Iraq calls for the start of the pilgrims ’promotion from Asizi to Ur and the reopening of Italian schools

  • Time:Jan 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

The Iraqi embassy in Italy participated in the celebration held in the city of Asizi in the Supreme Cathedral of Saint Francis to remember the first visit of the sanctity of the greatest ink, Pope Francis to Iraq, while the Iraq ambassador, Safia Al -Suhail, called for the start of the pilgrims from Asizi to Ur and the reopening of Italian schools.

The embassy said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (conscious), that "Ambassador Safia Talib Al -Suhail, the owners of the embassy, the sons of the Iraqi community and a number of young Iraqi activists from some European cities participated in the celebration that carried the slogan (from Asizi to Ur)," noting that "The celebration came in conjunction with the ceremony held by the Iraqi state in the city of Ur on the occasion of the National Tolerance Day, which was adopted by the Iraqi state as a national day on the occasion of the historical visit to the sanctity of the greatest ink of the Holy See..

She added, "The celebration was held in the San Francisco Church in the Italian historic city of Asizi, and included holding a mass sponsored by Monsignor Rami Al -Qablan and according to the Syriac Catholic rituals in coordination with the Asizi diocese and with harmonious performance of the Eastern and Western ecclesiastical rituals with Iraqi priests and the students of monasticism in Italy from Iraqis,"Noting that "the celebration was attended by the mayor of ES Setifania Broiti and a number of Italian humanitarian organizations that provided aid to the areas affected by ISIS terrorist crimes, including the Christian and Yazidi areas.".

And she indicated that "the celebration included an effective presentation of the weekly word of His Holiness, which he gives after the angelic preaching prayer, in which he touched on his visit to Iraq last year, directed his greetings in his speech to Iraq and the events held in both Asizi Wooke on this occasion.".

العراق يدعو لبدء تفويج الحجاج من اسيزي لأور واعادة فتح المدارس الايطالية

We were the Patriarch of the Chaldean Church from Ur, the owner of the Cardinal Luis Raphael Saco, a message in both Arabic and Italian through a recorded video clip, in which he mentioned the importance of visiting the Pope Francis, indicating that it is the first visit by the Pope of the Vatican to Iraq throughout history..

The embassy indicated, "The Eszi Ur meeting on the occasion of the anniversary of the visit and the day of the Iraqi national tolerance witnessed a contract for a dialogue session organized by (Asizi Spirit Committee), an international organization concerned with the dialogue of peace and tolerance, which was run by the well -known Italian journalist Luka Gironico, who accompanied the Pope on his visit to Iraq, and participated inThe session, which was held in one of the monasteries of the Church, each of the happiness of the ambassadors of the Republic of Iraq to Italy, the Holy See, the city's mayor, in addition to representatives of the Chaldean churches, representatives of the Federation of Islamic Communities, the Ecumenical Office, the Dialogue, the Italian Bishops Complex, a representative of the Yazidi community, a group of children of the generous Iraqi community..

She indicated, "The session included an intervention by His Eminence Sheikh Abdullah Al -Taie, representative of the Iraqi religious authority in Najaf, Saleh Al -Taie, and the session concluded the Monsor Dominico Sorino (Asizi Bishop)".

The Iraqi Ambassador to Rome Safia, Talib Al -Suhail, demanded in a speech during the four sessions held to "activate the practical steps to achieve the goals of visiting the Pope to Iraq, including what his holiness confirmed the importance of returning to Ur and his call to Christians for the Hajj," stressing "the importance of starting to promote pilgrims and to be the beginning.The Italian city of Asizi to the Iraqi city of Ur ".

She stressed "the preparations of the Iraqi state to provide all facilities for pilgrims and secure the requirements of the visit, and the importance of opening the horizons of cultural cooperation", calling for "the reopening of the Italian language schools from Italian discreet centers throughout Iraq".

She directed "a greeting to the women of the world in particular, Iraq and Italy in particular, the March 8, International Women's Day," stressing "the importance of working to activate the role of women in the peace industry, the patience, power and sacrifices of Iraqi women, their import and determination in reconstruction, construction and stability.".