Internet applications and other technologies in school educational institutions as a model

  • Time:Feb 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Article

Dreaming, hope, expectation, security and imagination are all so that the practical reality of education institutions at all levels keeps pace with all new and modern in the fields of technology applied in practice in education in many countries of the world.

Internet technology and their applications in education gave and give and will give many advantages and benefits to both the teacher, the student and the school, and contribute to the tangible practical clarification, which is due to the educational process in a way that raises and higher the quality of education, and its outputs are the qualified human resources that the country needs.

Later on a set of practical applications for the Internet in school as a model for educational institutions:

First: The Internet of Things improves education itself and contributes to improving the physical and structural environment, as the smart school has a smoothly working facilities to provide a higher level of personal learning, the smart devices that are used in the educational institution using the Wi -Fi network to send data and receive instructions, which helps to find less intelligent lessons plansAnd preserving the course of important resources and improving access to information, as it contributes to rapid contact between students and teachers in the classroom, and outside it at any time and anywhere.

Second: The stickers paintings developed using the Internet of things where they are using multimedia stickers, as it can be easily allowed to create apparent stickers that combine images, sound, videos, text and hyperlookStudy colleagues and teachers via email.

Third: Smart board applications, they help teachers to explain the lessons more easily with the help of offers on the Internet and videos, and students are encouraged to deal with interactive games as a strong platform. Web -based tools and programs help to teach students more effectively, smart technology allows teachers and students to browseWeb and even modifying video or interactive tasks.

Fourth: Contributing to interactive learning, today learning is not limited to a mixture of texts and images, but beyond that, as most textbooks are paired on websites on the Internet that include additional materials such as videos, assessments, animation and other materials to support learning, and this givesA wider look for students to learn new things with a better understanding and interact with teachers and their friends, and educational professionals contribute to bringing in the real world problems to the classroom and allowing students to find their own solutions.

تطبيقات انترنت الاشياء وتكنولوجيات اخرى في المؤسسات التعليمية المدرسة نموذجاً

Fifth: Smart phone devices, tablets and movement sensors, these devices are one of the interesting applications. They consider changing the right to the means of teaching and learning that can be considered strong tools that allow students and teachers to create three -dimensional drawings and use electronic books that include videos and educational games and give the abilityTaking notes, as it provides the best way to learn new things, which makes education more attractive than ever.

Sixth: E -books that provide a better way to learn, they allow students to carry a library of hundreds of books with them easily, including graphics, three -dimensional shapes, animation and video.Eliminating the need for material storage of books, which contributes to a more richer experience and expanding learning opportunities for students.

Seventh: Advanced technology helps students learn new things by supporting educational goals, as it provides tools for students and teachers for online documents and make changes in the actual time on the screen, helping teachers to organize all students ’resources, and help registration of lessons directly on the computer, as it isIt helps students access to any information they need through one search for one of the search engines.

Eighth: Technology helps students communicate with teachers using different methods, it helps teachers to maintain the correct path for all students and assigns them homework through various tools on the Internet and follow their performance, and teachers remain in contact with students at all times and remove any gap in communication between them, And the technological use of technologies helps students to play multiple roles, bear their own responsibility for learning, as it gives them freedom of expression and work in a modern and safe environment.

Ninth: Contributing to education anytime and anywhere, as the Internet plays a vital role in building a society using various platforms on the Internet, advanced technology helps teachers monitor students' progress, which makes it possible for learners to gain knowledge from anywhere and at any timeThis allows students and teachers to stay in contact with various means and verify the next messages and events away from the classrooms and even respond to jobs, as this is one of the applications that provide a safe network and full privacy and allow storing unique ideas and ensuring full confidentiality.

Tenth: The applications of temperature sensors and organizing them in classrooms have a significant impact on students' cognitive capabilities, memory, attitudes and teachers ’feeling, there are some advanced temperature sensors that allow schools to monitor different conditions in any environment, this not only saves thousands in facilities costs but also enhancesThe student's learning abilities, which helps to monitor all classrooms at any time at any time anywhere.

Eleven: The school attendance system, based on the Internet, guarantees the teachers to enter the necessary information directly into the system, and this will help reduce the time it takes to provide attendance data and allows school officials to send an email to the parents.

ثانى عشر: جانب اخر من تطبيقات انترنت الاشياء ما يتعلق بأقفال وفتح ابواب الفصول والمدارس للاسلكيا، فنظرا للتكنولوجيا المتقدمة فإن جميع الابواب بمكن التحكم فيها لاسلكيا وعن طريق الانترنت، ويشمل التدبير الأمني ​​للمدارس نظام مراقبة الدخول إلى الباب الذي يتحقق من الزوار قبل فتح الأبواب الخارجية للدخول وبذلك يمكن للمسئول فتح أو قفل الأبواب عن بعد باستخدام الأجهزة النقالة وأيضا تلقي الإخطار عندما يصل شخص ما الى الباب، فذلك ميزة مفيدة لسلطات المدرسة ومساعدتهم على تجنب أي حوادث، ويمكن أن تبرمج الأبواب للتحقق من حالة قفلها عن بعد عن طريق الجهاز المحمول والقفل تلقائيا في أوقات محددة.

Thirteenth: Applying advanced technology solutions in the classroom and the education sector is very useful, such as emergency alerts and promoting sound communication, wireless watches and auditory notifications that provide everyone with a sense of security, and therefore the school adopts various security measures that help to secure it, and the control unit can also be used inCommunications for different emergency tones, live ads, bell tables and previously registered educational messages that will direct everyone during emergency.

Finally, the Internet of Things is considered a new way to manage the classrooms using advanced tools, which helps and facilitates management tasks, with a greater possibility to remove all barriers in education such as geographical location, geography, language and economic situation, a mixture of technology makes learning faster and simpler but also enhances its effect and quality betweenStudents, and there is still a difficult and long way for the Internet of Things initiative to achieve more transformations in educational institutions.