Moroccan television imposes a subscription to watch new programs on the Internet

  • Time:Oct 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Faisal Al -Araishi, the president, the general manager of the National Radio and Television Company, revealed that the merging of the audiovisual public pole into Holding is a new media, will allow the creation of new initiatives;Including creating a digital platform on the Internet, leading to it to display the content of TV channels.

Al -Araishi explained, during a study of topics related to the public pole channels of the Education, Culture and Communication Committee in the House.

The President, General Manager of the National Radio and Television Company, added that this service that leads to it will provide an important budget, given that the involvement of one million Moroccans provides 20 million dirhams per month, or about 240 million dirhams per year, which is a budget of approximately 60 to 70 percent of investment in external production.For national companies.

Faisal Al -Araishi considered that a Moroccan platform for viewing on request will not affect the public service, noting that the percentage of follow -up of public channels will not decrease in the event of the involvement of one million people or even 5 million in the service.

التلفزة المغربية تفرض الاشتراك لمشاهدة برامج جديدة على الإنترنيت

The new budget that the public pole channels will provide from the subscription service, according to Al -Araishi, will enable television to double the current national production three times at the level of quantity and quality.

The same official added that after creating this service, the "TV Films" channel will be abandoned;This will enable "to reduce the budget of this channel and invest in another need".

Regarding the criticisms directed at Ramadan programs, Al -Araishi acknowledged that he was not convinced of the performance of "sequatism";But the percentage of watching Moroccans remains high for this content, which is presented in Ramadan, and stressed that the writing of "Citcom" is "a difficult work, and it must take between 6 to 7 months, otherwise it will be meager.".

The President, General Manager of the National Radio and Television Company, decided to abandon these "sketches" in the coming year, and compensate them in the series;"Because its return remains weak".

Othman Al -Firdaws, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, announced today, Tuesday, the details of a new government project aimed at integrating the auditory and visual pole;And that is by creating a new journalist, which includes both the National Radio and Television Company, Soriad Dosem and "Medi 1 TV".

Al -Firdaws explained, during the presentation of the project at the Education, Culture and Communication Committee in the House of Representatives, that "Dosem" and "Medi 1 TV" will be combined under the banner of the National Radio and Television Company (SNRT), which will play the role of a holding company, which is a new Holding in Morocco.