well, and the plane was filled with a strange smell, which does not make anyone able to Breathe, she says.

During the recordings, Betty confirmed that they did not have access to the cockpit; Because they cannot open the door, to be closed by the kidnapped from the inside, as I explained that they tried to contact a doctor to help the people who were stabbed, but no one answered them, then the connection was suddenly cut off.

At 8:21 am, we hear new recordings from air traffic control at Boston Airport, reporting the emergency that American 11 has been hijacked, and all of its passengers and crew were also stabbed by the hijackers.

The emergency line confirmed at the time that they were following the hijacked plane, announcing that the hijacker had turned off the transmitter so that no one could locate him, so the emergency line said that they did not know his whereabouts, but they prevented any plane from being in the sky within and around the borders of this area so as not to collide with him. And all the emergency thought at that time was that the hijackers would land in one of the places, and that the only damage was that they did not know where they would land the plane.

Most Read You May Also Like Share your opinion 20 20 years since 9/11.. What was said inside the bombing planes in the last moments? ></p><p>At 8:24 am, the voice of the American 11 hijacker, Mohamed Atta, finally appeared in the recordings, giving instructions to the plane's passengers, saying:

At 8:37 am, the control officer in Boston re-reported the hijacked plane, confirming that the plane was heading to New York, and that they needed to chase them with another plane. The emergency line responded in panic, "Is this real or training?" "It's real".

The recordings were filled with mixed voices from air defense technicians, showing the extent of everyone's fear and surprise, as the recordings contained phrases such as "What?", Real?, Real kidnapping?

The first recording of the event appeared through cameras, at exactly 8:46 am, when we see a person's shoes while he is on the street, standing next to his friends, to hear in the background the sound of a speeding plane, then the sound of an explosion, people asked, "What is this sound? It sounds like a plane crash."

The person holding the camera pointed his hand at the trading post; Because he was looking for the center of sound, then he began calling his relatives to approach him, saying: "Come here, it is the World Trade Center," then smoke appeared on the screen as it rose thickly from the tower.

At exactly 8:48 am, the event was all over the American media, but the media believed at the time that this was a tragic accident, which occurred as a result of a plane crashing by mistake into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and the matter did not go beyond that, so that some Eyewitnesses from the tower workers said during the events of the film that they did not move from their offices, because they felt that the situation was simple, and they did not realize the seriousness of the situation until after the second attack.

The second attack of September 11 attacks on the West Tower of the World Trade Center was clearly filmed, as all the cameras were already on the tower to film what happened after the first attack. At 9:03 am, we see a United plane crashing into the South Tower And the recordings show people saying, "Oh my God, oh my God, it's another plane, another plane, oh my God, it's intentional."

At exactly 9:28 minutes, the United 93 plane appeared in the recordings, where the pilot was shouting to the air traffic control tower, saying, "Help us," then he addressed the passengers or the hijackers - it was not clear - saying, "Get out of here, we will all die." here".

While at 9:32 am, the voice of Ziad Jarrah, the hijacker, appeared telling the passengers, "Sit down and stay where you are, we have a bomb on the plane."

The hijacker's voice was followed by several voices from the plane's passengers, as Ziyad informed them of what had happened in the two towers, so they felt what they were about to do, and wanted to say goodbye to their loved ones, so the voice of "Lauren Catuzzi" appeared during the recordings, calling her husband, saying: "Jack, answer me." Baby, I'm having trouble on the plane, I just wanted to tell you I love you."

C.C. Ross, another passenger, said to her husband: "I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Please tell the children that I love them so much. I'm sorry. I hope to see you again."

This plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania at 10:03 am, after the passengers resisted the hijackers and took control of them. After they learned what happened to the other planes, they preferred to sacrifice themselves rather than cause great harm to others, especially since one of the women on the plane knew That the plane is supposed to destroy the congressional building, in which her relative works, so she was one of those who shot down the plane, died with it, and saved her relative.

While the film shows us the recordings of the victims of the United Plane 93, it made it clear to us that there is a third plane that succeeded in its endeavor, as the United plane also struck, at 9:37, the Pentagon building, destroying the western facade of the giant US Department of Defense building located outside the capital. Washington.