Increased looting crimes characterized by violence .. Al -Jazeera Net get exclusive statistics of criminal activity in the Sudanese capital

  • Time:Nov 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The looting crimes characterized by deadly violence were registered in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, recently, which constituted an obsession with the population and a security and political challenge to the transitional government..

Al -Jazeera Net obtained security reports containing statistics and analyzes of crime rates in the state of Khartoum, which includes the federal capital and is inhabited by about a quarter of the country's population.

A report by Khartoum State Police compared the crime rates in the first third of the current year and the same period last year, to prove a decrease in the commission of crimes..

However, the report complained of a shortage of police in the movement's means, and the failure of the police stations to cover all parts.

However, what is remarkable in reports of the General Intelligence Service is that, along with statistics, he contained daring analyzes and recommendations for decision makers in the transitional government in Khartoum..

The governor of Khartoum State, Ayman Khaled Nimr, believes in an interview with Al -Jazeera Net that there is an inception of crimes to exploit the security item politically and raise panic..

The crimes of looting characterized by deadly violence raises public opinion on social media, and is a security and political challenge taken as an indication of the weakness or cohesion of the transitional government.

Women's gangs

The confidential reports of the agency in the analysis it provided to the state government reported that the gangs in the state of Khartoum have increased, as they have closed areas, and expected coordination between them to work as major groups in criminal activity and exchange of information.

The security analysis confirmed the presence of large numbers of regular forces and the armed movements - signed on the peace agreement with the government - that makes the police task to confront the crime, as well as the emergence of women formations within the gangs, which may lead to a major social change in society..

The analysis indicated that the deterioration of the economy and the high cost exacerbated the emergence of criminal groups, as well as the transfer of the chaos that the states witnessed to the capital, and the spread of random housing on the outskirts of Khartoum as an incubator for security chaos..

The reports of the agency recommended the limitation of the armed movements inside Khartoum, the determination of a clear timetable for the integration and demobilization operations, the removal of these forces outside the residential areas, and the prevention of the regular forces from driving cars without plates and their confiscation.

It also recommended dealing firmly with the two champions, intensifying patrols within the neighborhoods that include large numbers of "Al -Naqs" gangs, criminalizing the load of white weapons, and limiting the carrying of firearms to the regular forces..

Looting of motorcycles

According to the Khartoum Police report, the state during the first third of this year witnessed 175 murders, 22 thousand and 381 theft, 823 looting cases, 147 cases of rape of children, 58 coin counterfeiting cases, and 1883 drug crimes.

The report gave a comparison between the report period for this year and the same period of the previous year in the looting and kidnapping crimes, which are known locally as "9 long" after the increased looting of motorcycles..

تزايد جرائم النهب المتسم بالعنف.. الجزيرة نت تحصل على إحصاءات حصرية للنشاط الإجرامي بالعاصمة السودانية

He explained that the first third of this year recorded 823 looting cases compared to 1570 cases in the first third of the year 2020, with a decrease of 46.s%.

وطبقا للتقرير وقعت 196 سرقة سيارة هذا العام، استرد منها 116 سيارة بنسبة 5s%، ومقارنة بأشهر هذا العام وقعت 106 سرقات لسيارات في يناير/كانون الثاني وفبراير/شباط الماضيين مقارنة بـ90 سرقة سيارات في مارس/آذار وأبريل/نيسان السابقين.

The intelligence agency analysis indicates that most of the car thefts are motivated by criminal motives to use the stolen vehicle to carry out other crimes.

Political exploitation

The governor of Khartoum, Ayman Nimr, confirms that the police statistics already clearly indicate a decrease in the crime compared to the same period last year, but there are attempts to inflate the crimes and spread rumors to exploit the matter politically and broadcast the lack of reassurance among the citizens.

The governor acknowledges that the Khartoum police suffer from a severe shortage of workforce. Every 700 citizens are corresponding to one policeman, in addition to the great deficiency in the movements and the number of departments compared to the state’s area and its population..

And he confirms that his government is working with the police leadership to bridge the shortage of logistical liabilities from mobile..) Rehabilitation of departments, police centers, and insurance points in the neighborhoods, because the security of the citizen is based on all other plans.

It indicates the importance of restructuring the police forces after it was presented by the Omar al -Bashir regime for displacement, sabotage and politicization, by consolidating a new doctrine that contributes to building a civil law and the police in its role in preserving the security and safety of the citizen.


General Intelligence reports counted about 70 "Security" areas in the three regions.

The "security" areas are areas vulnerable to crime by virtue of their location and future crimes from nearby crime sources.

According to the Khartoum Police report, it was possible to control the sites exporting crime in peripheral neighborhoods, and to intensify procedures for prohibitions in the receiving areas through separate security belts..

The report identified the causes of looting crimes in non -codified motorcycles and the spread of white weapons, which prompted the police to organize confiscation campaigns, and take into account the increase in police spread in times of the return of employees and university students.

The intelligence report demonstrated that the white weapon is the control in the commission of murders, and for example, premeditated murders recorded 38 cases last March, including 30 cases of murder with a sharp machine.

Logistics problems

The police report reflected logistical difficulties facing its elements in the state of Khartoum, which is inhabited by between 8 and 10 million..

He recommended an increase and modernization of the "patrols and angent" police fleet, and the provision of new motorcycles to work in the streets and prevent looting and kidnapping crimes.

He stated that the number of criminal departments is 101 departments in the localities of Khartoum State, but the need requires more to cover the specialty circuit, and to request the establishment of 7 sections as a first stage in the peripheral sites, the rehabilitation of 19 police departments, and the construction of 4 departments to protect the family and the child.

The report also recommended the provision of 101 new accident cars in the police stations, and stated that work is underway with the state government, the police presidency and the neighborhood services committees to maintain 363 insurance sites out of a total of 509 sites, of which only 140 sites work.

It indicates that the rescue sector operates with less than half its strength with 64 cars out of 148 vehicles, with only 43% operating, and therefore it needs 100 new cars to achieve the effective police spread..

He adds that the "Al -Sawari Sector" (guards who ride horse) needs to be good with good horses, preparation of stables, and providing veterinary care.

Regarding communications, it is recommended to provide 150 short -term devices, 300 short -term devices, as well as handcraft, 32 long -term devices, and 30 like it is moving..

According to the expansion of the geographical state, the police requested that 817 surveillance cameras and the required solar energy devices, and to provide the costs of subscribing to the police stations.