UAE.. 4 people from a Chinese family were infected with the new Corona virus

  • Time:Nov 15
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- The UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection in the United Arab Emirates announced that there are 4 people from a Chinese family who have been infected with the new Corona virus, according to the Emirates News Agency, "WAM".

UAE.. 4 members of a family injured Chinese with the new Corona virus</p><p>The UAE Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced on Wednesday morning the diagnosis of the first case of infection with the new Corona virus, for people from one family coming from Wuhan, China.</p><p>The ministry added that all the injured are in a stable condition, as they were contained by following the most necessary precautionary measures adopted globally when dealing with infected cases.</p><p>The Ministry confirmed that it had taken the necessary and necessary precautionary measures with the health authorities and concerned authorities in the country, in accordance with scientific recommendations, conditions and standards approved by the World Health Organization, and made it clear that the general health situation is not a cause for concern.</p><p>The Ministry of Health and Community Protection indicated that the epidemiological investigation centers in the country work around the clock to early report any cases of the virus, stressing that the health system is working with high efficiency, and that the Ministry is closely following the situation to ensure the health and safety of everyone.</p></div>
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