"مول الإمارات" و"سيسكو" يتعاونان لتحقيق "متجر المستقبل"

  • Time:Feb 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

"Mall of the Emirates", owned and managed by "Majid Al Futtaim", announced its cooperation with "Cisco", the world leader in the field of information technology and digital transformation, to provide an overwhelming, digital and personal shopping experience for customers, which would achieve a sense of comprehensive affiliation fromDuring the launch of the "Future Store" store.The store provides a more fun and persuasive and enjoyable shopping experience, and provides a simplified shopping experience.The "Sahd" store, the luxury local destination of "Majid Al -Futtaim", was the first retail store to capture the advanced and modern space.

For the first time in the region, visitors in Dubai will get an exclusive opportunity to interact with this type of store, which is characterized by unique concepts and gathering traditional and digital shopping alike..The store will raise the traditional shopping experience by integrating the digital retail to introduce visitors to the future shopping trip, through five basic technology features for "Cisco": digital display, display and sensor, magic mirror, beauty mirror and store analyzes.

The launch of the "Future Store" reflects an increasing trend to give a personal character within stores.Digital displays are welcomed by visitors in the store, and provides a distinctive atmosphere with the help of artificial intelligence and computer vision.Digital content on screens also changes based on facial analyzes, such as sex and age group.In this way, every visitor has a unique trip to discover products and goods while touring the store.

"The retail sector is constantly developing to meet the needs of customers around the world.Achieving a smooth, interactive, attractive, safe and personal customer experience, all of which are a major motivation for the adoption of this digital development.We have realized during the past two years that all people need to feel comfortable and safe when visiting shopping centers, and this was one of the reasons that prompted us to make the decision to design the "Future Store", to provide a simple, easy -to -shop experience and provide limited contact compared to the traditional store.Based on our site, fame and status of shopping centers, societies, retail experiences and pioneering entertainment, we look forward to adapting this space to suit more brands for more pleasure and continue our efforts to change the form of retail trade by achieving unique and unforgettable experiences for our customers, visitors and employees alike..

"Customer experiences have witnessed a widespread development, and in this diverse world, retailers who are widely headed towards the advanced digital world are looking for how to transfer Internet experiences to space and traditional world.Working with "Majid Al Futtaim", which plays a major role in retail, hospitality, tourism and community development in the region, will help us to provide a future shopping experience for consumers.This participatory and distinctive digital experience contributes to achieving a dedicated and comprehensive products for each customer..

The feature and sensing feature improves the customization feature and make it a personal for every visitor, by allocating recommendations and displaying the product information on the screen once the customer chooses it for the shelf.In addition to the product discovery journey, the magic mirror, the customer, helps the customer to browse a variety of products, which are available in stores online, through an interactive touch screen screen..

In addition, the beauty mirror contributes to reducing physical connection, to discover cosmetics and makeup by helping customers try them through augmented reality and interactive touch.The customer's purchase trip does not only secure the protection and welfare of the customer, but also ensures that he is not exposed to makeup removal problems and put it again.This feature aims to support customers in making the best and easiest decision when purchasing.

Advanced technology for this store benefits from the analytics of the service location of the wireless infrastructure and smart ceiling cameras based on cloud technology, to provide visions, ideas and analyzes of consumer behavior.The number of visitors, the population composition, the distribution of the turnout, the periods of resurrection, the analysis of feelings, the capacity of the store, the social spacing, and the compliance with the wearing of masks, with the aim of upgrading future experiences, and continuing the effective implementation of social spacing practices and safety conditions.

The "Sah" store is the first retail store to capture the "Future Store", taking advantage of the success of its branches in the Mall of the Emirates and "City Center Mirdif".The new store continues to provide what is famous for the local fashion destination for "Majid Al Futtaim", including its innovative services and the permanent designers collection to develop from all over the world.Until February, visitors will be able to explore the main pieces of a variety of brands available in the "Sah" store, including clothes, accessories, jewelry, shoes and home appliances in addition to exclusive products that are not available anywhere in the area.

The launch of the "Future Store" is another indication of the commitment of "Majid Al Futtaim" and "Cisco" with the leading efforts of the United Arab Emirates in the fields of innovation and technological development.Cisco in the United Arab Emirates is considered a leading company recognized in the field of information and communications technology and has an effective role in launching and successful digital projects throughout the country.

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