Maysa Al -Naji: "The store" warned me of Al -Zafzafi ... and Benkirane failed the Moroccans

  • Time:Jan 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Maysa Salama Al -Naji, the Moroccan opinion and blogger, said that she received phone calls from unknown destinations when she was on the bus on her way to Al Hoceima city, during the rural movement, to meet the youth of the movement, she asked her to refrain from visiting the countryside and not meeting the protesters, headed by Nasser Al -Zafzafi.

The Moroccan blog did not disclose the name of the parties that she said had tried to see it from visiting the countryside, and it was only called “people Diyal Al -Makhzal”, and she said in a photo dialogue with Hespress that she visited the city of Al -Hoceima despite these warnings, and met Nasser Al -Zafzafi, the most prominent face of the rural movement,And a number of activists.

The same spokeswoman explained that she took a distance from the mobility of the countryside at the beginning, and did not address in her writings on this topic;"Because I did not understand what Al -Zafzafi was saying, to his talk in the Amazigh, on the one hand, and on the other hand because I did not believe what the official media was saying about the activists of the movement and the accusations he causes to them.".

She added that her travel from Rabat to Al -Hoceima “came after the pressure practiced by the activists of the movement, as they accused me of being a store, and they kept me to visit Al -Hoceima, for the first three months of 2017;This prompted me to go to her in May..

مايسة الناجي:

She went on to say that the only time she contacted Nasser Al -Zafzafi was through an email, through which he sent her phone number when he learned that she was coming to Al -Hoceima, the Mahdi of the countryside, and he was submitted to be charged with searching for a house for rent;“But I did not trust him, and I did not even tell him the date of my arrival to Al -Hoceima, and I preferred to go down in a hotel and I did not tell anyone about my place because I was afraid.”.

She added that when she arrived in the city of Al -Hoceima, she met Nasser Al -Zafzafi and other activists in a café, and explained to her the reasons for the rural movement and how he started since the killing of the fish seller Mohsen Fikry, who made the protests, and that the impression that she came out was “that Al -Zafzafi is not separation, and that it is like the rest of the Moroccan youthThe frustrated and the angry we see today migrate through the death boats..

Despite this impression, the Moroccan blog said that it was not consistent with the "icon of the mobility of the countryside" in some of its positions, such as saying that "Spanish colonialism is more merciful than Moroccan colonialism";However, she considered that these words were issued by him, "because he is not a trained politician, but rather a normal Moroccan young man, and I told him through an email" You have to avoid these slippage, because you will throw yourself in the abyss. ".

On the other hand, Maysa Salama Al -Naji directed harsh criticism to the Justice and Development Party, which was previously sympathetic to him, criticizing in particular Abdel -Ilah Benkirane, his former Secretary -General and former Prime Minister, who said he “failed the Moroccans, because he used to say that he wanted to fight corruption and tyrannyAnd when he brought his party to the leadership of the government, he kept embracing the warehouse symbols..

And she added: “Benkirane was in his speeches like a lion, and he was threatening to reveal the names of spoilers and beneficiaries of the rent, and criticizes the advisers of the king, so we were deceived by voting for him in the elections;But as soon as he became prime minister, he turned against us and embraced the mission (the king's advisor), and he said to him: Come open a new page, "going to describe the behavior of the former prime minister as" hypocrisy ".

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