Unidentified people kidnap the student Shaima and take off her inner members

  • Time:Sep 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Human tragedy by all standards, and a heinous crime against the right to innocence that was carried out with all the brutality in the way of films against the child Shaima Yousfi, who has eight years old..Shaima packaged her luggage to spend the holiday at relatives in the south after obtaining a good rate in the school, but the destiny wanted to find a distorted body, cracked her stomach, completely stripped of members and dumped between the graves, in Muallama in the capital.Thus, a criminal gang wanted to feel the feelings of mercy to be the fate of innocence in Algeria.

The hour was referring to eight in the morning when the body of Shaima Yosfi was found lying between the graves by visitors.The news of the finding of the distorted corpse, such as wildfire, spread, and the residents of the area soon flocked to the place..

"Al -Shorouk" was in the crime theater when the victim was transferred to the corpses department at Zeralda Hospital, to dissect it and determine the main causes of the heinous crime that raised the questions of many residents.

The clock was referring to the range of nine o'clock at night when I heard “Shaima” knocked on the door of the house in the Maalimah area west of the capital ... I rushed to open it, but she went out without returning ... This is how the victim's mother began to tell the details of the tragedy, and she was under the shock that she came down to and on the residents of the region like a thunderbolt,Preventing her from crying and expressing her grief to separate her eldest daughter.

مجهولون يختطفون التلميذة شيماء وينزعون أعضاءها الداخلية

Umm Shaima added, "We and I were my daughter sitting in front of the TV, where Shaima was watching a cartoon film, and in a moment I was busy cleaning my younger son, the door was knocked, so I thought that he was a person envisioned by her father who sells tea."The neighborhood to bring the tea that he brought to sell the father to sell it.I asked her to open the door, but I did not hear her voice after that, so I got to search for her, but I only heard her screaming, asking her kidnapper to release her, to shout in the league of help from the neighbors, but the perpetrator soon disappeared, I had a liver pleasure with him..

Shaima is the eight -year -old of the pupils, as she obtained an average of 9 out of 10 in the first chapter exam in the third grade of primary school, according to what the people of the neighborhood confirmed, as she is a very child Najiba, intelligent and light shadow.

The shock was stronger for her father, who seemed desperate and his tongue was unable to express the way in which his daughter was kidnapped and tortured, saying, “They took me the light of my eye, for me it was the light that illuminates my house, sometimes accompanying me in selling tea and relieves me of my day's fatigue.I call on the authorities to achieve justice and shed the maximum penalties for criminals..

We are at the crime scene, we met a group of young people who were among the eyewitnesses, assured us that Shaima was found empty of the abdomen from its members, while rumors have spread that the chance before her stomach was brutally raped by these criminals like the previous cases.That was recorded in the same way, and in the same place, some of them confirmed, "The area is lacking for security, we have seen my attempt to kidnap two university girls by a gang consisting of 3 individuals inside a black" Bicanto "car in a black color".

And to the purpose of writing these lines, the Yousfi family is still daring to the separation of the child, Shaima, amid conflicting rumors about the fact that she kills, all guardians of being cautious and cautious against repeating the scenario with their children.

The body was thrown next to this grave