Journalist Radwan Al-Ramadani writes: Palestine has been overthrown... they suspended Morocco!!!!

  • Time:Apr 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In recent days, the intensity of the attack on Morocco has increased, due to the course taken by its relations with Israel.

It was understandable that Morocco's choice of an approach of clarity and realism, in its relations with Israel, and its interaction with the Palestinian cause, away from the romance and emotions of black and white, would leave negative, conservative, or warning reactions.

The surprise was not manifested in the appearance of "opponents" to this choice; Rather, the (surprise) manifested itself in the growing trend that supports official diplomacy in this regard, a trend that brought down its morals psychologically, and it lasted for a long time, is the relationship with Israel, it needed a shake to rearrange the papers, and break glasses that kept obscuring things as they should.

The view had to be corrected.

It was.

I am almost certain that the new situation also broke the superstitious, exaggerated logic of looking at the Palestinian issue.

Palestine is not edited by hashtags.

Jerusalem is not retrieved by keffiyehs.

And the armed struggle is not achieved by the sound vibrations of Ahmed Wehman.

But the difference in estimation is very normal; Rather, it is required.

The official decision, always, needs someone, and what, to challenge it.

But the quarrelsome, when it comes from the insane, the deceived, and the deceived, becomes foolishness.

Nevertheless, this is all acceptable.

However, what is not acceptable, but rather a great injustice towards Morocco, and towards the official decision-makers in it, is to hold them responsible for the entire Palestinian cause.

The most dangerous, and most despicable, is his description (and their description) of treason.

Morocco is accused of treason, as if it had issued a fatwa on the occupation of Palestine.

As if he was the one who issued a fatwa to divide it.

As if he was the one who issued a fatwa to expel the Palestinians.

As if he was the one who issued a fatwa to kill the Palestinians.

As if he was the one who issued a fatwa for the Israelis to be obstinate.

The reality is far beyond that, and this is known far and wide.

The vile does not understand.

Morocco has not done, and is doing, nothing but good for Palestine and the Palestinians.

This is based on duty, honesty and sincere support.

And not with the logic of manna, blackmail and barter, as others did, and do.

Did Morocco make a mistake when it resorted to productive clarity instead of tickling emotions in public and “beating” in secret?


This is daring, honest and realistic.

But, because Morocco is Morocco, others judge it with a very strange logic in thinking and looking at the reality of things.

They ask him to be what they could not be.

permissible for them. It is forbidden for us.

This calcified logic may be understandable if it comes from the owners of the struggle in five-star hotels, or from the owners of bank or virtual accounts, and even stupid political accounts.

As for it coming from some of the people of Palestine, that is the real betrayal.

And that is the response of good with bad.

And that is jumping on the truth, but hitting it and falsifying it.

Egypt has the right to normal relations with Israel.

Turkey has the right to (more than) normal relations with Israel.

The Emirates have the right to normal (super) relations with Israel.

And for Bahrain as well.

And other countries are right, too.

The Palestinians themselves have the right to deal with Israel...

Except Morocco!!!!


It would have been better for the Palestinian components to distance themselves from these populist positions.

It was better to stay away from the logic of betrayal.

It was also better not to spit in the hand that is extended to it.

If you don't kiss her, at least don't spit on her.

الصحافي رضوان الرمضاني يكتب: طاحت فلسطين… علّقوا المغرب!!!!

And that's the weakest... morals!

The logic of treason is what captured the Palestinian cause and mortgaged it for decades.

Fatah betrays Hamas.

Hamas betrays Fatah.

The people of the Diaspora betray the Arabs of Israel.

Israeli Arabs betray the Palestinians of the diaspora.

And the story continues...

and Morocco?

Morocco stands at the same distance from everyone.

Say good or be silent.

He is rarely silent.

He does not invest in Palestinian "strife".

Help if he can.

Intervene if he can.

mediate if possible.

and does not trade.

And not blackmail.

and does not exchange

However, Nacro Gemayel accuses him of treason.

Is treason to put your first national cause (the desert) in the same position as the Palestinian cause?

Is treason to invoke the Palestinian cause in the context of declaring your relations with another country, Israel?

Is treason the provision of aid, financially and diplomatically, to Palestine and the Palestinians?

If the foregoing is treason, then Morocco is a traitor par excellence. Rather, it should be proud of this betrayal!!!

And if the “resistance” is playing on Palestinian contradictions, investing in them, trading in the Palestinians and their cause, secretly playing with the major powers at the expense of Palestine and Jerusalem, and tickling feelings with hollow and foolish slogans, in exchange for making deals with the “entity”, then Morocco is not honored to be reluctant.

This is a reluctance of the degree of browning.

It seems that there is between us, and them, someone who loves to slander… a subject or an object!

There are those who fear that the Moroccan style will expose its monopoly on deals in goods whose address is Palestine.

Morocco is clear in this regard.

Say it frankly and hint.

He works responsibly and soberly.

Away from the outrageous bids and political exploitation in which some are creative.

He reacts strongly, positively and realistically to the issue.

What is required of him then?

His agreements with Israel do not, in any way, affect his commitments to the cause.

The king himself mobilizes his relations and his position in support of the Palestinians and their cause.

What do they want from Morocco then?

Bayt Mal Al Quds Agency has spent about $60 million in projects for the benefit of Jerusalemites.

What do they ask for more than this?

That Morocco continue to boycott Israel only?

The result?

Will Palestine be liberated?

Will Jerusalem be liberated?

Will the Palestinians of the Diaspora return?

Will Fatah and Hamas reconcile?

Will Yasser Arafat come back to life?

Israel will apologize and disappear from existence?

Erdogan will rejoice and threaten a fiery response; But, in return, he will receive the Israeli ambassador and confirm the strengthening of relations?

Is it not the right of Morocco to think about its interests a little?

What do you ask of Morocco, then?

To declare war on Israel???