Moroccans force "Siberian dogs" to taste suffering in the heat

  • Time:Mar 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Husky dogs have been known since ancient times for their ability to fully adapt to the cold climatic conditions in the polar regions. It is also used in bogie pull races; Because it has many characteristics that suit the snowy area in which it lives, such as having a thick tail, thick and double fur, and snowshoe-like legs to help it walk, run, and dig snow smoothly.

In view of the mentioned characteristics that are compatible with the very cold climate, the presence of “Husky” dogs in hot or very hot areas becomes a matter of discussion, as questions arise about the ability of this type of dogs to re-adapt and adapt to life in places with an important rise in temperature, Either permanently or only during summer periods.

In this context, a number of Moroccans interested in dogs have resorted, in recent years, to breeding “Husky” dogs of Siberian origin, as these animals found themselves forced to live in various Moroccan regions, whether characterized by a mild and humid climate such as coastal areas or those that witness in Most of the year is hot and dry, especially in the southern and southeastern regions.

Growing concern and obvious suffering

Muhammad Bashiri, a specialist in dog training and production, explained that, “In the beginning, it must be noted that the Husky are strong and fierce work dogs as well, and they deal with many wild predatory animals, and they are not decorative and ostentatious dogs as we see in many societies, as the nature of their work in The basis is to drag snowmobiles in the polar regions of Siberia and the Arctic.”

مغاربة يجبرون

The same spokesman added, “In recent years, interest in this dog has increased on the part of Moroccans; This is due to its beauty on the one hand, and the speed of its reproduction on the other hand, noting that its financial value is within the reach of many people; However, this increased interest was accompanied by some unacceptable manifestations, such as mistreatment, for example, or the presence of this type of dogs with people who have nothing to do with the kennel.”

Bashir confirmed, in a statement to Hespress electronic newspaper, that the presence of Husky dogs in hot areas is considered unusual; Given that its habitat is the polar regions, because the nature of its body and its thick fur with smooth and thick hair are factors that cause great suffering to it if it is forced to live in hot areas.

Diseases that require prevention

And about the nature of the dangers that threaten Husky dogs, the specialist in dog training and production stated that “the suffering of this type of dogs increases in the summer and with severe heat waves, as the temperature rises and the mild weather turns into a very hot one; This causes a number of parasites and harmful insects to appear in the husky’s fur.”

And about the extent of Husky dogs’ ability to adapt to hot areas, Bashir explained that “if this dog is produced, that is, the process of its birth, in areas with hot and hot weather, it can adapt to this weather that is different from its areas of origin, where it becomes able to live in the new medium gradually; But he does not enjoy all his freedom, and his owner will notice that he is unhappy, especially in the summer.”

The dog trainer added that “Husky are stubborn animals with a sharp temper and difficult to train, and in order to live in comfortable conditions, their owner must have an air conditioner in the house or the place where the dog is raised, especially in the summer and hot times, and that he is keen to enable them to receive vaccinations to protect them from diseases such as viruses.” parasites, and tapeworms.

Ice baths and cold drinking water

Bashir confirmed, in the same context, that “the owner of Husky dogs is required, at least twice a week, to provide ice baths for this type of animal that finds comfort in cold environments, in addition to maintaining its cleanliness and health while cooling the drinking water provided to it by placing pieces Snow is inside and the water changes from time to time.”

The specialist in dog training and production said that “the Husky dog ​​in the hot regions suffers in silence in the hot regions, including Morocco, because it is a non-speaking animal and is unable to express what it feels; But there are signs that prove that he is not comfortable at all, among them the rapid inhalation and exhalation and the constant search for shade and drinking a lot of water, which causes him to lose his appetite.”

Bashir concluded his clarifications by saying: “I advise those interested in raising animals to choose a dog of the origin of the country in which he will live, so that it is more adapted to the prevailing climatic conditions there, and that this be for the purpose of guarding, grazing or socializing, with the need to take care of it and take care of its health and safety, because dogs were not created To show off".