Israel allow the settlers to pray in Al -Aqsa may explode a new gift in the Palestinian territories

  • Time:Aug 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

In recent years, the Zionist Talmudic groups have devoted the phenomenon of "silent prayer" during the storms of the Israeli settlers of the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque..

The Israelis violate the Al -Aqsa Mosque

What happened yesterday, considering an Israeli court, that the "silent prayer" of the Jews in the Al -Aqsa Mosque is not a "criminal act", at a time when Jordan and the Palestinian Authority denounced the decision, which was considered "unprecedented", may explode a new gift in the occupied territories..

The Israeli Channel Seven stated that "the Judge of the Israeli Magistrate Court, Behla Jalum, ruled that the silent prayer in the Temple Mount (Al -Aqsa Mosque) cannot be explained as a criminal act.".

With this unprecedented decision, "This is the first time that the Jewish Prayer Court has supported the sacred position.".

While the Israeli judge wrote in her decision regarding Rabbi Libo that "his daily visits to the Temple Mount indicate how important this is for him.".

The extreme right in "Israel" welcomed this decision strongly, as the Israeli right -wing lawyer Moshe Bolsky said to Channel Seven: "We welcome the court’s decision, which actually supported what was actually happening in the Temple Mount, during the past year, a statement by virtue of the de facto of the Jews who visitThe Temple Sanctuary and want to pray..

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He added: “It is unreasonable for the Jews to be prevented from whispering with prayers even in silence, in the Temple Mount, while Muslims can do on the Temple Mount what they want from prayer, give religious lectures, play football, and even riots,” as he put it..

He continued: "While the police do nothing to prevent any of this, the Jews are made to feel strange to this holy place, from now on, we hope that the police do not prevent the worshipers already in the place from performing silent prayers.".

A new reality in Jerusalem

On the seriousness of this, Dr. Abdullah Maarouf, professor of studies of Jerusalem and the former media and public relations official at the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque, says that this is the first decision that reflects a personal case of a settler who made biblical rituals inside the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque, establishes a new reality in Jerusalem, which is not allowing the extremists to take outThe Zionists from the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque at their prayers inside.

Maarouf adds in statements to the "Arab Post" website, that this matter is a major violation of the existing situation in the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque, and even to "Kerry's understandings" in 2015, in which the former US Secretary of State, John Kerry, considered that the right to pray in the Al -Aqsa Mosque consideredIt is only for Muslims, claiming that at the same time that the Jews have the right to visit the mosque without praying in it.

The Assistant Professor of Islamic History at the University of May 29, this concept of the existing situation in the Al -Aqsa Mosque is a false concept, as "the status quo in the Al -Aqsa Mosque" is a term indicating what was the situation in the mosque before the Israeli occupation of the city of Jerusalem in 1967, whichHe says that the Al -Aqsa Mosque should remain for Muslims alone, and no one has the right to pray in it, and no one has the right to enter or visit it, except with the approval or management of Muslims alone alone..

The successive Israeli governments have always claimed that they maintain the "status quo" in the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque, as well as a well -known, but with the addition of the occupation, which is to allow the settlers to enter it, which is mainly rejected by the Palestinians, and it still raises congestion for them.

سماح إسرائيل للمستوطنين بالصلاة في الأقصى قد يُفجر هبة جديدة بالأراضي الفلسطينية

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Consequently, the recent Zionist court’s decision means that the Jews have the right to pray in the Al -Aqsa Mosque and not only enter or visit, as the Zionist court exceeded this legally in a legal way, the issue of the “status quo” in the Al -Aqsa Mosque, to establish a new reality that sought and worked on what is known as “the groups of the temple“Extremism for many years.

A situation that may explode a new flame in the occupied territories

And Dr..It is known that what is remarkable in the decision of the Zionist court is its attempt to reduce its decision to allow the settlers to perform the prayer in the Al -Aqsa Mosque in a low voice, under the name of "silent prayer", in an attempt to show that the problem is the form of performing the prayer by raising the voice or decreasing, and not primarily allowing the performance of thisThe biblical rituals inside our blessed mosque.

He adds: Therefore, we should not be dragged to this square from the discussion. Rather.

According to Maarouf, this development may establish new disturbances in the city of Jerusalem if the occupation continues to impose this new reality on the Jerusalemites, and it may lead to a great gift as the last of Ramadan..

As the Palestinian academic indicates that the events of the 28th of last Ramadan, and the battle of "Saif Al -Quds" that took place in May 2021, its most prominent title was the attempt of the Zionist extremist groups to change the status quo of the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque and the repeated attacks on it and its people.

Hamas warns

While Hamas considered the decision "a step on the way of the temporal and spatial division of the Al -Aqsa Mosque, and a violation of all human laws and norms.

As Hamas spokesman, Hazem Qassem, said that the decision is a flagrant violation of all human laws and norms, and confirms the collusion of the Zionist judiciary in the aggression against the Palestinian people, and not to forge facts and facts..

Hamas confirmed in a statement on Thursday, that "the blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque is the downs of Al -Janab, who disobeyed the sanctity, stressing that" any aggression against it is a new futility in the thunderbolts of bombing that will return to the occupation Balbal and the rebellion. ".

Battle of Saif Al -Quds

She also stressed that "the battle of Saif Al -Quds was not and will not be the last chapters of the confrontation under the title of Jerusalem, and that the resistance that promised, and fulfilled, confirms that it is ready and ready to repel aggression and defending rights.".

In turn, the Islamic Jihad movement warned of the traces of the Israeli decision, confirming in a press statement that the Palestinian people will face attempts to maintain Al -Aqsa with full force and steadfastness, and the movement added, in a statement, that this false decision is an attack on the sanctity of the Al -Aqsa Mosque, and the right of pure Muslims in it.

In Jordan, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Haitham Abu Al -Fall, said that "the Israeli decision is invalid and the legal impact, according to international law, which does not recognize the Israeli judiciary’s authority over the occupied lands in 1967, including East Jerusalem.".

Abu Al -Ful added, commenting on the decision of the Israeli court, that this decision is a clear violation of international legitimacy resolutions related to Jerusalem, including the Security Council resolutions, all of which confirm the need to preserve the status of the Holy City.

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Abu Al -Ful also stressed that “Al -Aqsa Mosque is in full area of 144 dunums (the dunum is equal to one thousand square meters)..

The blessed Al -Aqsa Mosque

It is noteworthy that the Al -Aqsa Mosque is currently supervised by the Jerusalem Endowments Department of the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments, under international law, as Jordan is the last local authority supervising the city’s sanctities before the Israeli occupation.

The settlers storm the Al -Aqsa Mosque almost daily, in two periods, and after the noon prayer, through the door of the Moroccans, in the western wall of the mosque, with facilities and escort from the Israeli police, while the Israeli police turned a blind eye to some settlers when performing these prayers, while other settlers come out ofThe mosque.

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