Wear technical sculptures in Japan

  • Time:Jun 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

An exhibition that reflects years of work in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, specifically Sai Gallery by Ecushi Hiroto, who creates a fictional, wearing cyber sculptures of tools and devices.In the Hiruto exhibition, according to the "Disin" website, it stands out of strange masks, external structures, and imaginative techniques that can be worn between the vocabulary of pop culture and the making of models.

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Collecting between ready -made plastic models, technological sculptures and industrial parts, Japanese Hiroto sculpt his tools, approximately the influences of pop culture that printed his childhood as the stars war, as well as the manufacture of famous models in Japan.Hiroto's creations are a series of wearable sculptures that are characterized by a future character that mates nostalgia and a aesthetic cyberbank survey.The exhibition distinguishes the heavy helmets chain with a delicate assembly of the savings and small parts.

All Hiruto works include compact products inside sculptures that actually work and enable its wearer to use within the professional, giving each piece experimental content.It draws a suit for the entire body collected by Hiroto, using the company "Skeletonics" for the promotion of the body.

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