Launching the return plan for facial education in universities

  • Time:Feb 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
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Amman - Al -Ghad - The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research launched a road map for the return of higher education institutions for the academic year (2021/2022).

The plan includes all official and private higher education institutions for all degrees and academic levels.

The Ministry confirmed that the return map for facial education in Jordanian universities is available in the academic year (2021/2022), noting that “the student presence on the campus in light of the epidemiological situation in the Kingdom and in the world is necessary for everyone to take important measures aimed at reducing the risk of increasingThe spread of the Corona epidemic, by following some of the procedures that the map explained, as reducing the number of injuries target students, faculty and administrative and technical cadres, as well as university visitors..

The plan is divided into 3 phases, the first stage includes preventive measures before students return to the campus and includes: encouraging students, faculty members and administrative and technical cadres in higher education institutions to take the Kofid-19 vaccines, educating students about them while moving on the campus (wearingKams, examination (PCR), physical spacing), statistical preparation every two weeks regularly for people who received the vaccine (dose, two doses), registered and non -registered on the platform for the purposesCompletely remotely) in line with the decisions of the Higher Education Council and the application of the electronic learning Adam system in higher education institutions, provided that the times of lectures are clear and clearly announced to students, and the times of lectures that are held on the campus with electronic learning lectures do not contradict.

إطلاق خطة العودة للتعليم الوجاهي في الجامعات

As for the second stage, it includes procedures related to campus and university facilities themselves of gates, halls, library, laboratories and operators, restaurants and cafeterias, internal movement on the campus, internal housing for female students, the mechanism of supervising the implementation of these procedures. Among the most important things included in this stage: the distribution of students ’entry.To the campus on more than one gate, in order to prevent gathering, the requirement of (green bond) to enter the faculty members, administrative and technical cadres and students to the campus or bring a negative (PCR) examination for a period of (72) hours on Sunday and Thursday every week,Implementing what is related to higher education institutions of the defense order No. (32), forming a work team to carry out field tours to verify the application of all the procedures taken and the adoption of the (Sanad) application in the required verifications according to the in force of defense orders and that university security and teams of students (in cooperation with the Deanship of the Deanship of the DeanshipStudent Affairs) by roaming the arenas to ensure that everyone is committed to the means of protection and public safety, that observers from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and throughout the semester of the existence inside the Grand MosqueWith me and monitor the extent of faculty members, administrative and technical cadres and students to defense orders and all the required procedures, hold all the exams that take place during the semester on the campus of various specializations and scientific degrees, while adhering to the relevant defense orders, and taking all the necessary arrangements and measures to ensure the safety of students, asThis stage includes dealing with housing, laboratories, and library.

The third stage includes the way to deal with the injured and their students from students and other cadres on the campus, according to the following:

- If the incidence rate among students in the same classroom is (10%) or more, then the period of the division is suspended only for a period of (14) days, and the university takes the necessary measures to convert students in all the courses that they recorded to electronic learning (remotely).

- If the infection rate among college students (10%) is more and more suspends the college’s duration, and the learning system in it turns into electronic (remote) learning for a period of (14) days..

- If the infection rate among university students (10%) is more or more, the university’s duration is suspended after coordination with the relevant authorities, and the learning system in it turns into e -learning (remote) for a period of (14) days..

Students of cancer or diseases that lead to low immunity are allowed to follow their learning from a distance, and they apply for various evaluations within the campus.

- The health protocol is applied to deal with the injured through home insulation for a period of (14) days for the injured after the appearance of a positive examination and the suspended mixing examUntil the result of a negative examination appears, and the conversion of the affected student learning system is converted into e -learning (remote).