"Your own doctor" is in your hands... The medical imagination is a reality in the "Emirates of the Future" - Al-Ittihad Newspaper

  • Time:Mar 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Sami Abdel Raouf (Dubai)

What does the UAE want to achieve in the field of health care during the next fifty years? And how will the future of the health sector in the country? What about the role of technology, artificial intelligence and modern technologies in the field of medicine? And what are the expectations related to the preventive aspect and confronting epidemics. The questions are many, but the witness is that the shape of the health sector in the country, and treatment methods will change forever.. An expansion will occur in the conduct of robotic surgeries, and virtual and digital services will become a daily routine that people become accustomed to, and predicting diseases and detecting diseases before they occur will seem And treating it without asking the patient is something natural and self-evident in light of the major technological transformations that the world is constantly witnessing, and the UAE will be able to manufacture many anti-epidemic vaccines, to become a global influence in this vital and important field. Nano and blockchain, to serve them, as well as the use of robots as a personal assistant for them. The road map in the UAE health sector is clear, and those in charge of it have identified goals, projects, initiatives and programs that they are preparing to implement in the next fifty years, so that this sector will be among the first sectors that have a comprehensive and integrated vision for the care of generations What is happening in the health sector is not strange in a country like the UAE entering its second fiftieth year From its history, with the determination of its leadership, which institutionalized the impossible through a virtual ministry for the first time in the world, to provide proactive solutions to the public, with the aim of achieving important national files and building government systems that are predictive of the future, by adopting an unconventional virtual work system to re-engineer government services. The increasing integration of technological tools into the medical field.. It is expected that your private doctor will be in your hands.. Perhaps in the form of a program on your phone system that communicates with you and gives you tips for your daily life and health system as needed. You can communicate and discuss with him, and you can do everything you need for your treatment and safety. In the “impossible” state, and in its second fiftieth, the medical imagination will become a reality in the “future emirates” that we have been led by leaders since the era of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, that the impossible will become possible thanks to the help of the people of the nation in various fields. And if we have reached Mars in the field of space, then the Emiratis will be able to go far beyond in all sectors, especially the medical sector. Stand on their plans and perceptions of the most important predictive projects to provide excellent health care to patients, to learn about future challenges facing health care, how to confront epidemics and pandemics, and ways to enhance preventive care.

At the outset, Dr. Muhammad Salim Al Olama, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Health Services Corporation, said: “We worked on formulating future goals to improve international indicators related to health care, at a time when the health sector in the country stands on the threshold of a new era, To provide a pioneering model towards reinventing future health services to provide predictive solutions to patients.” He pointed out that future projects will be based on health innovation and artificial intelligence, to support strategic and therapeutic decision-making processes, in addition to enhancing skills and building capabilities at all levels, to provide health services. Comprehensive and innovative in accordance with international standards, to achieve the objectives of the national agenda for the UAE Vision 2021 and its centenary 2071. He stressed that the UAE aspires to compete with the best health systems in the world, and the country’s efforts to achieve sustainable development are in harmony with the vision of the next fifty strategy launched by the wise leadership to develop the system of government work and foresee the future and its challenges and building a knowledge economy. He said: "The leadership of the UAE, based on the vision of the UAE Centennial, focuses on consolidating the country's position on the future agenda by raising the efficiency of the health system and creating sustainable solutions that enhance the quality of health care." An effective and sustainable health system based on government directives and looking forward to the future of health care.”

Ways of development The scientists revealed that 6 ways have been identified to develop the future of health care and medical services during the next fifty years, including strengthening effective partnerships with the country's private health sector, and prestigious international health institutions and bodies, to consolidate the country's position on the global health map. He pointed to the use of big health data and artificial intelligence to formulate health policies, update health indicators that support decision-making in preparing strategic plans, and establish a broadcast platform for performance indicators, to provide predictive results and scenarios that help in the optimal use of resources in hospitals, especially in emergency situations, to improve the patient experience and increase effectiveness. the performance. The means of development also include digital transformation, harnessing smart technology, encouraging innovation, providing an attractive scientific environment for national capabilities in the field of medical research, and building a research, development and scientific innovation system. He stressed the focus on the preventive aspect of the health system, ensuring its sustainability and efficiency in dealing with communicable diseases, and launching enhanced strategies for health security as a national priority in the UAE, with concerted efforts and capabilities among all concerned authorities in the country and segments of society. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services, announced the introduction of robotic technologies in many preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical specialties such as heart surgery, obesity and general surgery, in addition to the development of robotic pharmacy services, in order to enhance drug safety, reduce waiting time for patients and rational management. for pharmaceutical stock. He explained that the sixth of these development avenues is to create sustainable future solutions to meet the needs of patients and customers, such as the smart customer journey that aims to facilitate customers by completing their transactions in an easy and fast way without the need to visit customer happiness centers in an effective digital way.

Strategies and mechanisms for early detection of epidemics Will we face new epidemics in the coming decades? This question has imposed itself strongly on the future of the global and national health situation after the “Covid-19” pandemic, as epidemics will be a pivotal factor in the performance of the health sector. Dr. Hussain Al Rand, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, replied: “The UAE, after achieving a global leadership in the effective response to the Covid-19 pandemic, its health plans and programs focus on protecting and preventing society from any future epidemics, while at the same time strengthening surveillance plans and responding to them in a better manner. global standards. He added, "This can be achieved by employing predictive models, artificial intelligence and technology, continuing to develop telemedicine, the virtual work environment, and manufacturing vaccines locally." 4 factors: the first of which is travel, which required months was reduced to hours, which turned the world into a global village, thus facilitating the global transmission of diseases that spread through personal contact. Contaminated foods can also move quickly from one continent to another, facilitating the spread of foodborne diseases. The second is climate change that contributes to the emergence of infectious diseases, and the third is the emergence of some infectious diseases or that have re-emerged due to the disruption of some public health systems that were established to prevent or combat them, due to limited resources in the field of public health, social unrest and wars. The fourth and final factor is the microbial adaptation and the continuous change in the methods of affecting the human body.

«طبيبك الخاص» بين يديك.. الخيال الطبي واقعاً في «إمارات المستقبل» - صحيفة الاتحاد

For his part, Dr. Muhammad Al-Nahhas, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Mena Labs Clinical Pathology Services, stressed that the most prominent possessions of the health sector in the country for the next fifty years are mechanisms for immunization and dealing in times of crises and epidemics, including developing strategies and mechanisms for early detection of epidemics, rapid intervention to control epidemics, the use of smart technology to track the activity of viruses and other causative factors, increasing scientific research in the field of epidemiology, and developing public health policies. To deal efficiently and professionally with this epidemic at the national level, in addition to its international role and support for many friendly and brotherly countries around the world. Dr. Al-Nahhas stated that this success is a pillar of what the future of surveillance and the detection of pandemics and epidemics will look like.

“Smart Health” Dr. Youssef Al Serkal, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention for the Hospitals Sector and Director General of the Emirates Health Services Corporation, spoke about focusing on providing smart and specialized medical services in the next five decades, as plans and programs focus on attracting and employing the latest technologies in health care. In line with the "Human of the Future" axis in the UAE's strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He referred to the use of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, robotics and nanotechnology, and accelerating the digitization of the health care sector, with a focus on telemedicine and medical technology. In addition to developing health information systems to implement global standards in managing the infrastructure of health facilities, and developing appropriate technology to manage the health system. Al Serkal said: "These projects and plans are in line with the aspirations of the UAE government, according to the directives of the wise leadership to continue the digital transformation and smart health services and enhance their reliability." He stressed the importance of digital transformation on patient safety, the customer journey and the patient experience in all the facilities of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services, which falls within the framework of the vision of the UAE government and its unique journey towards the UAE Centennial 2071 to become one of the best countries in the world. Al Serkal revealed the use of modern digital technologies, including intelligence. Artificial intelligence and building algorithms, to analyze data and generate healthy and patient lifestyle models, to predict chronic and lifestyle-related diseases. He said, "Then, we will get early alerts that will enable the doctor to intervene in a timely manner, in addition to launching innovative electronic health systems and flexible smart applications that support the concepts of using robotic devices, the Internet of things, blockchain and telemedicine methods." To a question about how to benefit from Blockchain technology in the coming decades, Dr. Amin Al Amiri, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection for Health Regulation, answered: “The Ministry seeks to implement the Blockchain technology more broadly in the coming years.” He added: “Blockchain forms The basis for many future health projects that work with the concept of analyzing the link between the patient’s lifestyle and his health status to achieve transparency and confidence in the health care services sector.” He pointed out that this technology will have a role in facilitating appropriate decision-making and raising the quality of health care provided to its beneficiaries. The extent to which the blockchain technology can be used is being studied in most of the future projects in the ministry, and among the most prominent of these projects is the (Tatman) platform, the first of its kind in the region to track and trace pharmaceutical products, with the aim of immunizing and Healthcare Supply Chain and Supply Chain Trustee, a nationwide program using sequencing based on GS1 standards. He explained that the platform will use the "blockchain" technology to track the supply chain of medicines, and a documented record will be kept of all imported or locally produced items, which will be used to verify and certify products in the market to prevent counterfeit and counterfeit products, with the feature of querying any drug class on the one hand. Manufacturer, active ingredient, price, authorized agent and method of use. Al-Amiri confirmed that the blockchain technology will be used in organ donation and organ transplantation to coordinate records for donors, through the “Hayat” smart application linked to the National Organ Donation Program, which constitutes a sustainable solution for a large number of patients, especially for patients with heart, lung failure, liver cirrhosis and kidney failure. , and contributes to restoring hope for life. The smart application “Hayat” relies on digital transactions technology “Blockchain” to coordinate the cloud records of donors, while ensuring high levels of data security, and the application allows those wishing to donate to register their data using their phones.

«A pound of prevention» But where does the preventive aspect of disease in the future plans fall? Dr. Hussein Al Rand, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention for the Clinics and Health Centers Sector, stressed that strengthening the preventive aspect is one of the most important strategic goals by providing comprehensive and integrated health care in innovative and sustainable ways. He said, "The plans in place guarantee the protection of society from diseases, including lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and others. We have plans and programs to improve the results of national indicators in this field in accordance with performance standards." He added: "The preventive health strategy from future epidemics represents the most important national trends, in line with global trends, in terms of speed of monitoring and investigation, speed of response, and emphasizing the importance of partnership and international solidarity in facing epidemics." He pointed out that telemedicine will become an effective option for preventive health care, According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic diseases that can be prevented through preventive care services represent 75% of health care spending. He pointed to providing more convenient access to follow-up care, and specialists for rapid diagnosis and remote treatment, as hospitals will receive fewer readmissions, complications, hospital stays, and reduce high-cost treatments and services. Al-Rand stated that the goal of future care is prevention. And make many adjustments early, and it will be done in a cost-effective and time-saving manner, with telemedicine services enhanced by modern technology.

5 challenges during 50 years Dr. Muhammad Salim Al Olama, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Health Services Corporation, identified 5 challenges that the health sector is expected to face during the next fifty years. He said: “These challenges include climate changes that may negatively affect It affects the health of the population, the emergence of new epidemics and mutated microbes, as well as the increase in the proportion of non-communicable diseases and mental illnesses.” He added: "There is also the issue of increasing demand for specialized human cadres, and the need to deal wisely with the data revolution and advanced technology and the challenges that follow in the field of application and information security." He pointed out that based on the vision of the wise leadership for the next fifty years to create a government system that is more flexible and able to adapt to future changes, the Ministry of Health and Community Protection is keen to be an active and supportive part of the efforts made by the UAE government. He pointed out to work to establish an integrated health care system in accordance with the highest international standards, by achieving a qualitative leap in the levels of health services with a future vision, to reach the best sustainable health systems in accordance with the highest international quality standards.

4 radical transformations caused by telemedicine, Dr. Youssef Al-Sarkal, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, Director General of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services, confirmed that programs dedicated to telemedicine will continue to be developed in all specialties, including psychiatry, neurology and other specialties, and in most hospitals. and clinics, and focus on monitoring diabetes and chronic diseases. He revealed the employment of robots as personal assistants for patients and sending remote commands for medical activities such as drawing blood, measuring temperature and so on, pointing to radical transformations for telemedicine services, most notably 4 expectations. He said, “Telemedicine will become a standard service provided in all places of care as patients become accustomed to the level of access provided by telemedicine, as easier access to health care will generate confidence and drive growth.” He added, “Patients will choose service providers, health systems, and hospitals on the basis of access to telemedicine.” He stated that as patients become more accustomed to virtual care, health systems that lack access to telemedicine will see a decrease in the volume of patients choosing providers of telemedicine. Services who provide telemedicine. He stated that there will be specialized centers, where hospitals can contact and have access 24/7 on a network of doctors who are experts in their fields of specialization.

10 Health Axes for the Next Fifty One of the fundamental questions posed by the progress that the UAE has achieved is what we want to achieve in the UAE during the next fifty years in the field of the health sector and the provision of health services. Dr. Muhammad Salim Al Olama, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates Foundation for Health Services, stressed that the vision of the UAE in the next fifty years aspires to leadership, competition and sustainability in accordance with the directives of the rational leadership. He pointed out that the health sector is one of the most important vital sectors that are included in all the strategic plans of the country, and the future goals are centered around many axes, the most important of which are 10 axes, which are access to a smart health system with proactive health services to enhance the quality of healthy life. He said: “We want to provide health services without human intervention, use all smart and robotic technologies to provide therapeutic and surgical services, and use the genetic code for disease prevention and personalized treatment. He added: “We also want a prediction system for epidemics and non-communicable diseases that have an impact on society, and the development of artificial intelligence services based on the analysis of large local and global health data, and smart health financing.” He revealed work on using drones to deliver medicines, laboratory samples, and medicine. Regenerative and tissue culture, in addition to 100% localization in the field of health services.

Expansion using 3D and 4D printing In turn, Dr. Othman Al Bakri, CEO of the Modern International Hospital in Dubai, described the plans for the second fiftieth of the country’s life as “faster and more comprehensive, keeping pace with all developments and responding to challenges.” He stated that the next fifty years will witness an increase in the healthy lifespan. for individuals in the UAE and reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, obesity and blood pressure, stressing that the UAE is on the verge of major and profound transformations in the provision of health services to the public. He expected the health authorities in the country to expand the use of three-dimensional and four-dimensional printing in the medical and surgical fields, in line with modern medicine and the fourth industrial revolution. He said, "We started using 3D printing technology to harness the production and design of many medical tools and equipment that enhance the capacity of the health sector, as it was used to produce and design many medical tools and equipment and invent advanced types of medical masks and artificial respirators." وأشار إلى استخدامها لمساعدة الجراحين في التخطيط للعمليات من خلال محاكاة الأعضاء، طباعة الأجهزة والمعدات الطبية مثل الأجهزة التعويضية في الأطراف الصناعية، الزراعات السنية والطب التجميلي.

فرس الرهان في الوصول للعالمية قال شريف بشارة، الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة محمد وعبيد الملا، المجموعة المالكة للمستشفى الأميركي دبي: إن «القطاع الصحي الخاص سيكون فرس الرهان في الوصول إلى العالمية في تقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية بالدولة». وأضاف:«الدولة وفرت بيئة مثالية للاستثمار الصحي الخاص ومقومات كبيرة للنجاح للابتكار واستشراف المستقبل، وهو ما جعله قادراً على تطبيق استراتيجيات الثورة الصناعية الرابعة التي تركز في محورها الصحي على لرعاية الصحية الروبوتية». وأكد أن القطاع الصحي الخاص لديه خطط وبرامج طموحة لتمكين أحدث تكنولوجيات الرعاية الصحية، وأهمها الذكاء الاصطناعي وبلوك تشين، والطب الجينومي والتطبيب عن بُعد. ولفت إلى الاستفادة من الروبوتات وتكنولوجيا النانو، لتعزيز إمكانات تقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية عن بُعد، وتقديم حلول طبية ذكية على مدار الساعة عن طريق التكنولوجيا القابلة للارتداء.وأشار، إلى التكنولوجيا الحيوية وتقنية النانو، والطب التجديدي والعلاج بالخلايا الجذعية، واستخدام الروبوتات في الجراحة والأطراف الصناعية، والرقاقات الذكية، والرعاية المنزلية عن طريق إنترنت الأشياء، والطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد لتوفير الأدوية والمستلزمات الطبية.وتوقع بشارة، أن من ضمن مشاريع المستقبل خلال العقود الخمسة المقبلة، زراعة الأجهزة الدقيقة والذكية، التي تتنبأ بأي أخطار أو مضاعفات قد تصيب الشخص.