Link to submit internal jobs at the rank of soldier, technician, music men 1443 in the Kingdom

  • Time:Nov 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Link to the submission of interior jobs at the rank of soldier, technician, musician, men, 1443 in the Kingdom, where many citizens are wondering about the conditions, method of registration, and the date of registration through search engines on social networking sites, since the announcement of the Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is represented by the General Administration of Central Admission The agency of the Ministry of the Interior for Military Affairs announced the availability of new vacant military jobs at the rank of soldier, technician, music for those who have a high school diploma. Through this article, you have a link and steps to apply for these jobs, the interior jobs in the Kingdom at the rank of soldier, technician, musician.

Link to submit internal jobs at the rank of technical soldier Men's music 1443 in the Kingdom

Link to submitting interior jobs for the rank of soldier, technician, music

The Ministry of Interior in the Kingdom, represented by the General Administration for Central Admission and the Agency of the Ministry of Interior for Military Affairs, announced on Friday, January 7, 2020, that it announced new vacant military jobs with the rank of soldier. Music Technician For men who have a high school diploma, they must apply electronically by following the following steps:

General conditions for the positions of the Ministry of Interior with the rank of Soldier, Music Technician

Conditions and controls have been established to achieve the goal of obtaining the rank of Soldier, Music Technician 1443. The conditions are as follows:

  1. The applicant must be of Saudi nationality and origin. This condition is excluded from this condition for those who grew up with his parents outside the country in the service of the Kingdom.
  2. The applicant must also be of good reputation, good conduct and behavior, and not convicted of crimes Violating honor and trust.
  3. The conditions of the Ministry of Interior to obtain the job require that he not have been previously appointed to any military positions.
  4. If the applicant is married, he must be married to a Saudi national.
  5. He must be medically fit, and there must be consistency between height and weight, as indicated by the medical regulations.
  6. The medical regulations also require that the applicant not suffer from any chronic diseases that prevent him from performing his job duties.
  7. Have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  8. For your information, the fields must be written with the utmost accuracy, with emphasis on them, and applications that have discrepancies in the data that have been registered will be excluded.< /li>
  9. The exams and interviews required to get the job must be passed.

The date for opening the door for admission and registration

The opening for admission and registration has been officially determined by the Ministry The Ministry of the Interior on the new vacant jobs, the rank of Soldier, Music Technician, for the year 1443 AH, starting from Saturday, corresponding to 1/8/2022, corresponding to the 5th of Jumada al-Akhar 1143 AH, until next Thursday, January 13, 2022, corresponding to 10/6/ 1443 AH, and the submission is done electronically through Absher recruitment portal according to terms and conditions that must be verified in order for applications to be submitted correctly.

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