Lama Al -Shathri stresses the importance of keeping pace with the media for the digital transformation in the "Enriching Media 2022" meeting

  • Time:Jun 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The editor -in -chief of the Magazine of Madam and Al -Jamila Al -Shathry Magazine, Lama Al -Shathri, participated on Friday evening, in the meeting "The Intelligence of the Media 2022", which included a group of media professionals: The editor -in -chief of the "National" newspaper Mina Al -Uraibi, and the head of the Press and Digital Media Department at the College of Communication and Information at King Abdulaziz UniversityDr. Ahmed Al -Zahrani, the advisor and specialist in digital media, Hani Al -Ghafili, with the anchor of Al -Arabiya TV, Fatima Fahd, who managed the dialogue in an enrichment meeting, to discuss many challenges and developments facing the media in light of the great digital transformation.

During the media meeting, the editor -in -chief of Madam and Jamila magazine spoke about how to keep pace with the great development of digital transformation, as she explained that the media needs at the present time to empower competencies, to keep pace with the huge digital transformation.

لمى الشثري تؤكد على أهمية Keeping pace with the digital transformation في لقاء

She stressed the importance of the journalist and editor possesses all the digital skills that enable him to make attractive and varied content in light of the presence of various digital platforms such as social media and websites.

Approval of false news

Lama Al -Shathri revealed that the media must have a race role in spreading the correct news, and this is done by linking the news to a meeting with an official to enhance the credibility of the news, provided that the correct news reaches the public in a faster way through social media platforms and the use of search engines, so that he canWhen the reader searches for the news or the topic in Google, he finds the first results of the correct news.

She said: Our role is to increase awareness of the reader through the reliable platforms from which the news takes, because sometimes immediate communication applications contribute to publishing some false news that do not have a source, or old news that is circulated as modern news.

Keeping pace with the digital transformation

The editor -in -chief of the Magazine of Madam and Al -Jamila magazine also explained the reasons for the success of my lady in keeping pace with the great digital transformation, where she said: “My lady has a long history in the press, and we have launched a major strategic plan in the beginning of the year 2021, in which we were keen to make original content in a different way, to address fromDuring the family and women in the Arab world in a modern way.

She pointed out that the new strategy of my lady relied on opening new doors for a variety of content for the youth category and the fields of empowering women, and modern lifestyle, and linking all of this to the platforms that my lady possesses and represented in the printed magazine and the website along with social media platforms, which led to the occurrence of integration between theseThe platforms, with a focus on the attractive content industry that is the primary component to keep pace with digital variables, which made my lady be fifth in the Forbes list of the 10 most powerful websites in the Middle East for 2021.