Morocco reinforces the war hardware with new combat aircraft similar to "Apache"

  • Time:Aug 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In budget with the sincere call that Morocco made to the Algerian brothers for a non -conditions dialogue, the Royal Armed Forces seek to enhance and diversify their military arsenal with the acquisition of highly effective Turkish helicopters.

According to the "Larazon" website, Morocco is negotiating for the purchase of 22 offensive helicopters from Turkey, and the contract includes the acquisition of missiles and electronic equipment for the new devices..It is related to the purchase of 22 T129 Atak offensive helicopters, produced by the Turkish Space Industries Company "Tai" at a value of 1.3 billion dollars.

The aforementioned website stated that the deal, which includes missiles and aviation electronics, began negotiations between Rabat and Ankara in 2018;But it witnessed many interruptions.

In this context, Abd al -Rahman al -Makkawi, the security and military expert, said that "the basic technology in Turkish aircraft is similar to American Apache aircraft.".

المغرب يعزز العتاد الحربي بطائرات مقاتلة جديدة شبيهة بـ

In his conversation with Hespress, Al -Makawi highlighted that more technologies were also developed in these aircraft, especially with regard to carrying more weapons on the defensive plane..

The security and military expert stated: “Turkey has become one of the great manufacturers in the war field, especially as it benefited from the American and Israeli experience.”.

The same spokesman indicated that Turkey is an important member of the NATO, as it was mentioned that it has large vehicles in war manufacturing.

The expert said: "Turkey has become producing and marketing its military products in the direction of the world, as the war product has become one of the Turkish important imports.".

It is noteworthy that, days ago, the US Department of Defense was granted a contract for "Rheton" to manufacture new F -16 combat engines for Morocco by 2025.The concerned company obtained a delivery notice of 212,053,200 USD as part of the delivery contract contract, which is expected to be completed on June 30 of the aforementioned year.

Italian media publications have already revealed that there are military talks between the Royal Navy and the company "Vacantere" in order to purchase the "Freim" warships of anti -submarine "Carlo Bergamini" submarines;What would enhance the Kingdom's maritime and air security, given the advanced combat capabilities of this type of frigate.