Is it just a kiss...or are there broader meanings and visions?!

  • Time:Sep 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

On her 59th birthday, Monday, January 17, former US President Barack Obama posted a picture of him on his personal Facebook page as he imprinted a kiss on the left cheek of his wife, Michelle Obama, and signs of happiness appeared on her face. Smiling with purity, contentment and tranquility.

The picture reveals a happy couple, and they are not an ordinary couple, but rather a former president of the great state, and the first lady, and they are the first African Americans to enter the White House, the center of government in the United States, and they stay there for 8 years.

Nevertheless, it cannot be definitive that the relationship between the spouses is perfect, it may actually be perfect, and it may be punctuated by the usual disputes between any couple, especially since the partnership between them extends to 30 years and resulted in the birth of two girls, Malia and Sasha.

I believe that behind every door there is a story. Closed doors hide behind them stories that are sometimes difficult to believe due to their strangeness. When disputes explode and come out into the open, the details are shocking.

Once I went to inspect a residential unit, and it came to my attention that the conditions are not normal, the rooms are without doors, the toilets are not equipped, and the electric switches are not present, and this does not happen from the owner when he decides to sell his apartment, but some owners are keen to re-maintain their apartments And paint it to attract buyers and increase its price.

I understood from my companions that the apartment belonged to a married couple who were old in age, job, and social status. They had been married for more than thirty years, but stormy disputes broke out between them, so they divorced. Because of the intensity of the rivalry, the husband took everything he could from the apartment, even the sinks, toilets, electrical switches, and doors, even if He was able to depose the court for an act, even though they had married adult children.

Nothing leaked about tension in the family relationship between Obama and Michelle, and if there were differences in their lives, the free American media would have talked about and published them, and this type of story attracts readers, especially when it comes to the head of the superpower, the ruling community and the political elite.

For example, in the infamous relationship between former President Bill Clinton and trainee Monica Lewinsky, the world was eagerly following the secrets of the relationship between them inside the Oval Office and the corridors of the White House. She supported her husband, who almost lost the presidency because of the resounding scandal.

Such stories of the inhabitants of the palaces of government and high-ranking people attract the attention of readers and followers in various countries of the world. People always want to know about the nature of life and the special relationships between those who rule or live in their own worlds. Among them is what falls between humans.

Obama not only published the photo, but also wrote a few tender words to his wife, where he said: (My love, my partner, my best friend), and the emotional post won millions of likes, comments, and shares from Obama's friends and followers, who number more than 55 million around the world. the world.

Obama and Michelle studied law, met in a law firm they used to work in, linked love between their hearts, got married in 1992, and shared a successful family life. The intimate Christmas picture reveals that the family institution still exists in America and the West, as not the whole society is disjointed and dissolved. As some might imagine.

Is it just a kiss..or is there Wider meanings and visions?!

It caught my attention that the picture of the qiblah was taken in a place overlooking one of the coasts, and the yellow rays of the sun seemed like golden threads that descended to join the water and form with dark clouds, palm trees and green land in the garden of the place a wonderful scene in its beauty, praise be to God for this unique nature .

A picture like this is mind-blowing, representing free tourism advertising for the American coasts and nature, and whoever wants to simulate the aesthetics and positives should benefit from the lesson of celebrating greening, afforestation, and a clean environment and providing them for resorts, parks, coasts, streets, squares, and every place in his country to create a beautiful life for people, and kidnap the consciences and minds of those who want to Travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery and atmosphere.

The President and First Lady (formerly) appear simple in their clothes, and are not pretentious, so there is no extravagance, flashiness, or provocative manifestations in the place where they are. They are citizens like any ordinary citizens, and this brings them closer to people and removes barriers with them. Compare this scene with another scene For an Arab ruler, or one of his family, or the circle close to him, you will find displaying power, influence, ostentatiousness, rudeness, rudeness, and ugliness, even if the country is in debt and its people are poor.

Obama did not appear in the photo, knowing that there is a fixed guard assigned to each former president who goes with him wherever he goes, but without harassing anyone who happens to be around him if he goes to a restaurant, cafe, shop, or public place to practice his life Like the rest of the people in eating, drinking, shopping, meeting friends, and hiking, the president, when his term of service to the people ends, returns to an ordinary citizen, and that is why Obama writes in introducing himself on Facebook that he is (father, husband, former president, citizen).

In America there are former presidents: Obama, Trump, George Bush Jr., Clinton, Carter (5 living presidents). Such a phenomenon does not exist in Arab countries. In the grave, we do not find a ruler whose official term of service ended, then he became a citizen living his life like the rest of his people, moving among them, seeing him and seeing them, and exchanging greetings with him with love and affection, as is the case with Obama and other presidents.

The Arab ruler is isolated from his people while he is in power, and if a tour is organized for him in a public place, then this place is emptied of its inhabitants and visitors, and someone comes to him who plays the role of citizens.

And if it happened and he was a former ruler, he continues his isolation from the people. Has anyone ever seen Mubarak in a public place in Egypt? Did Ben Ali ever go out wandering on the Corniche of Jeddah, where he fled from the Tunisian people's revolution? Does anyone know where Bashar al-Assad lives in Syria? And where do the other rulers live? But in America, Britain, France, Germany, and all democratic countries, rulers have known addresses, and after they leave the official headquarters of government and residence, they go to their apartments or houses, which are also known.

Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, has been residing in her modest apartment throughout the 16 years of her rule, and her neighbors know her and she knows them and she is safe for them and they protect her because she and people like her are rulers who rule so they are just and secure and they sleep peacefully.

Obama, the previous presidents, and the current President Biden, entered the White House in free elections, and exited the government in fair elections as well, or with the end of the two presidential terms according to the constitution, and this is the smooth, exemplary peaceful transfer of power. Trump is procrastinating in acknowledging defeat, but democracy And the strength of institutions cut him off, which is an anomaly in American history.

A president in power has not been overthrown, and a president has not been imprisoned from the White House, simply because all the actions of the president and the executive authority are subject to official and civil oversight and accountability throughout his rule, and therefore there is no room for the president to violate the constitution and the law and get involved in corruption and abuse of influence that is discovered after leaving office.

Obama is a landmark in the history of the American presidency, as he is the first black president of African descent, and his wife is the first black first lady. The year was the beginning of happiness for him, as he emerged on the national level after the famous speech he delivered at the Democratic Party conference to announce the party's official candidacy for Senator John Kerry for the presidency in the face of George Bush Jr. I followed this speech, liked it, wrote about it, and predicted a brilliant future for him, and this happened. Only four years later (2008) he was the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency after Hillary Clinton overtook his competition for the party's nomination ticket, defeating the longtime Republican candidate, John McCain.

Obama may not have lived up to what was expected of a head of state that upholds the slogans and values ​​of freedom, democracy, human rights, and respect for the will of the people. Some see him as a weak and hesitant president, and some say he wanted to leave the White House safely without getting involved in crises like his predecessor, George W. Bush.

It is true that the United States is a country of institutions and interests that are not concerned with another country or people as much as they are concerned with its benefits, especially in the Middle East, where Israel's presence and security are historically fixed in its policies, and if democratic change will represent a dilemma for Israel, then America will not care about its values ​​and slogans.

In conclusion, change is self-willed, and whoever waits for aid from outside is deceived and deserves what is in it.