Lubarizian in the company of the police in a cable .. and Talban: Why is the whole world standing against us?

  • Time:Jul 30
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

6 months ago, the Taliban were fighting the "American enemy", but today they are with need and the lack of training, they search cars on the road.

This is what the French newspaper "Le Parisien", Vincent Monneghar and Philip de Bolbekier, noticed after a day to accompany the Afghan police during the era of the Islamic Taliban movement.

After 5 months of the fall of a cable, the delegates say that they traveled to the heart of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and for a period of 9 days, following the daily life of these Islamist "fighters" who are trying to impose regime, and they met girls who say that their dreams were shattered, and they were interviewed with activists who say they are threatened with death.

In this report, the delegates say that the commander of the third area in a cable opened them to the police headquarters and let them look closely at what his men are doing in the field and inside offices and prisons, and allowed them to meet the police officers, and even accompany them during the performance of their duty.

The delegates say that these men are not characterized by anything from the rest of the population;They have not received their salaries for several months, which is what the policeman Muhammad Sharif comments by saying, "I do not receive a salary at the present time, but God will help me.".

The building, according to the delegates, does not seem different from the rest of the dilapidated buildings in Kabul, except with the presence of the new white flag that the Taliban chose for Afghanistan..

This brigade consists of 400 "warriors" under the leadership of Mullah Fadl Al -Rahman Al -Zubayr (38 years old), an Islamic scholar who spent 16 years to learn matters of religion, and he who allowed us to spend one day in the company of his forces.

The delegate noted the simplicity of everything there;These men do not distinguish them from others except the Kalashnikov rifle that does not leave them or the long beard that is a feature of all of them, as they sleep in the police station where there is also a small mosque and their material condition is not different from the rest of the Afghans.

Although all of these men are from the wilaya of your Wardak (in the middle of the country), and some of them are only dozens of kilometers away from Kabul, they were unable to visit their relatives, where the policeman Muhammad Sharif -who is the father of 3 males and 4 daughters, "I have not seen my family 3 months ago".He pointed out that he does not have money to visit them.

I am proud to serve my country

The delegates say: When we entered the leader of Major General Mullah Fadl Al -Rahman Al -Zubayr, we had to take off our soles, and the man who wears a black turban, and his voice is calm, as it seems more conservative than other elements, where he says commenting on his work, "I do my duty, I am tired, but I amFirst of all, very proud to serve my country, it is true that our resources are limited, but we are working as much as possible, day and night, to stop the bombings of the Islamic State and confront the thieves, murderers, kidnappers and mafia..

لوباريزيان في صحبة الشرطة بكابل.. وطالبان: لماذا العالم كله يقف ضدنا؟

Al -Zubayr says that he is not aware - so far - by cutting the hands of the perpetrators or "hanging them", and adds, "those who deserved to do so fled outside the country," noting that he supports the application of such penalties if there is something that requires them, but he warns that there is thereThey are included in the penalties, and for small thefts - for example - its owners are sufficient to put them in prisons, he said.

As for the most important achievement he has achieved so far, he says, "We have arrested the perpetrators of the kidnapping operation - in light of the previous regime - they would impose a ransom, we have dwelled them and deposited them in prison.".

The delegates say that the prison that they had seen was not in senior criminals at the time of their visit, and they met a bicycle thief saying that this is the third time he was arrested, and that he is treated in a good way, but the policeman comments on his words by saying, "In the past, it was because of the stealing of a motorcycle and an attempt to stormStore, and now he is also accused of drug use..


By accompanying these police officers outside their surroundings, the delegates say that we are aware of their powers, as a large part of the workforce is assigned to checkpoints, where they orders the drivers of car to open the windows automatically, and they search car boxes at the slightest doubt.

Women are not allowed to wander without a mahram within a distance of more than 72 km, and this is also what the police officers achieve accurateThe place where her husband, brother, or father is located; all of this is for her benefit, we want to make sure that she is not subjected to harassment, there is a lot of thugs, "he said..

My people's relief

As for the position of the general public, the delegates quoted Alawi - who is the agent of real estate (70 years) - as saying "Since the return of these" warriors "we have become feeling that there are those who protect us..

"I am very comfortable, the security is now in a woman," Ali says, "I am very comfortable.".

They are looking for fairness

Returning to the Police Commission, the delegates say that they have witnessed a very disciplined queue from people who submit complaints from others who accuse them of practicing injustice to them or wanting to rid security transactions.This Jean Muhammad says that he loaned one of the people who were very influential in the previous regime 60 thousand dollars 5 years ago and no longer had anything from it, "Today I want to restore my entitlements.".

This is a 22 -year -old young man, wearing an elegant scheme, who must renew his license - about $ 115 - in order to continue to teach the English language at his institute.As for Zoroula, a law professor at a private university, he says that he has not received his wage for 3 years, and he asks his president to pay all late wages..

The delegates say that all of them arrived and their pockets are full of the documents they hand over to the Taliban Police in charge of the documentation..

The investigations were entrusted - from other matters - to Muhammad, 28, who is an intelligence officer, who claims that he does not differentiate in his tracking of potential criminals between "small and large fish", and defends saying, "We have no right to be violent to reach the truth.".To guide him in his investigations, Muhammad - according to his saying - relies on "information" that he draws from "taxi drivers, restaurants, and hospital agents".

Muhammad surprises us by saying, Can I also, in my turn, ask you a question: "Why is the whole world standing against us?"

This officer confirms that the Taliban is, and she has the same goal that she had 25 years ago, which is "making the word of God the supreme, but we will appear more wisdom so that we do not disturb the citizens, we hope that our leaders will not be extremists in the future, we want educated girls who can go to schoolAnd get a job or become a doctor and police commissioners, but on the other hand, we refuse to take off their veil..