Military production contributes to the completion of national and strategic projects

  • Time:Feb 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Ministry of Military Production participates in the implementation of the strategy of building the Egyptian man through its participation in many national and developmental projects in the country in the fields that are directly related to this plan, namely the cultural, sports and educational fields.

The process of building a person is intended to build a good citizen, and the process of building a person is an important means to achieve the goals of sustainable development. It represents a national issue and a deep cumulative process based on controlling the relationship between rights and duties between citizens and the state. It is a process that has multiple psychological, social, religious, cultural and political dimensions. It contributes to increasing the state's ability to face various challenges and risks internally and externally, but the construction process requires the availability of the necessary ingredients and capabilities to complete the construction process and achieve its desired goal. The following lines show the efforts of the Ministry of Military Production in this regard.

Cultural Axis Mobile Theatres

Based on the Ministry of Military Production's belief in the importance of supporting culture and spreading awareness, and based on the Ministry of Culture's endeavor to achieve and confirm the principle of cultural justice, and out of keenness to bring the cultural product to all parts and villages of the country in order to discover the gifted, talented, creative and develop Their skills, especially in the field of theatrical work, as it is one of the most important pillars of cultural and artistic work, given that it contains multiple fields of creativity. Therefore, the Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the Ministry of Military Production, supplied 6 mobile theaters with their accessories, and on July 22, 2020, the Ministers of Military Production and Culture inspected the first model designed by the company. Helwan for diesel engines (Factory 909 Military) for mobile theaters and accessories for the General Authority for Cultural Palaces.

“Helwan Diesel Engines”: supplying 6 mobile theaters for the Ministry of Culture with the aim of reaching villages and hamlets and spreading awareness

On this, Eng. ) has already implemented the six mobile theaters in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Culture, so that it includes all its requirements of a mobile studio designed on a 4-ton transport vehicle that carries a theater of 37.5 square meters that can be dismantled and installed.

He added that the vehicle is equipped with an air-conditioned cabin designed to operate the sound and lighting control system, along with a 30 kVA electric power generation unit, mobile toilets, and two trailers equipped to be linked together or to work alone as a theater, according to the needs of the Authority of Culture Palaces.

He pointed out that the preparation also included four tents used for preparations before the show, including 4 mirrors and four cupboards to store the belongings of the show team. With the provision of (4) fire extinguishers to maintain occupational safety.

Bakhit explained that (Factory 909 Military) finished supplying the six mobile theaters to the Ministry of Culture at the beginning of this year, so that they are distributed in a theater for each of the six main cultural regions, which are (Greater Cairo Region, North Upper Egypt, Central and Southern Upper Egypt, West Delta, East Delta, Canal and Sinai).

He continued, “Cooperating with the Ministry of Culture to implement this project represents a source of pride for us, given that it contributes to building the Egyptian man, and the Ministry of Military Production always seeks to support culture and spread awareness,” adding that the Ministry of Culture has developed a very distinct strategy to make the best use of this project. So that these mobile theaters tour all governorates of Egypt, including cultural, intellectual, creative and artistic programmes.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of (Factory 909 Al-Harbi) affirmed that “mobile theaters” represent an effective addition to the cultural infrastructure system that aims to invest minds, confront extremist ideology, enrich creative life in the governorates, as well as discover talented and creative people in the regions, especially in villages and hamlets, to ensure the arrival of the component and product. education for all segments of society, which embodies the state's strategy for sustainable development.

Dr. Ahmed Awad, the former head of the General Authority for Culture Palaces, revealed, in media statements during the past month, the details of the activities of the mobile theaters, explaining that work is taking place under the conditions of the Corona virus crisis, and despite that, the mobile theaters continue to move between the governorates and present theatrical performances to citizens with commitment full precautionary measures.

He mentioned that from January to May, the activities of mobile theaters reached 6 cultural regions, and (393) cultural theater activities were presented through them, benefiting more than (37) thousand citizens in villages and hamlets from which cultural sites are absent, stressing that it is from Within the mobile theater plan, go to the border governorates such as (New Valley, Matrouh, Aswan and South Sinai).

Also read: In the first launch from the Administrative Capital.. “Saafan” witnesses the signing of a collective labor agreement for “Eastern Company” workers. Now, for a year from the start of operation, in order to avoid any technical problems in operating the new theaters, and to ensure a high level of training for workers, and thus the general performance of the mobile theaters.

Sports axis and rehabilitation of facilities

The strategy of building the Egyptian person is a sports axis, which requires the advancement of the sports system and the development and modernization of youth centers to activate sports activity and exploit them to change extremist or erroneous thinking in a number of directions and to consolidate sublime values ​​and ethics such as teamwork And sportsmanship and other positive values, as “Military Production” cooperates with “Youth and Sports” in implementing many projects aimed at advancing the sports system to achieve the basic demands of youth regarding the practice of sports activity.

The Military Production Company for Projects: We contribute to the establishment and development of youth centers

Engineer Majed Al-Sarti, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Military Production Company for Projects, Engineering Consultations and General Supplies, told us about this cooperation, saying: “We developed sports stadiums and administrative facilities in several clubs Sports, in addition to the establishment and development of many youth centers in the various governorates of the Republic, such as the Youth City in Asmarat, the establishment of 23 Olympic swimming pools, training for juniors, and social and recreational facilities for children in some sports clubs in various governorates according to international specifications, in addition to the implementation of (1500) various sports fields, and we developed Natural and artificial grass, tartan and acrylic in most sports clubs and youth centers throughout our beloved Egypt, which compete with European and international stadiums, in addition to many other projects.

Al-Sarti added: “I would like to note here that our work is not limited to building buildings only, but rather has an indirect connection with building the Egyptian person. Those clubs and youth centers would benefit from the energies of our youth in useful matters instead of drifting towards ideas.” Destructive and undisciplined behaviours. Young people are the basic building block of society on which development is based because they have enough enthusiasm to overcome various challenges and difficulties and because they have a vital role in building society in light of their ability to deal with the new and easily adapt to it and find creative ideas in all fields.

Military Production contributes to the realization of national and strategic projects title=

He explained that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is one of the most important success partners for the Military Production Company for Projects and Engineering Consultations in general, and that they are making a very great effort by providing thousands of programs to serve, support, empower and train Egyptian youth and educate them on the importance of preserving health and practicing sports work in addition to spreading the spirit Loyalty and belonging.

Al-Sarti pointed out that, in addition to sports facilities, the Military Production Company for Projects constructs, rehabilitates and develops many educational and religious buildings, which indirectly contribute to the realization of this strategy by providing a sound educational environment.

He drew attention to the establishment, development and upgrading of many Al-Azhar institutes nationwide in cities, villages and hamlets. In the field of educational buildings, the company is proud to meet the needs of the Ministry of Education through the establishment of (86) educational schools (general and technical) in various governorates of Egypt within the national plan. To establish schools to be a symbol of progress and success for Egypt.

The educational axis.. Distinguished educational facilities

The strategy of building the Egyptian person is reflected in the state's tendency to provide an educational environment for students to prepare generations capable of shouldering responsibility. The state has made many achievements in the file of education, technical and higher education, which represents a shift Forward quality, where care has been taken to nurture the educational process in building the Egyptian man who is capable of laying the foundations of the modern civil state and pushing it to progress and advancement with the help of its loyal sons.

Head of the Training Sector: We are keen on practical training for students of the affiliated educational facilities..and we cooperate with the Ministry of Education through two schools of applied technology.

The Ministry of Military Production has a vital role in this regard, as explained to us by Eng. Essam Adly, Head of the Training Sector affiliated with To the Ministry, where he indicated that the training sector contains many educational and training entities, including (the Technical Institute for Advanced Industries, the Integrated Technology Park, and two schools of applied technology).

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Adly explained that within the framework of developing the technical education system in Egypt in accordance with international standards, Ministerial Resolution No. 313 was issued on 11/28/2019 to establish the two production schools. Al-Harbi School of Applied Technology in Helwan and Al-Salam, where the two schools are awarded a diploma in applied technology in specialization from the Ministry of Education and Technical Education, and a skills certificate granted by the Ministry of Industry in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Technical Education. In addition to the above, Al-Salam School is awarded a BTEC certificate from the English Pearson Foundation Education at the second and third levels.

The head of the training sector indicated that “the two military production schools are distinguished from other schools by the presence of many different disciplines that suit students according to the needs of the labor market, as well as the availability of a practical training environment because of our halls, laboratories, workshops, and classrooms equipped with the latest technology and updated.” And constantly developing them, in addition to summer training in military production factories and companies, and the existence of opportunities to join them, and students are followed up after graduation and assisted in obtaining job opportunities through communication with factories and companies of the state, the public business sector, and investment companies.

He revealed that the study is in English in the Al-Salam School, and the focus is on practical training within the training sector, at a rate of about 80% practical and 20% theoretical, by dividing the students into training groups comprising 4 to 6 students, and each group is assigned a trainer. On a set of equipment, laboratories and workshops are periodically updated to include the latest technological means.

The training sector is also affiliated with the “Technical Institute for Advanced Industries”, which accepts holders of high school or industrial secondary education through the coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. CNC, mechatronics, refrigeration and air conditioning, hydraulics and pneumatics, computers, electricity and electronics, chemistry).

Adly emphasized that “the journey of developing education in Egypt aims to change the entire system, which is what we seek to implement by shifting from education to learning and not limiting the role of students to being recipients of information, but rather becoming beneficiaries of an integrated system, this system It provides them with information and acquires life skills that shape their intellectual structure and behavior in order to achieve the vision of the state.

Dean of the Academy of Engineering: Interest in education is the main driver for building a person in Egypt and preserving identity

As for the ministry's efforts in the field of higher education, Dr. Waheed Gharib, dean of the Egyptian Academy of Engineering and Advanced Technology affiliated to the Ministry of Military Production, explained that Those who follow the various activities of the ministry sense its belief in the importance of linking scientific research to industry, developing the manufacturing and production system in Egypt, and qualifying a generation that has the ability to unleash industrial energies that depend on knowledge, advanced technology, and innovation. Those in charge of the ministry have taken care of the integration of its educational system.

Unlike the educational facilities of the training sector affiliated with the ministry, the academy was established to be an edifice for engineering education. It is a non-profit educational institution that grants a bachelor's degree in engineering by the credit hour system. These are the areas needed by military production companies and other advanced industries in order to support the Egyptian industry.

Gharib stressed that linking education and scientific research with industry is the basis for the renaissance of nations, and pointed out that the largest economies in the world depend mainly on industries and entrepreneurial projects, indicating that the Egyptian state encourages these industries and projects, and therefore care is taken to qualify graduates to enter the market. work immediately upon their graduation.

He explained that there are (3) departments in the academy, the first department is mechanical engineering (mechatronics division), which is the department in which mechanical, electrical and electronic systems and software systems are integrated to create a final product such as robots or cars, and the second is electrical engineering (communications and electronics division) As for the third section, it is chemical engineering (Chemistry Division), and the Dean of the Academy concluded his speech by emphasizing that interest in education is the main engine for building a person in Egypt and preserving identity.

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Adviser to the Minister of State for Military Production: We aim to train (1000) engineers on the techniques of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in cooperation with major international companies

Abdel Nazir, Advisor to the Minister of State for Military Production, Chairman of the Digital Industries Development Committee, the main researcher and general coordinator of the National Alliance for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, stated that the Ministry of Military Production is implementing the “national initiative to prepare cadres for the digitization of industry” in cooperation with General Electric Digital and Aegon Digital Technology “IKEN” with the aim of qualifying young engineers at the level of the Republic using the latest training programs in the field of using the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital transformation in the industrial sector.

Abdul Nazir announced the training of (32) production and maintenance engineers in companies affiliated with the Ministry of Military Production as a first experimental stage of the initiative to test the readiness of all parties involved in its implementation and to ensure the readiness of laboratories and networks during the implementation of the rest of the initiative, in addition to selecting and equipping a group of Trainers who are able to train and qualify more engineers and technicians working in the field of industry. The initiative aims to train 1,000 Egyptian engineers on industry digitization techniques through the training curricula of General Electric International, with the aim of preparing and preparing the Egyptian industrial work environment for applying the concepts and methods of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The advisor to the Minister of State for Military Production confirmed that cooperation with General Electric and AEGEN to implement the “national initiative to prepare cadres for digitizing industry” comes out of maximizing cooperation with leading international and Egyptian companies that have specialized competencies in the field of digital technology to enhance expertise. And the capabilities of military production companies to localize digital transformation technology and employ the techniques of the fourth industrial revolution in the implementation of various national projects.

He continued that from this point of view, the ministry was directed towards the importance of cooperation and integration with all state institutions in light of the directives of the political leadership to work to absorb the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the industrial sectors and achieve high rates of digital transformation of production and industrial processes and related services.

He added that the concepts of digital transformation were applied to one of the ammunition lines in the Abu Zaabal Company for Specialized Industries (Factory 300 Military) to be the practical model on which training will be applied for engineers in the initiative, as it is considered the most prominent example of starting to activate the Fourth Industrial Revolution system in the military production companies.

And “Abdel-Nazir” mentioned that links (links) will be sent to each of: (Ministry of Public Business Sector, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Arab Organization for Industrialization, Federation of Egyptian Industries, through which any entity from the private sector can register) in order to register in The first stage of the initiative.

Mobile Classrooms

Unlike the educational facilities of the Ministry of Military Production, the Ministry, through the Armored Vehicles Production and Repair Factory (Factory 200 Military), produces mobile classrooms to serve the educational process. These mobile classrooms are one of the solutions to the crisis of classroom density in some areas and its lack in others.

In this regard, Eng. Rafik Rizk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of (Factory 200 Military), confirmed that these classrooms are ready and fully comply with all the requirements and requirements needed by the educational process, pointing to the readiness of his factory to cooperate with any party wishing to produce these classrooms for their benefit and they are equipped with all Amenities, whether for students or teachers, and are equipped with comfortable chairs for them, in addition to that the classroom is made of solid materials that withstand erosion, weather, and high temperatures. The new mobile classroom can allow the installation of air conditioning with different loads that suit the classroom model. It also allows the installation of ceiling and wall fans, and it is equipped with lighting systems. LED fits the educational system and saves energy at the same time.

Rizk explained that the Ministry of Military Production took into account in designing the new classrooms that they be in cheerful colors that encourage the student to love the place and not make him feel that he is in a different place in the educational system. These mobile classrooms are equipped with a smart screen so that the teacher can teach students with the latest possible technological techniques as well About the lighting systems that allow good vision for both the student and the teacher, adding that it represents a quick solution to provide classrooms to serve remote areas or large student populations.