Through cameras .. Google offers the feature of monitoring the heart rate of pixel phones

  • Time:Sep 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Google adds the feature of monitoring the heart rate and respiratory system to the FIT application via Pixel phones this month, and plans to add it to other Android phones in the future.

Both features depend on the smartphone camera that measures the breathing rate by monitoring the ups and drops of the user, and the heart rate by tracking color change while moving the blood across the fingertips.

The company said, "The features aim to allow users to track their health in general only, and cannot evaluate or diagnose medical conditions," the company said..

To measure the breathing rate (the number of breaths that a person breathes per minute) using the application, users direct the front camera to the head and chest, and to measure the heart rate they put their finger on the back camera.

وقال مدير المنتج في غوغل هيلث (Google Health) جاك بو في إيجاز صحفي "إن الطبيب يحسب معدل التنفس لدى المريض من خلال مشاهدة صدره يرتفع وينخفض​​، وتحاكي ميزة غوغل هذا الإجراء عبر تقنية التعلم الآلي".

عن طريق الكاميرات.. غوغل تطرح ميزة مراقبة معدل نبضات القلب بهواتف بكسل

Google's heart rate monitoring the feature of Samsung in a number of old models of Galaxy smartphones, including Galaxy S10, but removed the feature in the S10e phones (S10E), S20 (S20) and phonesthe most recent.

The heart rate data from Google application will be less comprehensive than the types of readings that a person can get from a device that can be worn, which can constantly monitor the heart rate while a person lives his daily life.

"The advantage that can verify these standards upon request is still a useful tool, and anything that increases the number of measurements that a person possesses for his heart or an important breathing rate," Bo said..

Google chose to integrate these functions into the smartphone to make them within reach.

And internal studies on pixel phones showed that the breathing rate feature was accurate during one breath per minute for each of the people who suffer from or not suffering from health conditions, and the advantage of the heart rate was accurate in the range of 2%..

The team is studying how much features of the features of other phones before being available outside Pixel, and the features are currently described as tools that can be used to follow public health..

Google does not claim that she can perform a medical job, which is why she does not need a permission from the FDA to add it to the application.