Who was the first to use poisonous gases in wars?

  • Time:Apr 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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Who was the first to use poisonous gases in wars? Wars are one of the most dangerous things that people may be exposed to, and there are many poisonous gases that have been prohibited from being used in wars because of the serious damage they cause to people and facilities. Mustard gas was used for the first time during World War I, and it is a colorless liquid. The color and smell at room temperature causes severe blisters, and the name stems from its color and smell in its impure state.

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Types of poisonous gases in war

1. Mustard gas

2. Nerve gas

The deadliest chemical warfare, a single drop of nerve gas can kill a person within a minute.

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It is colorless and odorless, has an oily texture and spreads easily through the air, attacks the human nervous system, causing almost instantaneous spasms before impeding involuntary muscle movements, such as the pumping of the heart.

3. Cyanogen chloride

Also used as a chemical weapon during World War I, cyanide is a rapidly spreading and easily spread killer that spreads rapidly through the bloodstream when exposed either by inhalation or by skin contact.

It is colorless but has a strong pungent smell like almond, but the smell is likely to disappear because exposure causes almost immediate suffering, as the skin quickly turns red, seizures follow within 15-30 seconds, accompanied by dizziness and vomiting, which may cause death Six to eight minutes later.

The health effect of toxic weapons in war

Chemical agents for toxic weapons fall into four general categories, according to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Given these categories, one must wonder why they were created. The certainty of suffering, pain, and death is associated with chemical weapons that fall into these categories:

Use of chemical weapons in war

Who was the first to use poisonous gases in wars?

Defense against chemical weapons

The government's handling of toxic gases

Finally, at the end of our journey with those who first used poison gases in war, the Chemical Weapons Convention, an international treaty specifically aimed at eliminating potentially deployable chemical weapons by prohibiting, developing, producing, acquiring, stockpiling, transferring and using nuclear weapons, orders a halt to the use of these weapons.

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