Wearing technology may make a shift in the lives of kinetic disabilities

  • Time:Jun 23
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Technical researchers called "MAG Track" to help people with special needs and kinetic disabilities have launched a better motor performance, using independent operation of electronic tools.

Mechanism of Action

MAG Track technology, wheelchair users, helps control their mobile phones, computers, and driving mobile electric chairs, using a multimedia alternative console.

The team designed the new device to be wireless and wireless, with a high ability to adapt to the user condition.

The team made the device based on an older technology, which is to direct orders using the tongue, in a complex interaction between a person and the machine to improve the quality of users' life.

Mag Traca allows the performance of a variety of complex tasks, through a control unit that uses tongue and head movements.

The new technology picks up signals with glasses, and a small sensor to trace the tongue temporarily.

تقنية قابلة للارتداء قد تُحدث تحولا في حياة أصحاب الإعاقة الحركية

This mixture of input methods allows complicated tasks on computer and performing advanced maneuvers when driving the electric chair.

The study was issued by the American Brox Rehabiletation Hospital for Rehabilitation, in cooperation with the Georgia Tech College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering.Researchers and engineers turned preliminary study models into a ready -to -use version.

The new technology joint team tested more than 17 moving electrical chairs users, who suffer from quadruple paralysis caused by spinal cord injury that affects the ends, trunk and pelvic organs.

The team published the results of their studies in the scientific journal "IEE" for biomedical engineering, and won the satisfaction of scientists and patients, according to the Tech Explore.

Quantum leap

ويمثل الجهاز الجديد Quantum leap في الأجهزة القابلة للارتداء المساعدة لذوي الإعاقة الحركية، ومن يعانون من الشلل الرباعي.

This type of device has not seen a great development in recent years, and many of them remained somewhat primitive, with limited control capabilities.

Most of the previous technologies are linked to the wheelchair, as it cannot be reached when the user is away from his chair, while the new technology provides distinctive capabilities that convert its users into active individuals in a bound digital world.

The team is currently working on developing various designs of technology, suitable for other types of injuries, as well as developing a future version capable of discovering facial gestures, which raises control capabilities, so that the team begins to try it next year.