Military spending and armaments in the world, the region and the Arab world (*) - CAUS - Center for Arab Unity Studies

  • Time:Jan 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

an introduction:

The form of military spending and its impact on economic development is a rich material for scientific and political controversy, and sometimes the masses.But military spending is not a single bloc, but it is distributed in different fields and affects each of these fields differently from the rest of the areas of military spending..The areas of military spending are represented by the ongoing spending on wages and the like, maintenance of equipment, nutrition and transportation for the working army and recruits, spending on the purchase of local weapons, spending on importing weapons from abroad, spending on scientific research and development to develop weapons and military equipment, and spending on military infrastructure from training centersAnd roads, water stations, drainage, communications, and military bases for all wild, marine, air, missile, and others.

Whenever the administrative apparatus is inflated in any army, including convincing unemployment, such as those spread in the administrative bodies in the overwhelming majority of developing countries, and even in some of the oppressive and advanced countries, the increasing military spending directed to pay wages and the like without that spending turns into a military force that is proportional to its size.This spending includes an explicit waste of resources as much as this disguised unemployment, and leads to an increase in military spending to achieve the military force required for the state at a higher cost and a higher level of wasting resources at the expense of economic development as much as that disguised unemployment that leads to distortions in the value of the work;Where those who have no work in "jobs" are not actually crammed and create distorted concepts of the workforce about the value of the work as they do not necessarily mean work, diligence and diligence..Also, disguised unemployment distracts the wage system, where wages are distributed and the like is distributed to a greater number of workers, exceeding what the work is actually needed, and the result is the low level of wages, or the inception of wages and the like at the expense of the financial balance of the institution.Also, disguised unemployment leads to distorting the productivity of the work, as the added value is divided into a greater number of workers that exceed what the work is required, leading to the low medium productivity of the worker, and looking at the workforce as the slightest efficiency and productivity, although the reason is due toThe numbers are enlarged in the form of convincing unemployment.

It is absurd and stupidity to consider the inflation of the administrative apparatus in the armies in the form of a convincing unemployment as an engine for effective demand and growth through entry distributed to excess workers, given all the deformities caused by that disguised unemployment..Economists, and even practical policies, have settled, provided that the rich countries pushing unemployment benefits to the unemployed, and by the way it constitutes an effective demand for investments and growth as well, is better than their accumulation in convincing unemployment distorted for everything.Also, the growth engine in developing countries is the savings funding for the new investments in which there is a shortage, and not effective demand because it is simply present, whether on local products or on consumer, intermediate and foreign investment goods, which causes a great deficit in the trade balance in the sweeping majority of thatCountries, especially if we exclude from it oil, gas and initial metal materials.

Technical retardation of weapons and the methods of management of armies contributes to the inflation of their ongoing numbers and expenses that do not lead to an increase in the level of armament and military effectiveness, so that these expenses turn into an economic depletion without a military return that is commensurate with their size.Sometimes these current expenditures, especially those related to wages and the like, are a kind of ruler's purchase of the loyalty of the military establishment, or the purchase of the satisfaction of the ethnic and tribal groups that make up the army in the countries that are less developed and integrated at the national level..The inflation of the number of armies also leads to removing part of the workforce represented by the working army, reserves and recruits from the equation for achieving economic development.

The most prominent example of the magnitude of the army and its technically is the Chinese army until the eighties of the last century before its updating in the last three decades..In the short-Vietnamese war in 1979, the Chinese army suffered severe human losses due to its technically lack of modernity despite its giant size..Despite his inventory of the Vietnamese border at a high cost, he was forced to withdraw quickly and return to the international borders.And that war, and then the experience of the United States war and its allies in Iraq in 1991, led to a warning of China to the importance of modernizing its forces and reducing its numbers, and that the great numerical superiority that enabled them to defeat the US military, or a tie with it at least, in the Korean War 1950-1953It has become part of history that has no effectiveness in managing and gaining modern wars. وقد تمكنت الصين من خفض تعداد جيشها البالغ أكثر من 4 ملايين جندي في أواسط ثمانينيات القرن العشرين إلى نحو 2 مليون جندي فقط في عام 2016[1].And this smaller and latest army in its armament and management is definitely more effective and powerful than the huge ancient army.

With regard to the allocated part of military spending for research and scientific and technical development, it can be of great benefit to the economy if the scientific and technical achievements were transferred from the military laboratories to the civil economy..In this regard, the West was more effective than the Soviet Union and the East in general in transferring scientific achievements from the military sector to the civil sector as a result of the framework of secrecy and secrecy that the Soviet Union surrounded its military scientific achievements that the state institutions were doing, which deprived the civil sector with capabilitiesEnormous.

In the event that the product of scientific research and technical developments is limited to weapons, the cost of research and development compared to the size of use becomes high, especially for countries with low production of weapons, which are not included in the world's top weapons exporters..In other words, the productivity or return of these military expenditures diminishes research and development and implicitly involves a partial waste of resources that could have gone to achieve economic development.Certainly, the world's major weapons exporters, who can research and develop scientific and new innovations of higher weapons, have an opportunity to improve their external scales through the return of their exports of weapons..The expansion of these industries, in light of external demand, helps to create more job opportunities.The entry distributed to workers in these export military industries create an effective demand for civilian goods and services, which encourages investors to build new civil investments that accommodate new workers, and distributes new income that constitute a new period of effective demand, so it is a successive course of growth driven by what is known as the multiply investment.

Also, the allocated part of military spending to purchase weapons has a less severe effect if the weapons purchased are homemade, as this guarantees the operation of a local workforce and stimulates the effective demand for the economy by entering the labor force operating in the production of weapons.In the case of importing weapons from abroad, as is the case in the Arab countries and the majority of developing countries, the effect is negative in the balance of payments and the foreign debt of the state.Accordingly, it negatively affects the local currency exchange rates against the main free currencies and in the stability of those prices.

Military and security spending was supposed to be a complete public commodity characterized by all the characteristics of public commodities, which is the availability of direct free of charge for all citizens and is funded from the state budget.However, the spread of residential areas protected by the knowledge of their residents or private security companies that carry out personal protection work, protect mass activities, or residential gatherings in many countries;It has introduced a kind of privatization on security services, while military spending devoted to protecting the country and maintaining its security and the integrity of its territory remained, maintaining all the characteristics of public goods..And if it is necessary to note that the involvement of some armies in civilian economic business that is not considered the tasks of the armies in accordance with the laws and constitutions, with those armies enjoying their civil economic activities with special features, such as tax exemptions and the allocation of lands without compensation or for a symbolic and limited wages of workers from recruits,It is a type of military mutation on the public and private civilian economic sectors.More clearly, it is a kind of militarization of the economy, intensifying the exploitation of employment, and building an economic basis for military control of political life..It is a pattern that reduces the efficiency of those armies involved in non -military economic and political activities, and harms the rules of justice in competition in the economies of those countries and in their political life..

There are great military leaders who have positions refusing to insert armies in civil economic activities.Field Marshal Mohamed Abdel -Ghani Al -Jamsi, former Egyptian Defense Minister and Chairman of the Egyptian Armed Forces Operations Authority in the October 1973 war, in his memoirs, states the testimony of Lieutenant General Mohamed Fawzi, the former Minister of Defense, on the reasons for the June 1967 setback, where he states within these reasons “the entry of the armed forces inAgricultural reform, housing, internal transport, state security investigations, high dam and many other things.The armed forces had representatives in these bodies representing the summit, that is, the Marshal (Abdel Hakim Amer, Commander -in -Chief of the Armed Forces), and Shams (Shams Badran, Minister of War) ». ويضيف في شهادته «ويهمني في هذه النقطة من الناحية التاريخية القول إن انتشار سلطة القوات المسلحة في مختلف نشاطات الدولة أخرج القوات المسلحة أو قلل اهتمامها بمسؤوليتها الأساسية وهي إعداد القوات المسلحة للقتال»[2]. ويؤكد المشير محمد عبد الغني الجمسي أن الانضباط العسكري (قبل كارثة يونيو 1967) قد «وصل إلى الانهيار نتيجة حرب اليمن، وإقحام القوات المسلحة في مجالات عمل غير عسكرية»[3].

As a result of that vision, one of the steps of the Egyptian political and military leaderships to rebuild the Egyptian armed forces after the June 1967 setback was “the removal of our armed forces from every civilian action previously assigned to it..The officers working in civil sectors have been returned to their military jobs or have been permanently transferred to civilian jobs.Non -fighter units that were charged with civilian work were canceled from the jurisdiction of other ministries. وبذلك احترفت القوات المسلحة عملها العسكري فقط»[4].But there are other visions and practical practices contradicting this trend.

And if we assume an ideal world in which there are no tendencies to acquisition, invasion and attack from a state over another country, then military spending in general becomes a real waste of resources.Since the world is not, the realistic view of things is based on the allocation of a moderate and acceptable amount of resources for military spending constitutes a necessity to achieve security and ensure the safety of the state’s lands and its borders, and thus the integrity of its actually existing economic assets, or that can be made through new investments.Determining that acceptable amount of military spending remains the dilemma facing economists because it is not only related to the actual size of external threats, but to the power of power to those threats that can involve large exaggerations related to the interest of the local military industrial complex or the interest of arms importers from abroad to preserve their large commissionsEven if there is no real necessity for that spending and those imports.

First: The dilemma of estimating the acceptable size of the military spending that does not contradict development

It is self -evident that the resources that are allocated to military spending are cut from total public spending, which was theoretically possible to be directed to finance economic development or to support the poor classes to achieve an acceptable degree of social justice that constitutes the basis of stability based on consent, not repression.And that percentage of public revenues that are allocated to military spending in turn constitutes a percentage of GDP, so the normal has any measurement of military spending and the acceptable size for it to be attributed to the gross domestic product..It is also compared to public spending on health, education and social welfare to explain economic and social development priorities in comparison with the state's military priorities.

But it is that military spending that at the same time constitutes one of the guarantees of peace between the state and its neighbors on the basis of military balance or possessing the ability to deter a deterrent that prevents neighboring countries from thinking about the aggression against that state.This peace, or the stability of security between the state and its neighbors, in addition to the internal security are the two elements that provide all the remaining elements that make up the conditions for the growth of local investments that driving economic growth, increasing output, creating jobs, attracting investments and foreign tourism.Consequently, the necessary military spending to ensure the stability and security of the state’s borders does not constitute a deduction of economic development, but rather a necessity to achieve this same development..So, when talking about military spending as a deduction of economic-social development opportunities, this is only related to the inflation of that spending above the necessary need to ensure the protection of the country and the preservation of its security and the integrity of its lands.

The global average military spending can be considered the acceptable rate in normal circumstances, while the countries involved in direct conflicts, or in arms races linked to congestion in their external relations, are a candidate to overcome that rate;Because military spending in any country changes in its absolute value and its percentage of public spending and the gross domestic product in light of the challenges facing the state, and in light of its enjoyment of a state of internal peace, peace with its neighbors, or its involvement in internal, regional or global conflicts.

The World Bank data in its report on development indicators in the world (2017) indicate that military spending allocated in the state’s general budget (does not include self -financing through the civilian economic activity of the army in countries that allow this civilian economic activity of the army) as a percentage of GDP in general2015 has reached about 2.3 percent on the global average, about 1.4 percent in poor countries, about 1.8 percent in low -middle income countries, about 2.1 percent in the high medium income countries, and about 2.4 percent in countriesHigh income.The rate reached about 7.7 percent in the Middle East and North Africa region, about 3.3 percent in the United States, about 2 percent in China, and about 5 percent in Russia..That is, the Middle East and North Africa is the highest in the world in military spending as a percentage of GDP.The rate in the aforementioned year reached about 14.2 percent in Amman, about 13.5 percent in Saudi Arabia, about 7.3 percent in Iraq, about 6.2 percent in Algeria, about 5.7 percent in the Emirates, and about 4.8 percentIn Lebanon, about 4.6 percent in Bahrain, about 4.3 percent in Jordan, about 4 percent in Yemen, about 3.7 percent in Kuwait, about 3.2 percent in Morocco, about 2.7 percent in Mauritania, and towards2.3 percent in Tunisia, and about 1.7 percent in Egypt. كما بلغ نحو 5,4 بالمئة في الكيان الصهيوني، ونحو 2,3 بالمئة في إيران، ونحو 2,1 بالمئة في تركيا، ونحو 10,9 بالمئة في جنوب السودان في العام 2015[5].

As clearly, the Arab countries that are within the Middle East and North Africa region are among the highest countries in the world in military spending as a percentage of GDP.And if we compare that region in general to the global average, it is more than three times or exactly 3.35, such as the average global military spending rate.

وتشير البيانات الأحدث من تقرير سيبري 2017 إلى أن الإنفاق العسكري كنسبة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي قد بلغ في عام 2016 نحو 16,7 بالمئة في عمان، ونحو 10,4 بالمئة في السعودية، ونحو 6,7 بالمئة في الجزائر، ونحو 6,5 بالمئة في الكويت، ونحو 5,8 بالمئة في الكيان الصهيوني، ونحو 4,8 بالمئة في كل من البحرين والعراق، ونحو 3,2 بالمئة في المغرب، ونحو 3 بالمئة في إيران، ونحو 2,3 بالمئة في تونس، ونحو 2 بالمئة في تركيا، ونحو 1,6 بالمئة في مصر[6]. كما بلغ الإنفاق العسكري الإماراتي نحو 5,7 بالمئة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي عام 2015، وبلغ الإنفاق السعودي في ذلك العام نحو 13,5 بالمئة، في حين بلغ الإنفاق العماني 14,2 بالمئة في العام نفسه[7].

أما على صعيد القيمة المطلقة للإنفاق العسكري[8] فقد بلغت نحو 61,4 مليار دولار في السعودية عام 2016، وفي تقديرات أخرى وردت بنفس التقرير[9] بلغت نحو 63,7 مليار دولار.In both cases, Saudi Arabia comes fourth in the world after the United States, China and Russia.The military spending of Saudi Arabia is truly an amazing model for the unjustified excessive military spending in a way that constitutes an explicit waste of resources at the expense of economic development..The absolute value of the Zionist military spending amounted to about 17.8 billion dollars, which places it in 15th in the world.The spending of the Zionist entity is more than three times or exactly 3.3, such as the Egyptian military spending, although the population of Egypt is more than 12, such as the number of that entity!

الإنفاق العسكري والتسلح في العالم والمنطقة والوطن العربي (*) - CAUS - مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية

With the exception of Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia, less than the global average in military spending, military spending as a percentage of GDP of the countries of the region is much higher than the global average in a varying way from one country to another..It is moderate and acceptable to that average in Iran and Morocco.It is about 1.75 like the global average in Yemen.It also ranges between twice the global average and three likes in Bahrain, Iraq, the Zionist entity, Kuwait, Algeria and the UAE.In Saudi Arabia, four times, such as the global average military spending, while seven in Amman, such as the global average.

Second: The inflation of military spending arranges the interests of the destruction of world peace and drain the wealth of nations

Military spending inflation to face temporary challenges or to achieve regional or global military superiority to create a network of interests of the military industrial complex in the continuation of this high spending even if it is necessary to make tensions, conflicts, wars and terrorism to justify the continued spending on purchasing, accumulation and consumption of weapons, without thatThis means that the feeding of the military industrial complex is the only reason for making these tensions, conflicts and wars where geopolitical and economic causes are present and at the forefront of the reasons in many cases.

But even in this context to understand the issue, the interests of the military industrial complex and the military establishment turn in general, especially in the major countries, specifically in the United States, into a sabotage factor.This complex is linked to profound interests with the politicians who funded it in the rich capitalist countries.It is also the same and the military establishment itself is an important part of the politically dominant power in developing countries, including the Arab countries, or even the actually dominant part of political destiny in some countries, a catastrophe that leads to the end of politics and freedoms, given that the military establishment is in the end an institution based onThe power of strict orders and arrests contradicts political freedoms.

When the second Cold War ended with the strategic weapons reducing agreements in 1988, it was necessary that military spending in the major countries, led by the United States, whose military spending was approximately 40 percent of global military spending at the time, still represented about 36 percent of military spendingIn the world in 2016, according to the Sberry report for the year 2017.After the end of the second Cold War, the second Gulf War was invented by encouraging the United States to Iraq to invade Kuwait and annex it to Iraq.Instead of making real endeavors to remove Iraq from Kuwait peacefully, the American-International Alliance of the War against Iraq was formed and removed from Kuwait and the destruction of its strength that the Zionist entity saw it as a strong threat to it.

In that war, the United States consumed a huge part of the shells, bombs and missiles that it accumulated in the time of Cold War and technically implemented..She also tried her new weapons to test her effectiveness in a war that could be avoided and her fuel was the people of ancient civilization.This was made in the way for the American military industrial complex and the corresponding complexes in other European countries, especially Britain and France, to develop new weapons and replace the ancient place in which Iraq was bombed, and new weapons were tried.

ولإدراك مدى أهمية الاستهلاك الأمريكي من الأسلحة لحياة ونمو المجمع الصناعي العسكري الأمريكي يكفي أن نشير إلى أن مبيعات الأسلحة الأمريكية قد بلغت 216 مليار دولار عام 2014، ونحو 210 مليارات دولار عام 2015 بمجموع 426 مليار دولار في العامين المذكورين[10].And if American arms exports during the period from 2012 to 2016 amounted to about 47,469 million dollars with an annual average of 9494 million dollars, then this means that US government and private purchases of weapons made by the American military industrial complex amounted to 2014 and 2015About 407 billion dollars.Consequently, it is very important for the American military industrial complex that the American society remain based on the freedom of individual possession of weapons, whatever the crimes that this leads to, and that the United States remain involved in arms, conflicts and wars because its army is the main buyer of the weapons produced by that complex..

As for the cost of this on the state’s general budget and the American taxpayers, it does not matter the military industrial complex and the politicians who are funded by it, in addition to that the Gulf War expenditures in 1991 were compensated from the Gulf states, and the same applies to the major European countries, especially Britain and France.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and its disintegration, the world had a historical opportunity to reduce military expenses and promote global peace after the end of international polarization. وقد خفضت روسيا نفقاتها العسكرية حيث كانت تعاني اضطراباً وتراجعاً اقتصادياً رهيباً بعد تفكك الاتحاد السوفياتي، بحيث بلغ معدل النمو الحقيقي للناتج المحلي الإجمالي الروسي نحو -19,4 بالمئة، -10,4 بالمئة، -11,6 بالمئة، -4,2 بالمئة، -3,4 بالمئة، 0,9 بالمئة، -4,5 بالمئة في الأعوام 1992، 1993، 1994، 1995، 1996، 1997، 1998 على التوالي[11].

Russia was collapsing economically under the weight of the low exports of oil and gas, and in light of the chaos and sabotage caused by economic "policies" and the gangs of looting of funds and the general assets surrounding it, if it may be called policies in the first place, Russia tried to converge with the West, and even integrate the economic, political system and perhapsWestern military after it turned into a capitalist state.But it was rejected because its presence in the opponent's position and not the ally is a necessity for the continuation of the high military spending that nourishes the American military industrial complex!

The United States was also engaged again in major military operations against the former Yugoslavia in 1999 without even going through the Security Council to obtain an international cover that will gain any legitimacy..This aggression and the previous annexation of the NATO of some of the previous socialist countries in eastern Europe led to the re -atmosphere of the military race between Russia and the West, headed by the United States.The war was invented on Afghanistan in 2001, to form American spending on a long -term feeding of the military industrial complex.

But the summit of the moral collapse of the West, headed by the United States of America, was the invention of sordid lies about Iraq possessing alleged comprehensive weapons, to justify its criminal invasion in 2003 outside international legitimacy, destroy its state and its basic and industrial structure, and the monument of a horrific murderer of its people, looting its effects and controlling an important section ofOil fields with decades, immediately after being under occupation.That American behavior was a model for the most dangerous force of power over the world from terrorism;Because it simply destroyed a state and a society and created a horrific despair from obtaining justice in relations between nations and created a huge space for the growth and creation of terrorism.The peak of the moral degradation of the brutal American force was the events of torture and physical and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Gharib prison, so that the American army appeared as gangs of psychologically disturbed criminals.These events will remain a disgrace that pursues the West and the United States and its racist criminal army forever.

The American destruction (from the angle of American interests itself) of the Iraqi state and the construction of an ethnic, sectarian and sectarian quota system with a direct American act, led to the new Iraqi regime's link with strong relations with Iran and its gradual spacing from American positions.The Americans have dropped the giant Iraqi fruit, but it fell into the stone of Iran!

The response was to invent ISIS and its sisters with the support of Gulf and American.American aircraft were dropped with repeated "mistakes" thousands of weapons and aid for that organization.Turkey has opened its borders to pass foreign terrorists into Syria and to receive the oil that ISIS and its ilk from the Syrian and Iraqi oil fields to trade as a mechanism to finance these organizations on the one hand, and to achieve exceptional profits on the other hand by purchasing Turkey for that stolen oil at low prices.It may be useful to refer to the talk of former Qatari Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim to the "Truth" program on the Qatar channel (available on YouTube) in which he exposed the criminal collusion between Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Turkey and terrorist groups to destroy Syria, and his famous speech said, "We are confused about the tranquility and fledSettlement ».The intended post is Syria, which it considered the navigators of the Qatari and Saudi conspirators, in all its history, its cultural heritage, and its cultural and political role, merely "is a" trail "that they are indifferent to;Even if this causes the displacement of millions and the killing of hundreds of thousands of the Syrian people, and the dispensing of decades of economic development that destroyed and became a rubble in the Syrian state war with the terrorist herds !!And if there is a real international account for war criminals, then the recorded talk of that criminal is enough to drag him to the International Criminal Court with his Saudi, American, Qatari and Turks partners..

As much as the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, the ruin and the horrific destruction of the Iraqi economy, it constituted an exceptional opportunity for the American military industrial complex to work and expand in light of the presence of a strong effective demand from the American army and from the armies of the Gulf states, Iraq and the Arab countries in general, which has become the overwhelming majority of their large and small countriesIt is affiliated with the United States, and works on the goal to transform the paths of conflict in the region, from a struggle to restore Palestinian rights stolen from the Zionist entity and its sponsors, to religious, sectarian and fabricated conflicts, generating atonement, extremism, violence and terrorism, and puts the countries of the Arab region and their neighbors in endless conflicts, so they become permanently neededImport weapons from the United States and other weapons exporting countries.

Also, the United States deliberately provoking North Korea and launching the statements of its comprehensive destruction to fabricate an armament race in which South Korea is involved, and it is a major importer of American weapons, is a kind of keeping and activating the American weapons import market with policies that are dangerous to world peace, and there is nothing wrong with the West depiction of North Korea onIt is a devil that threatens the world, although it defends its actual threatening existence.

It is really striking that the two Koreas initiated tension and rapprochement in 2017 in the North Korea initiative with its southern sister at the Winter Olympic Games in Pyong Shang and their entry together at the opening ceremony with a unified delegation bearing a white flag with a unified Korea map..In the face of this rapprochement, the United States sent the US Vice President to South Korea to attend the opening ceremony, as the world's expectations were shocked by provocative statements about the imposition of new US sanctions that are the most cruel on North Korea, so I support any expectations of US-North Korean meetings directly during those games.The US Vice President affirmed the continued coordination with South Korea to pressure North Korea in an attempt to block any South Korean tendency to reconcile with the north, and to keep tension burning on the Korean peninsula and prevent the development of peace endeavors between the two Koreas outside the American anticipation control.Also, North Korea, whose nuclear and missile program has evolved on scientific rules and the technology of itself and for defensive purposes, did not do what the racist Zionist entity that arose with rape and continues with aggression and nuclear armed up to the teeth with a decisive support from the West, especially from France and the United States in this field, without anyInternational accountability for him !!

Also, the political -modern political history clearly indicates that the most dangerous and criminal country in the use of nuclear weapons is the United States - and no one else - whether by bombing without justification for Japan, is actually defeated and completely in World War II to terrorize the countries of the world, none of themHe owns nuclear weapons at the time, or by using depleted uranium to bomb Iraq and possibly small neutron bombs in the Battle of Baghdad in 2003.

The major religious terrorist organizations were also invented by the action and leadership of the United States and Saudi Arabia at the beginning, by supporting Al Qaeda, financing and arranging it in the face of the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan in 1980 and beyond, with active and announced donations and recruitment from the ruling regime in Egypt under the auspices of its former president Mohamed AnwarSadat, from other Gulf, Arab and Islamic countries.The war against terrorism has become a justification for draining public resources to finance military spending and buying weapons at the expense of social spending and economic development.

In light of the necessity of war against terrorism as a mechanism to stimulate global, regional and local concerns in every country, which activate weapons requests and feed the military industrial complexes in major countries, especially in the United States, the tragedy and the cheeks at the same time that an alliance to fight terrorism is formed, consisting of the main shepherds of terrorism, such asThe United States, Turkey and some Gulf countries, led by Saudi Arabia, which with the Emirate of Qatar is a major source of support and financing of extremist atonement religious groups and terrorism.Despite the occurrence of differences between terrorist sponsors and an amendment in alliances, this does not deny that they are major terrorist sponsorships.Despite the importance of the military and security confrontation of the forces of terrorism, its deepest resistance is to win the values of urbanization, enlightenment and separating religion from the state through educational, cultural and artistic systems to keep religion in his supreme relationship between man and his Lord away from the cheap and destructive political and economic exploitation of the image of religion and societies at the same time;Likewise, through victory for the values of freedom, dignity, social justice and equality between humans, regardless of religion, doctrine, quality, color and ethnic origin;And victory for economic development and employment that enables people to gain their livelihood with dignity through the outcome of their work and their hardship.However, this most depth and permanent confrontation does not occur, and it is not directed towards it, as the issue of terrorism is being kept and combated as a security and military issue;This provides a mechanism for international, regional and local control and to deplete the economic resources of countries in spending on the alleged confrontation of terrorism.

وتشير بيانات تقرير سيبري 2017[12] إلى أن قيمة صادرات الأسلحة الأمريكية قد بلغت 47469 مليون دولار خلال الفترة من عام 2012 إلى عام 2016، وأن نحو 47 بالمئة منها قد توجهت إلى دول الشرق الأوسط.The Gulf states are the main recipient of American arms exports in the world.These countries and their dependence on the United States constitute a strategic treasure for the American-Military Complex.

During the period from 2012 to 2016, weapons imports from the United States of America accounted for about 91 percent of Kuwait's total weapons imports, about 52 percent of Saudi huge imports of weapons, about 61 percent of Bahrain's weapons importUAE imports of weapons, about 68 percent of Qatar's weapons imports, and about 65 percent of Oman's weapons imports. وشكلت واردات منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا من الأسلحة الأمريكية نحو 53 بالمئة من إجمالي واردات تلك المنطقة[13].Saudi Arabia topped the countries of the region in the value of its imports of American weapons.These huge exports of American weapons for the Middle East and North Africa region, especially for Saudi Arabia, are an embodiment of the success of American economic pirates in what they sought in this regard..

In his book, John Berkins indicates an economic pirate confessions..Economic assassination of nations;Until Washington began after the end of the Arab oil embargo (1973) and the consequent high oil prices and the filling of the Al Saud treasures with billions of dollars in negotiating with the Saudis, so they were offered to swap technical assistance, equipment and military training and an opportunity to advance their country to catch the twentieth century for the dollars of oil. وأسفرت المفاوضات عن إنشاء اللجنة الأمريكية- السعودية للتعاون الاقتصادي التي تعتمد على الأموال السعودية لتمويل الشركات الأمريكية في بناء السعودية[14]. ويشير في موضع آخر إلى أنه تم تكليفه بتطبيق قدراته الإبداعية في تبرير استنزاف مئات الملايين من الدولارات من اقتصاد السعودية بشرط إدراج شركات الهندسة والبناء الأمريكية[15]. ويضيف في موضع آخر: «التطور الاقتصادي في المملكة سوف يستتبعه في الغالب نمو صناعة أخرى ألا وهي صناعة أمن شبه الجزيرة العربية فالشركات المدنية المتخصصة في الصناعات العسكرية والهيئات الصناعية التابعة للجيش الأمريكي سوف تتوقع عقوداً سخية وكذلك عقود صيانة وإدارة طويلة الأجل»[16].

وقد جاءت العقود الهائلة لصفقات السلاح التي وقعتها السعودية مع الولايات المتحدة عام 2017 بقيمة 460 مليار دولار تستورد بموجبها أسلحة أمريكية فوراً بقيمة 110 مليارات دولار، وصفقات أخرى بقيمة 350 مليار دولار على مدار 10 سنين[17]، كتجسيد حي لهذا الأمر.It is also an episode of a continuous series of Saudi weapons purchase contracts in large quantities forty years ago.In addition to these deals, there are huge deals that may amount to 50 billion dollars, Saudi Aramco, on the one hand, General Electric companies, Halliburton, and Cleneberger on the other hand.. كما عقدت إمارة قطر صفقة بقيمة 12 مليار دولار لشراء 36 طائرة من طراز إف 15 في حزيران/يونيو 2017، لتلحق بنحو 72 طائرة حربية تم التعاقد على شرائها بقيمة 21 مليار دولار عام 2016[18].The huge American deals to supply weapons to the Kingdom of Saud and Qatar in 2017 were associated with the tension that broke out between the Kingdom and the emirate about who of them sponsors terrorism, and each of them sought to obtain the satisfaction of the United States and obtain political cover or "forgiveness instruments" from it, and the latter blackmail them together and she learns to knowThe certainty is that each of them funded and supports terrorism by sponsoring and participating, but she took advantage of the crisis and eventually obtained the deals they wanted for its military industrial complex and its giant oil companies!

The accumulation of weapons in Saudi Arabia has led to the Kingdom's adoption of aggressive policies towards countries such as Yemen, Syria and Libya, and to adopt domination policies in the Gulf region in an inconsistent manner with the small size of the Kingdom, which put it in a confrontation with a large neighbor and aspiring of regional domination, which is Iran.Especially since the first, that is, Saudi Arabia is a tribal state entirely affiliated with the United States and is compatible with the Zionist entity and its goals..

The accumulation of weapons and the escalation of the arrogance of power led to creating a mechanism to search for wars for those armed weapons, and Saudi Arabia has already been involved in wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen that led to an escalation of its need for more armaments and enlarged military spending in a vicious circle of depletion of economic resources.