King Mohammed VI agrees to the contents of the interior system of Al -Waseet Foundation

  • Time:Jan 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The internal system of the Al -Waseet Foundation in the Official Gazette was issued at the end of last month.The Foundation stated that "the adoption of this system came after it was raised as a project to the Mawlawi flag.".

This system determines the organization's organizational structure, how the permanent committees for tracking and coordination and the procedure for providing and tracking grievances and tracking them and tracking the implementation of the recommendations issued regarding them, and the procedure for conducting research and investigations carried out by the mediator or its representatives, the automatic initiative, settlement requests, mediation and success endeavors.

It also determines the staff of the institution and the financial and accounting organization.

The mediator, according to Chapter 162 of the Constitution, is considered a "independent and specialized national institution, whose task is to defend rights within the scope of relations between administration and the comrades, and contribute to the consolidation of the rule of law, the spread of the principles of justice and fairness, the values of creation and transparency in managing departments and public institutions, dirt groups and bodies that exercise the powers of powerGeneral ".

الملك محمد السادس يوافق على مضامين النظام الداخلي لمؤسسة الوسيط

The internal system of the institution is granted to all persons, whether or moral, individual or groups, Moroccans or foreigners, residents or non -residents over the national territory, the possibility of submitting their grievances to the mediator, in order to raise the damage caused to them or others in the cases permitted by the law, due to a decision orA disposal issued by the administration, work or abstinence of work, or an activity of its activities, which is contrary to the law, or a wonder of transgression or abuse in the use of power, or contrary to the principles of justice and fairness.

The grievances are submitted to the Al -Wasit Foundation written, but the institution's internal system opened the door for people who are unable to provide their grievances in a written way, to be satisfied with an oral statement..

In this case, the person in charge of the reception listens to the content of the grievance and inquires about the grievance about it, and immediately appears the statement he receives in a report.

Each person can also provide a shadow on behalf of others, provided that they are conducted by a valid agency.

On the other hand, the mediator, in the absence of any grievance, can automatically initiate what may reach his knowledge, by any means, from the facts or actions issued by the administration, in violation of the law or contrary to the principles of justice and fairness or a diamond of right -wing rights,Which falls within the jurisdiction of the institution, with the intention of searching for fair and balanced solutions that guarantee the lifting of the damage it caused.

The internal system enables the mediator institution to use consultants or external experts in order to carry out specific tasks for a specific period, on the basis of contracts that determine their duties and conditions for contracting them..

It is also expected that the human resources operating in the institution are subject to its own basic system, which is taken by the mediator according to a decision in agreement with the Ministry of Finance.