King Mohammed VI appoints Ait Al -Talib as Minister of Health to succeed Al -Ramili

  • Time:Feb 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

A communiqué of the Royal Court stated that “according to the provisions of Chapter 47 of the Constitution, and with the proposal of the Prime Minister, His Majesty King Mohammed VI preferred, today, Thursday, to appoint Mr. Khaled Ait Al -Talib as Minister of Health and Social Protection, to succeed Mrs. Nabila Al -Rumaili.“.

الملك محمد السادس يعين أيت الطالب وزيرا للصحة خلفا للرميلي

The following is the text of a communication from the Royal Court:

“According to the provisions of Chapter 47 of the Constitution, and with the proposal of the Prime Minister, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, prefer his, on Thursday, October 14, 2021, by appointing Mr. Khaled Ait Al -Talib as Minister of Health and Social Protection, succeeding Mrs. Nabila Al -Rumaili.

This appointment comes in accordance with the constitutional requirements, and based on the request submitted by the Prime Minister, to the high consideration of His Majesty, by exempting the lady Al -Rumaili from her governmental tasks, which presented a conscience in order to completely devote himself to her tasks as headThe representative task, and the continuous follow -up of its inhabitants and the open workshops in this major city, which will affect the many obligations and the daily assignment required by the health sector, especially in the circumstances of the pandemic..

His Majesty, may God protect him, preferred to agree to the Prime Minister's proposal to appoint Mr. Ait Al -Talib, to complete open workshops and urgent challenges for the health sector, foremost of which is to continue to manage the health aspect of Kofid 19, and the good progress of the national campaign for pollination.“