Moroccan athletes fall successively at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

  • Time:Jun 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The third day of the Olympic Games, currently held in Tokyo, and continues until August 8, witnessed an early and in total for Moroccan athletes, to keep the waves of Ramzi Boukhtam the only point of light.Thus, the boxer Muhammad al-Saghir (weight of 75-81 kg) came out of the Olympic competitions after his defeat in front of the Russian, Imam Khatayev, with the knockout in the third round of the match between them, today, Sunday, by drawing the third day competitions.

The same fate was his citizen, Abdelhak Nadir (weighing 57-63 kg) with his defeat against the Morris Luis Richarno, and Muhammad Hamot, who was defeated on Saturday in front of the Iranian Shahhabakch Daniel.

Boxing Rabab Shaddar (51 kg) did not constitute the exception, as she left the international forum early by leaving the end of the end of the end after her defeat, today, also, in front of the British Charlie Sian DVA with 0-5 points.

The hopes remained on boxing Omaima Belhaib (69 kg) and the boxer Younis Baalla (91 kg), to overcome the obstacle of the first roles, as they will enter the day after tomorrow, Tuesday.

Nada Laraj, the Moroccan champion of the Moroccan Taekwondo, did not succeed in overcoming the end of the end of the weight of less than 57 kg, as she surrendered to American Zolotic Anastasia 4.4 against 11 points.

رياضيون مغاربة يسقطون تباعا في دورة الألعاب الأولمبية

Her citizen Omaima Al -Boushti (weight less than 49 kg) was excluded, on Saturday, from the end price round after stumbling against the Korean Sim Jay Young with a share of 10 against 19.

For his part, Al-Masif, Hossam, bid farewell to the Olympics after his defeat in the price role in the sword of the fencing competition against the Hungarian Girgili Cycles (13-15), after he reached this role at the expense of the Chinese Wang Zagi in the first match.

Sumaya Iraoy, the Moroccan heroine, qualified for the end of the end of weight less than 52 kg, after defeating the ten sixteen ends of the Taiwanese and Racha Kachacorn with the full score (Ebon), before the British generation stumbled 0-10 to end up to end her career inJapanese Olympics.

In the global level, the Moroccan beach volleyball team, which was formed by Zuhair Al-Karawi and Mohamed Abbasha, won his first defeat in the competitions after he stumbled against Bologna with a 2-0 share.

In the female shooting sport, Moroccan Ibtisam Marii, the only actress of Morocco in this category, continues her career in the exclusion of the Skeet competition after finishing the 18th place with a total of 69 points out of 75.

The only light point remains on the third day represented in the achievement achieved by the hero Ramzi Boukhiaria, when the transit ticket was taken to the price of the end of the waves competition (Surf), after his second place in the fourth elimination series with a total of 10.23 points, behind the Australian Wright Owen (10.40 points);While the third place for the American, Florence John John (8.37 points).

Bokhtam, who is 26 years old, entered history from his widest doors when he scored his name as the first Moroccan and Arab player to book a visa to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics, after he ranked first in the fifth round with 14.50 points, in the World Championship competitions held on the city's beachJapanese Miazaki (from 7 to 15 September 2020).