Israeli minister: Moroccan normalization is an American gift threatening to disappear

  • Time:Sep 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Minister of Strategic Planning in the Zionist entity, Eli Evidar, said that Moroccan normalization is an American gift that is threatened with disappearing, noting that the agreement is not reliable and it can be retracted at any moment.

Avidar said in an interview with the Hebrew newspaper Maariv, that Ibrahim's agreements, with the exception of Abu Dhabi's case, are not based on a "stable bilateral axis", and continued, "Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco entered the agreements only because of the interview that it received from the Americans.".

Evidar continued, saying that he supports any peace agreement and any dialogue with the Arab countries, but he "criticizes" the diplomatic agreements signed with Morocco, Bahrain and Sudan because they originally based on "in exchange for the Americans’ pushing "as he put it, and therefore it" does not build on a stable bilateral axis ",He highlighted that the only exception remains the agreement signed with the United Arab Emirates.

The Zionist official, who was the head of the Israeli Communication Office in Qatar in 1999, will be afraid of the Bill Clinton agreements in 1996 with the agreements that the Trump administration left in 2020, in reference to Arab -Israeli normalization after the Oslo Agreement.

"Once the second Palestinian uprising (2000) erupted, Tunisia overthrew our (diplomatic) proverb within 48 hours and Morocco waited a month and the Sultanate of Oman a few days, only in Qatar we stayed until the year 2008", expressing his fear that the current diplomatic representations will receive, including.In that, the Israeli Communication Office in Rabat, a similar fate in the future.

Videos..A Moroccan activist about normalization, achieving record posts

On December 26, 2022, a speech by the head of the Moroccan Authority to support the issues of the nation, Abdel Samad Fathi, achieved during the popular protests in Morocco against the decision to normalization, record posts through communication networks after describing the move as being towards sabotaging his country.

Abdel Samad Fathi said that the decision to normalize was imposed on the Moroccan people, and that the Zionists came to his country to sabotage it because the goodness is that it will never come from them..

كاتب مغربي: رغم الدعاية المخزنية فاتفاق التطبيع نتائجه كارثية ومذلة

On December 23, 2021, Moroccan writer Anas Al -Sibti said that despite the warehouse propaganda that accompanied the normalization, but after a year after his signing, his results came disastrous and humiliating.

Al -Sibti wrote, in an article he posted on his official page via Facebook, titled "What did Morocco lose with its humiliating agreement with the Zionist side?", That the fate of normalization on the diplomatic situation and the external image of Morocco was disastrous after it implicated the store diplomacy in a series of failures and slaps whileI imagined that the agreement will constitute immunity to it.

He continued, "Thus, in a record circumstance, it was recorded several crises with different countries, after which she was looking for a settlement caused by her wandering swelling in the post -Trump deal.".

Al -Sibti explained in his article that “there is no reasonable justification for all the hopes hanging on a negative deal that was concluded with an expired person who evaporated from the first days, as the American side did not take any step that fluctuated the path of the Western Sahara issue in favor of Morocco, contrary to what was hoped for the Moroccan official side despiteHis media desirability in trying to prove the opposite..

Al -Sibti added that “seeking help from the external worker did not and will only make the clay only, so the support from America necessarily necessitates inviting its opponents automatically to support the opposite parties to Morocco..

Al -Sibti said, “This appeared in its direct wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and many are the conflicts that the world witnessed recently that showed the limited America and with it the Western powers to resolve the battles in favor of its allies (Yemen, the Crimea ...).

In his talk about the Zionist entity, Al -Sibti lacked, where he said, “As for the Zionist entity, it takes and does not give and all the agreements signed by the official Morocco are in his favor, as it strikes the sovereignty of the country at the core and obtains from its identity and the ingredients of its steadfastness.”.

He added, “The country turned into a market for its goods, including military and intelligence, despite the lack of need or alternatives to it.”.

He continued, "As for the myth of the Moroccan Jewish lobby in the Hebrew entity and in America, it is a ridiculous joke, because the loyalty of all the Jews of" Israel "to their entity and not to their previous countries, and because it was not proven to stand in the interest of Morocco despite the submission of it by the Makhzen regime..

The Moroccan writer said, "The official Morocco losses were not limited to the loss of its direct bet from the Trump's sinful deal. The greatest abuse of Morocco has offended the authority to reveal the level of its intense, scandalous diplomacy.".

The Moroccan writer concluded his article by saying, "What the store does if we exceed its terrible moral fall, which he has gathered to an extremist level in normalization with the Zionist criminal gang, it is characterized by misery and naiveAs for the case of the store, he was fighting himself when his poor propaganda showed him with a cheap blackmail, which could bargain with anything even before he got what he wanted..

On the anniversary of the normalization agreement..Moroccan politician denounces the sale of his country's sovereignty

On the anniversary of the first normalization, the head of the Moroccan Observatory to combat the normalization Ahmed Wehman said that what is monitored after a year has passed since the fateful normalization with the Zionist entity confirms that we are really in front of "the kidnapping of the Moroccan state and the seizure of the decision and national sovereignty".

This came as part of the statements made by Wittman to the Moroccan newspaper "Istiklal", commenting on the statements of the head of the "Unified Socialist" party, Nabila Munib, regarding the dangers of normalization on Moroccan sovereignty.

Mrs. Munib confirmed in a press conference organized by her party on December 12 that "the policy of normalization is subject to the issue of the country's sovereignty, because the decision is no longer in our hand and our sovereignty is robbing us.".

The head of the Moroccan Observatory appreciated what was stated by Munib, saying: “It is a statement of an official and the first level of the Moroccan elite, and you know what to say.Her statement falls in the context of a number of positions of former actors and officials, talking about the loss of sovereignty over the country's decision..

He added to “Independence” that “normalization in this way and the level is no longer limited as it is customary in the countries of the East, such as the experience of Egypt and Jordan, but rather an actual occupation and attempt to perpetuate, demarcate and impose Zionist hegemony on the ground and under the Moroccan land, as well as an occupation of will and control decision -makingPolitical and diplomat.

And Wahman continued: “All this we monitor and follow it with tangible, and a number of researchers, intellectuals, thinkers, politicians and former government officials who are actually talking about protection, occupation or loss of national sovereignty..All this is clearly observed. ”.

He stressed that "the Moroccan people, its powers, and their living and conscious elites are actually touching this reality, and that the matter is no longer limited to normalization or visiting a delegation here or there, but rather the domination of the Moroccan decision politically and diplomatically.".

In this context, he pointed out that “the official of the Zionist Communication Office, David Gowrin, announced himself as an ambassador of the Zionist entity in Rabat from one side on October 10, 2021, without submitting its credentials as required by diplomatic norms.” He pointed out that “Tel Aviv imposed dictatesOn the ligament was manifested at a number of levels..

All of these and other things add, stressing that we are "really about the kidnapping of the Moroccan state and the seizure of the decision and national sovereignty", stressing that this fast and active movement in the path of normalization, which exceeded the expectations "a great loss for the homeland".

And the head of the Moroccan Observatory to combat normalization highlighted that Morocco "did not win anything from this normalization, but rather began to lose everything, even in the file of the desert case, in which Washington turned against the decision (former President Donald) Trump and the Zionist entity himself making statements that they believeIn international decisions as they brag about..

And he went on and protects by saying: “All the loss is the outcome of normalization, and no benefit can come from it, and where the ruin comes comes.”.

While he warned that "political, intelligence and military decision makers from the first row in the Israeli entity are attending to dismantle Morocco and Algeria together, and they work to ignite the fire of war in the whole region.".

He concluded and protects his speech by saying: “What is attended by Morocco and the region is very terrible.Morocco cannot benefit, we were screaming and calling for the necessity of moving before it is too late, but the time began to be missed, and only the margin of remedial remains, so will we rely on this situation? ”.

سياسي ليبي: النظام المغربي يتآمر على الأمن القومي للجزائر

The head of the Arab People's Committee against Normalization, Libyan Ahmed Khalifa, stressed that the warehouse system is an agent of Zionism and a conspirator of the Algerian national security, calling for the disclosure of its plans and exposure to the Arab and Islamic peoples..

Ahmed Khalifa said in a statement to the Algerian News Agency on the occasion of a year's anniversary of the signing of the normalization agreement between the warehouse system and the Zionist entity, that "the age of Moroccan-Zionist normalization is not a single year.And he mentioned in this context that "there is no doubt that the store system is a strategic agent for Zionism, which is the godfather of the first Arab betrayal of the nation in 1978 (Camp David)".

In this regard, he highlighted that “what we see from military, security and political agreements between Arab regimes, headed by Morocco with the Zionist enemy that goes beyond normalization, but rather a great danger because it is a strategic military, security and political alliance against Algeria and all the Arab nation and its national security.”.

Regarding the justifications for which the stored system is marketed regarding normalization with the Zionist entity, the head of the Arab Popular Authority for Normalization said that it is "an attempt to cover normalization with the Zionist enemy and alliance with it," adding: "The store system sells the illusion to the Moroccan people.The kingdom has completely lost. ”.

On the first anniversary of the signing of the disgrace agreement with the occupied entity, he called for exposing the Moroccan regime's practices and exposing the Moroccan Justice and Development Party and its former leader Saad Eddine Al -Othmani, who signed the Moroccan side, stressing that this normalization is a "stigma that will be attached to them, exposes them and stripped them beforeOur Arab and Islamic peoples ”.

It is noteworthy that the Moroccan regime officially signed the normalization agreement with the Zionist entity on December 22, 2020, after former US President Donald Trump announced in a tweet on the tenth of the same month, to recognize the alleged "sovereignty" of Morocco on the occupied Western Sahara in exchange for normalization withThe Zionist entity.

The Moroccan official decision was widely popular in the Kingdom, as Moroccans come out to this day in massive demonstrations across the country to condemn the betrayal of the Palestinian issue and bring the Zionist entity to Morocco.

ائتلاف الشباب المغاربي لنصرة فلسطين.. التطبيع خيانة لديننا وأمتنا

On December 20, 2021, the Maghreb Youth Coalition to support Jerusalem and Palestine said that the normalization of Morocco with the Zionist entity is a betrayal of our Arab and Islamic nation and our nation.

وزير إسرائيلي: التطبيع المغربي هدية أمريكية مهددة بالزوال

In a statement to them, the youth of the coalition reiterated them on their official page on Facebook, their assertion that the victory of Palestine is a duty in light of the serious developments that the Palestinian issue knows about the Maghreb level, from the acceleration of the pace of normalization.

The Maghreb Youth Coalition statement to support Jerusalem and Palestine:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

قال الله تعالى : “ٱلَّذِينَ أُخْرِجُواْ مِن دِيَٰرِهِم بِغَيْرِ حَقٍّ إِلَّآ أَن يَقُولُواْ رَبُّنَا ٱللَّهُ ۗ وَلَوْلَا دَفْعُ ٱللَّهِ ٱلنَّاسَ بَعْضَهُم بِبَعْضٍۢ لَّهُدِّمَتْ صَوَٰمِعُ وَبِيَعٌ وَصَلَوَٰتٌ وَمَسَٰجِدُ يُذْكَرُ فِيهَا ٱسْمُ ٱللَّهِ كَثِيرًا ۗ وَلَيَنصُرَنَّ ٱللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُۥٓ ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَقَوِىٌّ عَزِيزٌ”.

We are members of the Maghreb Youth Coalition to support Jerusalem and Palestine, organizing the first forum of the coalition via the technology of remote symmetry, on December 18 and 2021, and in light of the serious developments in the Palestinian issue at the Maghreb level, from the acceleration of the normalization pace and attempts of the Zionist entity With the help of its clients in the region to penetrate the social fabric and the educational system of the printed countries with the aim of falsifying the awareness of the Maghreb youth, trying to end the Palestinian issue in their memory and conscience with the aim of accepting the reality of the Zionist presence in the Maghreb region and justifying their occupation of Palestine and covering their crimes against the Palestinian people in front of the sight and hearing of the whole world, and believing in us the fairness of the Palestinian cause And commitment to our responsibility towards it, we are honored to sign the Charter of Al -Nusra, and we renew the emphasis on:

Palestine is an occupied Arab Islamic state and its support is a duty.

The Zionist entity is an occupied and racist entity for our Al -Aqsa Mosque and the land of Palestine, all of Palestine.

That normalization in all its forms is a crime and betrayal of our religion, our nation and the blood of our ancestors and all the martyrs of the Palestinian cause who were martyred for its liberation.

We fulfilled the blood of the Moroccan martyrs who were martyred for the liberation of Jerusalem and the retrieval of the Moroccan neighborhood and the door of the Moroccans and the endowments of the Moroccans, and the support of our steadfast Moroccan families in Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine and the return of all the displaced people.

We were discharged from the Maghreb Zionists who occupied Palestine, raped its land, killed, and displaced its people, and contributed to the demolition of the Moroccan neighborhood, killing, displacing its people, and reserving its endowments..

Our commitment to continuing to support the resisting Palestinian people until the liberation of each of its lands.

Our commitment to work to drop the normalization agreements and resist all forms of Zionist penetration to our nation.

“Say: Do, and God will see your work, His Messenger, and the believers.”.

A former MINURSO spokesman reveals the danger of the Israel Agreement with Morocco

On December 18, 2021, a former spokesman for the United Nations Mission to organize the Western Sahara referendum (Minorsu), Abdel Hamid Siam, warned of the danger of the security agreement between Morocco and the Zionist entity, saying that it will facilitate the expansion of the enforcement of Israel Africa..

Abdel Hamid Siam said in an article published by the newspaper "Al -Quds Al -Arabi" that the visit of the Zionist Minister of War, Benny Gantz, to Rabat and signing a security, military and intelligence agreement on November 24 with Morocco, is more dangerous than breaking down because of the entry of an Arab country in an alliance with Israel that will workOn the exploitation of this platform to expand the access to the African continent..

The spokesman considered that cooperation with the Zionist entity and concluding agreements with him is waging a war of extermination over the Palestinian people, "makes him more in the Palestinian blood, and makes the matter of recovering fixed and inappropriate Palestinian rights, a long -standing matter.".

Siyam added that normalization with the Zionist entity is rejected, and regardless of those who practice it, whether it is soon or far, individual or group, normalization causes the greatest harm to the Palestinian people and its just cause, and there is no justification for it.

He continued, saying: "Whoever tries to cover the Palestinian issue and claims that his relations (with the Zionist entity) will reflect positively on the Palestinian people, we say to him, your goods are luxurious and you will not find someone to buy it.".

He said that "the majority of the Palestinian people do not accept to speak a print in the name of the Palestinian issue and justify their meetings with the rapists of the Arab land and honor, by telling the search for a political solution to the Palestinian issue.".

A former Moroccan minister: Normalization is a colonialism of the Kingdom in a new form

On December 5, 2021, the former Moroccan Minister of Culture, Salem Benhamish, considered that what he described as the normalization attempts that are taking place with Israel as a new colonialism for his country, in a new form by an entity that raped the Palestinian territories.

This came, according to the thinker in Nensalm Hamish, in a political symposium entitled "Morocco to?"It was organized by the Abed Al -Jabri Foundation (non -governmental) in Rabat on Thursday.

Hamish, the former Minister of Culture, said: "The normalization attempts that are taking place with Israel are a new colonization of Morocco, which happens in another way.".

Hamish called "Moroccan Jews to declare their damage from Israel, and from the policies of the Israeli action and codes, and to acknowledge that it is (Israel) a Zionist entity raped the Palestinian territories.".

He added: "The Jewish community in Morocco must renew its sale to the Moroccan monarch, King Mohammed VI, to confirm the root of its Moroccan.".

For his part, Muhammad al -Sassi, a leader in the "Federal Left" party (opposition), said, "Unfortunately, Morocco has been in the arms of Israel, that we are suffering in silence on what is happening.".

Al -Sassi described, at the same symposium, the normalization of Morocco with Israel as "foolishness", adding: "Unfortunately, the worst timing was chosen to commit this foolishness.".

He added: "Moroccans are against normalization with Israel, even if they do not go out to the streets, and if they go out this time, they may not return to their homes.".

Al -Sassi asked: “What are the common interests of Morocco with Israel?Is it fighting terrorism?While the Zionist entity itself exercises state terrorism..

لواء مصري متقاعد: المملكة المغربية ستصبح عش الموساد الأكبر في المنطقة

On November 29, 2021, Major General Samir Ragheb, an analyst in military affairs in Egypt, confirmed that the military agreement between the Israeli occupation and the Kingdom of Morocco, on the occasion of the visit of Benny Gantz, will make it a head station for Israeli intelligence activity in the region and the African continent.

Maj.Peace agreements are required to end it, or the countries of normalization with Israel, either declared or secretly..

He added: "The announced agreement (the military agreement) does not need an in -depth analysis, as it means that Morocco becomes a major station for the activity of the Israeli intelligence services, a center for experts and advisers from the Israeli army and rehabilitation for leaders and officers through Israeli trainers in Morocco and Israel, and a market for selling weapons and ammunition in originality and agency.".

He continued: “Perhaps the Algerian -Moroccan dispute, in the context of rhetorical escalation and diplomatic tension, was with some incidents that can be contained, after the Moroccan steps towards Israel.The Israeli in the Maghreb, to transfer the state of escalation from the question about the possibility of the clash, for how long will it happen and how much will continue and what is the size of the expected losses, and how the form of the region will be after it..

And he added, "This conflict we do not wish for, nor we did not wish Morocco to take this unacceptable and unjustified step that will result in losses of Morocco greater than the benefits that it can obtain from this treaty.".

He pointed out that "it is an illusion that a regime imagines that there are benefits from military, security and intelligence relations of an Arab country with Israel.".

He added: "The first loss is to line up the Arab street against this step on the one hand and to support Algeria's resistance on the other hand, as well as the embarrassment that will happen to the Arab countries friendly to Morocco, as a result of this shift in the constants of regional relations.".

إسرائيل تتغلغل في المغرب العربي برعاية من نظام المخزن

On the impact of the escalation policy pursued by the warehouse regime in Western Sahara on the one hand and against Algeria on the other hand, Benny Gantz, Minister of Defense of the Israeli entity, visited the Kingdom of Morocco, which was concluded during this military and security agreement aimed at strengthening military cooperation with Rabat.

Benny Gantz's visit to Rabat comes in a context related to the normalization train between Arab Gulf countries in addition to Morocco, which started in December last year and engineered and supervised the formulation of his items, Jared Kushnar, the son -in -law of former US President Donald Trump, and he later known as "Abraham Conventions" later known as "Abraham Conventions".

The narrow national interests overwhelmed the Arab scene, and the expansionary and security concerns became among the priorities of some Arabs who walked to ride the normalization train, each according to its needs and interests..

The warehouse system comes at the forefront of those by swaping normalization with the Israeli entity that the United States recognizes what the store system calls “Moroccan -Sahara” at the expense of the historical rights of both Sahrawi and Palestinian peoples..

Within this context, Israel seemed to run to the Maghreb region to help the warehouse system and line up behind its political theses regarding the conflict in Western Sahara..

The Israeli military presence this time comes in Morocco in a context that is up to the escalation of provocations and hostilities of the warehouse regime against Algeria..

The President of the Republic, Abdel Majid Taboun, indicated that there are more than 90 websites from inside and outside Morocco, working to attack Algeria around the clock, to sow discord and division and distort the facts in front of international public opinion.

These hostilities led to the deterioration of bilateral relations, which prompted Algeria to cut diplomatic relations with the warehouse system on August 24 in self -defense, and followed by a second step represented in the immediate closure of its air field in front of the Moroccan civilian and military aircraft and those that bear the Moroccan registration number.

The successive developments have shown that Algeria was right in such sovereign decisions of a defensive character, including the store recently assassination.

Rabat seeks to strengthen the military presence of the Israeli entity on the borders of Algeria in conjunction with a fierce diplomatic battle that Algeria is fighting in cooperation with influential forces within the African Union, led by the State of South Africa to prevent the Israeli enemy from obtaining a "observer members" within the African Union because this poses a threat to unity and solidarityUnion countries regarding fair issues, including those related to the liquidation of colonialism, while the store system in the opposite side seeks to grant this membership to the killers of children, women and civilians in occupied Palestine.

Based on these facts, the observers are not excluded that Algeria is the target of these provocative Zionist moves on its western borders in the context of the pressures exerted by the store system to influence its fixed, principled and supportive position of the Sahrawi people to exercise their right to self -determination.