The passport continues to anger the lawyers of Beni Mellal

  • Time:Oct 31
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Hundreds of lawyers from various Moroccan bodies, Friday, protested before the headquarters of the Court of Appeal in Beni Mellal, as an expression of their rejection of "all forms of restrictions and monitoring on the doors of the courts and showing the permissibility of vaccination as a condition for access to them".

Participants in the vigil, who performed from the cities of Marrakech, Rabat, Casablanca, Settat, Safi, Tetouan, Fez, Agadir, Al -Ayoun, Guelmim and Meknes, raised slogans expressing their absolute rejection of the contents of the tripartite memo signed by the Minister of Justice, the head of the Public Prosecution and the head of the judiciary, as well as demanding the departure of the Minister of Justice AbdulLatif Wehbe.

In identical statements, to Hespress, the owners of the black suit confirmed their rejection of the content of the decisions that came in the triple memo, praising the position of the Beni Mellal Authority, refusing to highlight the "health passport" document, which is granted in the Kingdom for everyone who received the anti -virus vaccination doses.

الجواز يواصل إغضاب محاميي بني ملال

On the reasons for the protest, Mustafa Al -Manouzi, a lawyer in the Casablanca Authority, and the head of the Legislative Governance Academy and Judicial Security, said to Hespress: “We did not come to Beni Mellal in order to solidarity with our colleagues, but rather to fight on two basic issues, the first relates to the necessity of moving to the second speed,Which requires the responsibility to the real parties, "noting that" it is unreasonable for this matter to be long without the state, its engineers and its security minds, to what is going on in the right of the last castle of jurists, "as he put it..

Al -Manouzi added that "the second point concerns the assertion that the target is the independence of the authorities from each other, which requires everyone to be vigilant, because it is not possible to prepare for any transition to a future stage at the expense of the gains, and the accumulations achieved.".

In turn, Ammar Ali, from the Casablanca Authority, said that his presence was "with the aim of solidarity with the Moroccan lawyer and lawyer in general, given what the triple patrol that lost the judiciary and the Public Prosecution lost their independence, at a time when the lawyers have struggled to reach this degree," pointing to“The Ministry of Justice drew these two institutions and lost their independence, and Abdul Latif Wehbe, the Minister of Justice, turned his back to his colleagues and the profession,” as he put it..

Ammar considered, in a statement singled out by Hespress, what the courts knew of "restrictions on lawyers and lawyers" the beginning of "the series that intends to restrict legally, at the level of the profession law, the criminal procedure law, the criminal law, and the civil procedure law, on the law of the lawyer", and added: "Today we are attendingBeni Mellal for a bell hazel, and we say that what is the most dangerous is perhaps what we live now, "considering" touching the freedom of the profession and its independence and the work of lawyers and lawyers is a red line that cannot be exceeded. ".

It should be noted that the protests were launched after the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Council of the Judicial Authority issued a decision required to highlight the "permissibility of vaccination" to enter the courts throughout the Kingdom, a decision that the lawyers rejected, justifying the matter as illegal..