Today's costume .. Robert Flunton has a patent of the steam ship

  • Time:Jun 11
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

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On this day, February 11 of the year 1809, Robert Flong obtained the patent of the steam ship, and the steam ship is the steam -powered ship, using water and turns into heat vapor, and has a great energy in the generation of movement, it increases as the steam temperature rises and its quantity increases, and it was. The first to think that steam energy is able to move ships is (two doors), and other scholars paid attention to his important note, and among them the Scottish engineer James Watt, who is credited with inventing the first steam machine with a cylinder, in which the air does not play any role, and which is based Steam alone by generating driving force.

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The water witnessed the descent of the first steam ship for the experiment in 1778 AD and achieved remarkable success, and this ship was designed by (Daban), which built other ships, and despite the material losses that followed it, for example, he was forced to destroy a portion of his house, to complete the construction of one of his ships,The steam ship industry developed at the hands of the American painter Robert Floton, who built a very famous steam ship (Nutelos), which was flooded in the year 1803 AD, the Seine River in France.

The ship Clairemont began a regular service in the Hadson waters and was carrying 100 passengers and 54 beds. In Europe, the Komette entered the first passengers service between Glasgow and Henlrsburg on the Claid River and was traveling at a speed of about 6 knots per hour, and Volton was considering creating a regular service in American rivers using boatsAl -Bukhari has requested the manufacture of the parts of his project in England and collected it in the United States and used its new machine on the boat Cleremont, a boat in 1807 to sail in the Hudson River, crouching 32 hours back and 30 hours, carrying the first passenger.

Four years later, he was placed in the service in the (Hudson) River in America, the (Clairemont) ship, which reached (40 meters), and its speed (6 km) per hour, and witnessed in 1819 AD, the descent of the famous steam ship (Savanna) that crossed the Atlantic OceanIn Liverpool, the journey took 27 days that the ship did not use the steam power for more than 85 hours, as it also relied on sails.

The American company Collens also crossed the Atlantic Ocean in ten days and was the first ship to be prepared with bathrooms. The machines took good over the years and the steam ships replaced the sailing ships permanently and in the second half of the nineteenth century, the steam ships were roaming all the seas and the rooms wereThe first is equipped with luxurious furniture to allow its passengers the utmost comfort, while the third -class passengers were traveling without reassurance.