Nahr the Kuwaiti family makes detailed confessions

  • Time:Dec 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Indian accused of the crime of Al -Arda in Kuwait made detailed confessions about the incident, as he confessed to stealing 300 dinars and some jewelry from one of the rooms of the house accurate.

Al -Qabas newspaper quoted a security source as saying that the accused sold the gold to Al -Farwaniyah stores, and the bills that he sold were found..

The source said: One of the neighboring houses cameras monitored the entry of a stranger to the house carrying a bag of clothing in his hand, and his exit after about two hours have passed, pointing out that the men of the Farwaniyah Investigations succeeded in determining his identity, and they were in the Al -Sulaibiya area and was seized..

The source added that the accused justified his commitment to the crime that he is asking the family with some money, and he was referred to the Public Prosecution on charges of premeditated murder..

The following are the details of the sequence of committing the crime of Al -Ardah step by step as narrated by the accused in his confessions, which are the following:

1- The accused came to the house early in the morning and knocked the door bell and the mother opened for him and welcomed him because of a previous knowledge and dealt with them

2- The accused sat in the salon of the house..The mother went to the kitchen to bring a drink for him

ناحر الأسرة الكويتية يدلي باعترافات تفصيلية

3- The accused entered the kitchen quietly with a knife with a knife, and the mother surprised a stab in the back, where she fell to the ground and then stabbed her in her neck until she died.

4- He went to the upper floor, and he found the elderly father coming out of his room, and he attacked him and stabbed him several times until he died

5- The daughter came out of her room after she felt a strange movement at home, tightened and attracted, and found the accused in front of her carrying a knife drowned in blood where he attacked and slaughtered her.

6- When the accused reassured the death of the mother, father and daughter, he entered looking for money and gold jewelry, and he found 300 cash and some gold jewelry, so he took it, then got rid of the crime tool inside the house and went out to his residence in the Crusader.

Surveillance Cameras

The source said: The accused owes sums of money in his homeland and claimed during his confessions that he was asking the family for a sum of money, and therefore he decided to commit his crime.

He added that the name of the accused was stated in the discontent and issued communications statements, and he was summoned, as he denied his connection to the crime, and he was released and monitored, but after he appeared in the recording of the cameras of one of the neighbors while he was entering the house it was found that he was the main accused and he was seized in the Al -Sulaibiya area.


The source pointed out that the accused suffers from a disability in the leg that had a major role in revealing his identity, as he entered the victims ’house in clothes and left him in other clothes after being replaced inside the house after committing the crime, but his distinctive way of walking as a handicap showed his personality..

He pointed out that the outcome of the sale of gold jewelry amounted to about 600 dinars, in addition to 300 dinars..

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