Moroccan agricultural workers go to "strawberry fields" in Spain

  • Time:Jun 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A group of Iberian newspapers indicated that the agricultural bodies in southern Spain began preparing to receive the first regiment of Moroccan workers in strawberry fields in "Huilba", in mid -January, after coordinating the Moroccan and Spanish authorities regarding the process due to the closure of the borders.

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According to the "Europe Press" agency, it is expected that the first batch of seasonal peasant workers will arrive at the Green Port of Al -Jazeera next week, on January 12, and 15 marine vessels will be allocated to transport 1,000 agricultural workers on each trip;Which means that the total number is approximately 15,000 Moroccan women.

The same source stated that the first ship will start from the Moroccan coast next week, on the basis that flights will continue throughout January 2022, then their number will double to two flights in one week next February, and may continue until March if necessary.

According to the sources of the electronic newspaper, Hespress, from the Ministry of Economic Integration, Lesser Contracting, Employment and Competencies, Moroccan agricultural workers will be transferred to the Spanish "Huilba" fields, despite the decision to close the borders taken by the public authorities in the framework of the state of health emergency, but the same sources did not specify an official dateTo start the process.