Urgent warning from a smart watch after withdrawing 1.7 million pieces of it .. “It will fall into your hands”

  • Time:May 06
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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The “Fit bit” company faced a commercial crisis in its modern products, after it was forced to withdraw 1.7 million smart watches from the market, after users complained that they had suffered burns due to the overheating of the lithium-ion battery, and the smart watches were recalled, after the company received 174 reports, about a rise in Its battery temperature, including cases of burning of 118 people, according to the British newspaper, "Mirror".

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1.7 million smartwatches pulled from the market

The Google-owned company has issued a recall of nearly two million ionic smartwatches over fears of a manufacturing error, after reports of battery overheating and some users burning, after it previously sold about one million of the same model in the United States. and nearly 700,000 worldwide.

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And it is likely that there will be thousands of smart watches of the same model, which some people wear in their hands, which poses a danger to them, as the US Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall, warning that the lithium-ion battery in the watch could overheat, This causes a burning risk.

Injuries caused by a smart watch

Two people suffered third-degree burns, while 4 others reported less severe second-degree burns, while the company explained, that customers should contact them, to return the device and refund, saying that it will provide any consumers who return their watches with a code to get a discount on some new devices. .

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The company confirmed that it has completely stopped selling this model of smartwatches, which features tracking of the wearer's activity, heart rate and sleep, as well as sellers who have been authorized by them, but it does not control third-party sellers that are not affiliated with it.