"We are destroyed and exhausted" .. How does the reality of health care workers look like?

  • Time:Aug 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - Hospitals are struggling to adhere to the nursing body and other professionals, who suffer from psychological trauma, and from the flow of patients significantly, the doctors said..

The doctors, with the entry of the Kofid-19, and its third balance in its balance, are 800,000 people who died in the United States alone, to harm the health industry over the following years..

"You feel as if you are drinking a fire hose and you have no ability to control this flow," Dr. John Heck, an emergency doctor at Henibin Healthcare Clinics in Minnesota, told reporters on Tuesday..

Heck added: "I have been working in the emergency department for 25 years, and yet every shift, during which I work these days, is like the worst shift I have witnessed in my career.".

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For her part, Dr. Jesse Gold, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Washington in Saint -Louis, said that many patients are hostile, which makes matters worse..

It has become so bad that the hospital heads in Minnesota published an advertisement on a full page in a newspaper this week, which included the following, "We are broken and exhausted, our emergency departments are full, and we have a patient on every bed in our hospitals.".

Dr. Rahul Koran, President of the Minnesota Hospital Association and its CEO, pointed out that the pandemic coincided with the reality in which hospitals and public health departments were weak in the first place..

"We were suffering from a shortage of thousands of health care workers before the first case of Kovid-19 injury appeared, and health care workers are now exhausted, they are retired and provided their resignations.".

He continued: "They are heading to other industries.And that reality limits our ability to care, so we inform our society at this stage, if you experience a car accident or have a heart attack, our ability to care is limited, it is really a crisis. ".

Crisis of sponsorship

The CNN analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed that one in five patients in intensive care units across the country receives treatment from Cofide-19.

About 67,000 patients in hospitals are suffering from Kofid-19, and the data of the US Department of Health and Humanitarian Services appear to increase the hospital by 42% during the past month..

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Koran pointed out that the beds are full, as well as the emergency departments, and the halls of the hospital receive patients, some of whom need breathing devices, and at this stage, the ability of its sponsorship has reached its maximum..

He added: "We want our societies to know how tragic the situation we are now.".

Heck said: "The medical team is leaving.".

Heck spoke frankly during a press conference organized by Sciline, a scientific journalism service sponsored by the American Science Association: "We cannot get any assistance.This is the summary of the biggest problems, because we do not have employees, and the resources of employees in particular..

He added: "This really caused great fatigue...But anxiety, fatigue and constant stress, in addition to the physical fatigue to care for these patients, and adapt to the challenges of work from wearing personal protection equipment, until the only link between the patient and his family, all of this was very difficult..

Holding and non -ratification

Patients and their families are often not grateful, in other words, hostiles.

Heck pointed out that "the deficiency in the workforce is severe," adding: "I think it was very difficult for the workforce to move from being heroes, to the interrogation circle, and lack of confidence in them, to their really feeling that they are not only under the threat of weapons, but they are also exposed toTo assault by patients, sometimes ".

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Studies from South Africa indicate that the new axis is greatly evading the protection provided by vaccines, but not completely, and it ends with a few people in hospitals there.

But it is also clear that it is more proable to transmit from the Delta museum, and it already represents 3% of cases in the United States.

This indicates that hospitals will witness an increase in the number of patients, due to the huge numbers of new injuries.

The trips during the Thanksgiving holiday increased the number of injuries, which will rise more due to mixing during the coming holidays until the end of this year, and travel trips.

Heck said: "Therefore, we expect hospitals to continue to accommodate the number of their capacity during the first chapter of next year.".

A profession is struggling with shocks

Gold, who specializes in the treatment of healthcare professionals, noted that health care workers often suffer from mental health weakness compared to the public, in the United States..

She said: "Health care workers did not enjoy good mental health before Kovid-19, it is not as if Kovid-19 appeared and then we were facing these problems suddenly, we had long-term problems.".

Gold pointed out that the students of the Faculty of Medicine suffer from high depression rates.

She explained: "When we deal with the issue of fatigue, it is related to the place of work and has a relationship with emotional exhaustion and separation from the personality, which we encounter with workers in the field of health care, as we notice that they have a lack of sympathy, and that they deal with patients as things, and they have a low feeling of personal achievement."

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Heck pointed out that the doctors, nurses and other health professionals believe that the pandemic made them feel that many things have gone out of their control.

He added: "I think one of the largest contributors to the symptoms of fatigue and post -trauma disorder is the deficit.I think this is what many of our service providers suffer from now.As Jesse mentioned, there is no way to fix that now.I mean, everyone should contribute to that..

Gold does not think that the problems may end soon, pointing out that "it is not as if Coveet-19 will stop and suddenly we will be better.".

She continued: "I think we will witness a greater increase in the results of the mental health of all the population, but in particular for health care workers, and the studies we conducted on comparisons with other epidemics indicating that we will witness this for at least two years.".