You will not believe who is the daughter of the late Omar Hariri.. A famous artist who started acting at the age of 60 and is currently participating in an important role in this series! The most important news

  • Time:Feb 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Early marriage, having children, and residing in Alexandria are all factors that made Merit Omar Hariri give up her dream of working in the artistic community, to renew again and return to the series, The 45 Rules of Divorce, which is currently shown on screens and electronic platforms.

The artist, Merit Omar Al-Hariri, wished to appear in some artworks, but in small roles at her request, saying during a recent press interview: “I wished to act from a long time ago, but I entered the field of acting late last year only.”

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You will not believe who is the daughter of the late Omar Hariri .. A famous actress who started acting at the age of 60 and is currently participating in an important role in this series! ></p><p>Merit Hariri appears in

Merit Hariri is participating in the role of the actress’s mother, Engy, the presenter, in the series “The 45 Rules of Divorce,” which is currently being shown on the Shahid digital platform.

The 45th Rules of Divorce series, starring Engy Al-Moqaddam, Engy Abu Zaid, Heidi Karam, Sally Shaheen, Omar Al-Shennawy, Sherif Hafez, Sidqi Sakher, Hassan Abdullah, Nada Rahmi, Jihan Al-Shamasherji, Merit Omar Al-Hariri, screenplay and dialogue by Ahmed Saad Wali, Ibrahim Saber, Ahmed Salah Khattab, produced by S-Production “Sally Wali”, and the series directed by Mostafa Abu Seif.

Merit Hariri: I wish I could work with the artists who worked with my father

A wish that the artist, Merritt, wished to achieve, is her participation in an artwork that includes artists who worked with her father before his death: “It was a great honor for me, that I participated in an important work with a group of prominent artists.”

As revealed by Merritt Omar Hariri, she revealed that her father refused to help her work in the artistic field, so she started acting at a great age after his death, and went to casting offices in search of roles in series and films.

The story of actress Merit Hariri joining the field of acting

The actress Merritt was not lucky enough to complete her educational career: “Children and living took me and got busy. When I grew up, I thought why I didn’t do what I wanted to do. I entered acting workshops because my age does not allow me to attend the institute. I participated in small roles last year at my request, and I made a silent scene in Covenant betrayal.

Omar Hariri's daughter and her triumphant journey with cancer

The actress Merit Omar Al-Hariri, who revealed her 60-year-old age, talked about the stage of her cancer and said that she did not tell her children about her illness before she underwent surgery, explaining that she was able to overcome her illness because she considered that the disease was a gift from God, and she received her ordeal with satisfaction. She did not grieve after learning of her illness.

She pointed out that she was attending acting workshops after receiving chemotherapy sessions, and in response to whether she would continue acting, she said: “If I have acceptance from people, I will continue acting, and if I do not have it, I will break it down.”

Omar Hariri's will to his daughter

The artist, Merit Omar Al-Hariri, revealed during her talk about her father's will to her, and said that he asked her not to put him in an embarrassing position because of any behavior issued by her, stressing that she is committed to his will, in addition to her commitment to his request for discipline while driving her car.

Information about the artist Merit Omar Hariri

She was born on May 17, 1961.

She got married early and had children, which caused a delay in her artistic work.

Her father refused to let her enter the field of acting until after completing her studies.

She moved away from the limelight, but she did not forget her dream until she was 59 years old, and began to engage in artwork.

And her most famous works, between 2020 and 2022, are: the series “Collecting Salem”, “Betrayal of Ahed”, “Eyewitness”, “Civil War”, “The 45 Rules of Divorce”, “A Tale and the Trace Remains” from the series Except Me, and the movie “Dido”, which is now shown in cinemas.

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