What is new about the kidnapping of a child in cases?

  • Time:Apr 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

An 11-year-old child was kidnapped in the Al-Ghamaq neighborhood in the Halat area, Al-Nahar learned. The town’s mayor, George Al-Ra’i, quoted witnesses as saying that the accident occurred in the market while a mother, accompanied by two children, entered a clothing store. Several news outlets reported news that the kidnappers had contacted the child’s family and demanded a ransom of $250,000. A source close to the family denied this news, pointing out that no contact had taken place between the kidnappers and the parents.

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The sponsor announced to "An-Nahar" that a contact took place with the security forces that are following up on the matter, noting that the reasons for the kidnapping are still unknown, and the kidnappers have not communicated with the child's family until now, noting that another source in the town denied that the child's family had any problems that might prompt kidnapping. It could be a ransom demand. A friend of the child’s family told Al-Nahar what happened, “After the mother entered the clothing store, a lead Kia Picanto car with darkened windows arrived, and a person got out and kidnapped the boy, while the boy was not The mother could defend her son after the kidnapper pushed her to the ground.” “The family has no problems with anyone,” noting that “the family’s financial situation is very modest, and there are no motives for kidnapping for ransom.” In this context, a security source confirmed to An-Nahar the case of the kidnapping, “but there are no additional details on the matter.”

source: day