Who will enter Paradise?

  • Time:Sep 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

What if we assumed the argument that we died and then sent us to the account!We saw most of the clergy and those who were presenting themselves in life, preaching and elders who were righteous to the fire.

Some people may be surprised, how did this question in my mind?!In fact, he did not come from a pure imagination.What prompted me to ask the following question: Are you, Sheikh of the believers or from the polytheists?

The sheikh was confused and what the grandfather knew about the humor, and I was confused about any load that takes my question, so he hidden his confusion with a look of arrogance and superior to respond to my question, saying: I do not allow you to do this question! So I said: Why? He answered by saying: We are men who vowed ourselves to this religion, we do the religious and moral duties that God has commanded us, and we end up with what God forbade us, and we take into account the interests of people, guide them and guide them, whether the path, so how do you put us in this place from the question about the believers and the polytheists?! I looked at him and said to him: logically, for every action in society and between people an effect and a result. What is the result that you reached and presented to the nation? What is your impact today in its miserable condition and its sad situation?

The sheikh was hot in the question, so I told him to contemplate the case of the Islamic nation in the contemporary world, as it occupies the last position in the classification of the underdeveloped nations, until I lost all religious pioneers, lost its moral system, lost its civilizational position, and became the condition of the woe !!

Then look at this religion that God has bestowed upon us, and in the Holy Qur’an that he revealed to our Prophet Hoda and mercy, in which the prohibition of major sins, and promised punishment, but unfortunately we find the majority of Muslims practicing what the Qur’an forbade, and end up with what he ordered and urged, until behaviors spread among themEvacumen, and immoral practices that have a chill, and the proper instinct that God broke the people on..

A religious brown position has become tragic, who use the body as a machine, through which they perform acts of worship from fasting, prayer and Hajj...In a mechanical way, there is no spirit, no reverence, no faith.They prohibit themselves food in fasting and they think that they are doing what God has commanded, but they do not refrain from gossip, envy, hatred and hatred.The fasting person throws his brother falsehood;And the worshiper eats the orphan's money;And the weak oppresses;He testifies to falsehood and is silent about the right, until the Muslim courts became in the news of it..The oath of God has become easier than drinking water on those who claim Islam!

Sir, "Sheikh", the question of my nation, who is hardly absent from my mind one day: Why did we descend so much?!Is this what God wanted for the nation of Muhammad?Haveha and no!So who is responsible then?Is it not the responsibility of the clergy who are the platforms on Friday?They sold religion and themselves to serve politics and its people?Then tell me your Lord, what do the clergy do today?They seek to spread religion the right to love, peace, coexistence and acceptance of the other (and we created you as peoples and tribes to get to know each other..) Or are they taking advantage of the word of God and their place when created to search for their worldly gains like any ordinary person governed by greed and greed?

مَنْ سيدخل الجنة؟

I have tied many clerics for a decade, and I found them (except a few who have mercy on my Lord) love and women and committing sins, and the hatred in food, and the running behind the pleasures of this worldly life is more than us, we are much poor servants.As for the love of money and the pursuit of it, you can see it as an authentic feature in most of them, so you find them and they have turned the imamate and rhetoric on the platforms into a profession with salaries and gifts (and (and Corona today seems to be reduced from these salaries and gifts because of the suspension of the plural prayers and the group in most mosques) and took from peopleGirls, gifts and alms, especially after they deluded the public that the path to God only arrives through them, so the question remains always: Is not the fate of these people to hell because they accepted the game of using the name of God and employing his religion for their gains, greed and evils?

God addressed his Prophet Muhammad, the first thing that addressed him, saying: (Read) Read, Muhammad, and teach your nation how they think, understand the universe, discover the laws and Sunnah of God in it, and how they harness nature to serve man, and the succession of God on earth.God Almighty addressed Muhammad and his nation in many verses to see, think and reason...Because God wants them good and good consequences.

By God, God does not accept that the nation of Muhammad is backward!The mind is canceled and the doors are closed to other nations and cultures.Otherwise, how can his nation be the best nation that brought people out?!The history of the Islamic nation has known wonderful periods of civilization and leadership, as the era of Al -Ma'mun represented a unique and distinctive enlightenment in our Islamic history, when the Mu'tazilah who has urged Muslims to use their minds, defended them and adopted their ideas, to make the mind a guide to its patronage and the nation of IslamIn custody.

Unfortunately, it is only a few years, until the coup got the mind, and the game returned between politics and religion, and the calls of darkness and ignorance followed, so al -Farabi and Ibn Sina were atoned, and the books of Ibn Rushd were burned, and the mind became a charge of the accusation of heresy and disbelief in God and the departure from religion, and since thatWe declared war on the mind that came out of the history of humanity, and we are still floundering in the alleys of dark ignorance until now.The surprising strange thing is that we find a state of fast and duplication that you find among the clergy when they announce their pride and boasting about the Islamic civilization and its heritage.And deviation from belief.And how much sadness and bitterness makes me feel that a small sheikh of our time, limited culture and knowledge, and his readings do not exceed a few books, by judging these philosophers and thinkers and accusing them of adultery and misguidance.

Then she has a wonderful paradox, I see since the softness of my nails, our sheikhs go every day by praying to God.The fasting of our ears with their shouts and their aspirations: Oh God, you are the polytheists, O God, dispersed them and dispersed their collection, O God, take them, take dear, and show us the wonders of your ability, O God, destroy the Jews and the Christians, their children, and to throw their women, and make them after an eye...etc..In spite of the length of the history of these calls, we find the infidels are more powerful, well -established and knowledgeable, and we are increasingly weak and ignorant, they are the applicants and we are backward, as if God stands in their ranks without us.However, the sane person realizes that what they reached from half of them with the infidels, but they reached it because they declared the matterLavoisia and Einstein, many others and many, who have provided humanity great values and inspiring ideas.These infidels or those who are lost in the opinion of our sheikhs are the ones who revealed the laws of God and its laws in creation and the universe, they invented the hour that determines the dates of prayer, and the monitoring tools that the crescent of Ramadan and the bull of Dhu al -Hijjah seen, and invented the sound and image machines that transmit us the rituals of Hajj, and discover the medicines thatWe heal us, God willing..As for the nation of Islam, we are still standing at the limits of the supplications of the defeated, and our mind has given us an open leave, or we have solved it for early retirement, so we are unable to produce and contribute to human civilization, and our sheikhs were busy about us and from the message of our religion with the trivia of the small: Is the jinn male or female?Is it permissible to marry them by mankind?What is the ruling on witnessing a Muslim grave?What is the ruling on a poor, poor woman from her home to work?

Although Christianity and Judaism also have elders and clerics, but they are not the same as the negative impact caused by most of the elders of Islam today. On the contrary, the clerics of these two religions were able to provide their societies an open rational speech, encouraging work, aspiration for science, knowledge, and the use of the mind, evenThe names of scholars, inventors and thinkers from Christians and Jews spread throughout the world, while the speech of our elders remains emotionally emotionally broken, and is busy with the small things and their details that no longer sing in our time and do not fatten from hunger.Here, Napoleon Bonaparte answered me to a question: Why did Britain won the war and lost it France?His opinion was that the British are focusing on what is important, strategic and major, while the French are generous in the small, partial and superficial details, and they drained from what is the main to what is accidental and secondary..There is no doubt that the state of Muslims today is the same as what the French were in the era of Napoleon.

I go back to asking my question that I addressed to the Sheikh on that day: Who will enter Paradise?These geniuses who provided their services to humanity, preserved the lives with their sciences, and reduced the pain with their addiction, and contributed to progress and civilization, and contemplated and thought about creating the universe, so they invented and discovered, or the clergy are some of the Muslims who occupy their whole life in polygamy and runners -up, and if they think about the hereafter, thinkIn the poplar and wine of paradise?

I have become convinced that the Sheikh Al -Khatib, who pursues the pulpit, denies knowledge, defends ignorance, and the mind, or who is silent about the oppressor, orders the oppressed and the poor to asceticism, and does not address in his speech the thieves of the people's hopes, their future and their strength, as he is a thief with preacher clothes, and a unjust one who is more unjust to him.He will not enter paradise unjust.

I would like to note in the end that I do not mean in my article, this is the antagonism of the clergy, nor do people turn to them, just as I do not aim to offend them, and to reduce their affairs, but rather that God is driven by jealousy on them, and the fear that God will suffer them with his torment and deprive them of his paradise.As for my criticism of the situation of Muslims today, because I am a Muslim who is committed to his religion, proud of his Islam, a follower of the Prophet Muhammad, which saddens me strongly that we reached today, when the Muslims neglected the essence of Islam, and they were busy with the scales, and our elders and intellectuals were abandoned from renewing the discourse of religion and its modernity, and it is not evidenced by this fromMillions of speeches that were received on the platforms on Fridays, so did these speeches came with a result that leads to reforming our situation, improving our morals and raising our affairs between nations, or on the contrary, completely?There is no doubt that our situation today is sufficient to know the answer.And yet..Please tell me: Who will enter Paradise?!