Strange facts about women

  • Time:Feb 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes


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Strange facts about women

Strange facts about women, women are considered half of society, but rather the entire society, and they are distinguished as the best creature on the face of the earth, but there are strange facts about women that many do not know, and they are considered one of the most important facts about women that many people do not know, that every hour and a half dies a womanDuring the birth process, or because of the difficulty of childbirth, it is hidden from everyone that the woman speaks more than 20,000 words throughout the day, and we will remind you in this article what these strange facts, so follow us.

Strange facts about women

No one knows that most of the women whose names were mentioned in the list of the 20 richest women in the world, in fact, inherited this wealth from their fathers and husbands, with the exception of the woman who was seventeenth place:

General facts about women

Women earn 78 cents for every dollar that a man earns:

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Sayings about women

It is said that women are beautiful and smart women who do not participate in the base with men, so the ruling leaves the man as long as they rule the men themselves:

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Scientific facts about women's feelings

Women have a stronger memory than men, because they are lining feelings with the events they are exposed to.When events are strong, it becomes easy for women to restore memories:

Facts about a woman's brain

Women have a large number of cells P, responsible for identifying organisms, textures and colors:

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In the end, we mentioned to you everything related to strange facts from the woman, and we must know that a woman is a gentle and gentle being, as it is characterized by several things that make her smart and beautiful, as well as her sense of her.humor.

Sayings about womenGeneral facts about womenScientific facts about women's feelingsFacts about a woman's brainStrange facts about women
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