What can the United Nations do to help India curb the deadly wave of COVID-19? | United Nations News

  • Time:Sep 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Earlier this week, UN News spoke to representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) based in India, to get their take on the crisis.

The following are some key excerpts from these two interviews:

Reducing precautionary measures allowed the virus to spread

Dr Rodrico Overin, WHO Representative in India: It is important to remember that by early February of this year, the economy had reopened and social activities had resumed. We've also seen that people haven't acted in an appropriate way to slow down COVID-19, and I think that's why we're where we are. There are many reasons, but basically, the virus has given us a chance to continue spreading.

Dr Yasmin Ali Haque, UNICEF Representative in India: In 2020, we have been working closely with the Indian government to spread health and infection prevention messages. Life began to return to normal this year, and at this time the second wave hit.

UN News

crushing wave

Dr. Evren: The way the virus spread is similar to what we saw in Europe or the United States, but the scale is completely different. Population density is also likely to be a factor, and we have seen sharp increases in urban areas. In the weeks when cases were rising, the system was able to accommodate patients, and extra beds were made available last year. So, it's a question of the scale of the crisis: the scope of the surge and the scope of the response.

This virus adapts so quickly that no model has been able to predict how it will spread. We have to get ahead of it: it's the cycle of preparedness, preparedness, response and recovery. You can't stop.

What can the UN do to help India curbing the deadly wave of COVID-19? | UN News

However, we know how to handle it: consistent testing, contact tracing, active case detection, early treatment, and appropriate treatment. People need to comply with appropriate behaviors for COVID: mask wearing, hand washing, physical distancing and vaccination. This is a whole arsenal of ammunition to fight the virus. It is now about using these tools consistently and at scale.

Everyone needs to come together

© UNICEF/Amarjeet Singh

Dr Ali Haq: Right now, we are focusing on getting basic oxygen equipment. We are also working on buying testing machines and getting Covid vaccines to people. We have a lot of experience with vaccinating children, and we adapt that experience to anticipate the kind of obstacles we are likely to face, as well as issues of hesitation or vaccine concern. We've administered nearly 160 million doses in about 110 days, probably the fastest process in the world.

The challenge, of course, is the numbers and the size of India and the distances and terrain that sometimes need to be covered. It is not an easy task, but I believe that if it is possible anywhere, it will be possible here.

Dr. Avren: India is one of the countries that is doing universal immunization very well. If you look at how things started in the United States, they were not used to mass vaccination campaigns. India has a strong tradition and history of vaccination, which is why the launch on January 16th went so well. However, to achieve herd immunity, we need everyone to be vaccinated but people also need to behave in appropriate ways.

We've drawn on our network of 2,600 public health professionals in India, and our industry experts have been behind our response: it's all at our fingertips. Many of our priority areas will continue to support essential health services. Of course, infection prevention and control are important, but the first priority is to close critical gaps.

The consequences will last for years

© UNICEF/Amarjeet Singh

Dr. Ali Haq: The consequences of this pandemic will be with us for years. We are already seeing the secondary effects, especially on children and the poorest and most marginalized.

In a best-case scenario, we estimate that around 50 percent of children can learn remotely. This means that about 150 million children of school-going age do not have access to education. We already hear stories of increased child labour, early marriage of girls in particular, and even child trafficking.

We need to address the psychological trauma children are facing now, and be prepared for the long-term repercussions. With so many people dying, children are left without the care of parents or other carers, so there is a need for investment in foster care and alternative care arrangements for these children.

But I think the way we've seen communities come together, and how much the public has donated, has been unprecedented. This will be critical if we are to see investment in vital services that allow children to stay healthy, thrive, and recover from the trauma of this pandemic.

Assistance from across the UN system

The UN team in India along with specialized agencies including WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA are working closely to deliver essential equipment in India.

Lack of oxygen has been linked to many COVID-19 deaths during the crisis, with Delhi particularly hard hit. The UN system provides 10,000 oxygen concentrators, 25 ventilators and more than 70 oxygen generating stations.

A record number of COVID tests are being conducted in India, but the current test positivity rate of 19% is still considered very high. UN agencies support the deployment of vaccines, by providing cold chain equipment for vaccines, with 63 containers of cold rooms and refrigerators and 200,000 vaccine carriers. The World Health Organization and UNICEF have also distributed 400,000 machines and 300 testing kits, and UNICEF has provided more than 60 thermal scanners at airports.

The World Health Organization has deployed more than 2,600 public health professionals working on other diseases to respond to the pandemic. Across the country, UNICEF and UNDP are supporting the authorities to monitor more than 175,000 COVID-19 centers, while more than 820 staff have been deployed.